Some SoCal warmth and love


david, what sorta helmet is that? it looks like a modular and a full-faced helmet had a baby and got the best of both of them in one helmet.

when i first started riding i wanted a modular helmet but couldn't really find one that fit. and then as i read about them i just wasn't sure about trusting my chin's safety with the latches on them. but that one looks like it gives the flexibility of being able to talk to people at gas stops but still have something solid for your chin. i'm sure it's expensive, but i'd love to see if i could find one to fit my head.
david, what sorta helmet is that? it looks like a modular and a full-faced helmet had a baby and got the best of both of them in one helmet.

when i first started riding i wanted a modular helmet but couldn't really find one that fit. and then as i read about them i just wasn't sure about trusting my chin's safety with the latches on them. but that one looks like it gives the flexibility of being able to talk to people at gas stops but still have something solid for your chin. i'm sure it's expensive, but i'd love to see if i could find one to fit my head.

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X30 Viper
Thats it guys.......... I'm moving back to san diego so I can put my new zx6r to use.

I really need to stop looking at these threads...............

Got to ride John's ZX6R for a few minutes yesterday and although I was totally new to it's ergos and handling I was so impressed with it's performance. I quickly became aware of how little work was needed to put it where you wanted it to go. And the brakes! I was shocked with the way this motor pulled even down at 4k. When I rolled on the throttle at 4K I sort of just tilted my head like the old RCA Victor Dog hearing his masters voice, wondering where they were getting the horses from. I didn't really have enough time to really ride it hard as I was more studying it. John was Gone Daddy! Gone!! on my bike until we came up on a low slider where Dave was already helping out. Lucky the damage was mostly the bike. Dave got to witness it as he was barrel a$$ing down the mountain ahead of John and I.
Nice pics from Clemson! Thanks Cliff!

BTW Cliff, I actually did not film the first climb up... so the movie above with you and John in front of me is our first time going down, and the movie of me filming you and our 2nd time going up, knowing that there were cops everywhere lol... the advantage is that we knew where they were (kind of :D).

Unfortunately, I didn't have enough battery for Montezuma...

Anyway, I had a great time and only wished it lasted longer... I logged 360miles of joy yesterday!!!
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david, what sorta helmet is that? it looks like a modular and a full-faced helmet had a baby and got the best of both of them in one helmet.

when i first started riding i wanted a modular helmet but couldn't really find one that fit. and then as i read about them i just wasn't sure about trusting my chin's safety with the latches on them. but that one looks like it gives the flexibility of being able to talk to people at gas stops but still have something solid for your chin. i'm sure it's expensive, but i'd love to see if i could find one to fit my head.

It feels similar to a Shoe RF1000 on my head... same with noise (not great insulation), and weight: it's comparable to the Shoei... the modular and sun visor are awesome features that work well. Not advised for cold weather though... :thumbup:
Dave got to witness it as he was barrel a$$ing down the mountain ahead of John and I.

Gixxer kid in blue jeans.......... he could have died right in front of my eyes and was very lucky to slide along the little wall on the outside of the turn as opposed to "splash" himself into it (like I thought he would do)... his beautiful black pimped out gixxer 6 was pretty mangled... we had to lift it off the road :spank:
I know this isnt the time or place to make the following comment.. but it needs to be said....

The more i see your Buell the more i hate it!! it looks horrible and would'nt p!$$ on it if it was on fire!!!

JOKING buddy :Flip: ..Oh if only i was 5'7" instead of 6'7"..that bike oozes awsomness, i might just buy one to display in a glass cabinet.

love the vid ,love the pics.. it looks like you had a great day out :thumbup::thumbup:
I know this isnt the time or place to make the following comment.. but it needs to be said....

The more i see your Buell the more i hate it!! it looks horrible and would'nt p!$$ on it if it was on fire!!!

JOKING buddy :Flip: ..Oh if only i was 5'7" instead of 6'7"..that bike oozes awsomness, i might just buy one to display in a glass cabinet.

love the vid ,love the pics.. it looks like you had a great day out :thumbup::thumbup:

6'7! Yeah forget about the XB12... even for the S you'll feel like a giant on a toy bike....

It's a blast to throw around for sure :rockon:
Buell used to have demo bikes at our big annual bike show in Birmingham UK,i always wanted to test the Adventure model ,but always forget my licence
Yeah with your size you'd need a Ulysse...

Ahh back to work today... if only it could be Saturday again! :D
Dave and John were riding fast on montezuma? Get out of here...I don't believe it for a minute. :D

When you were down here with the Mazda in December there was a lot of traffic on Montezuma for some reason so we could not really enjoy it but Sat. was much better... few cars here and there, but mostly empty... that road is really AWESOME! It has a little bit of everything: open sweepers, tight stuff, one or 2 double apexes... sooooo much fun!

After going down the hill the first time we took a break at the bottom until we saw 3 guys go by us... there was an R1 leading, followed by another supersport (not sure what it was anymore) and finally a dude on a homemade naked Honda... so we jump on the bikes and go... I am not sure where Cliff was at this time (focused on what was in front of me lol), but John (in front of me) and I passed the Honda in no time... then came the 2nd dude... he saw us on his ass so he let us by, and finally the R1... the guy was actually riding pretty well, but we managed to pass him near the top on the outside of a double lane open sweeper... the guy was surprised to see ppl pass him on the outside there :BLAA:
When you were down here with the Mazda in December there was a lot of traffic on Montezuma for some reason so we could not really enjoy it but Sat. was much better... few cars here and there, but mostly empty... that road is really AWESOME! It has a little bit of everything: open sweepers, tight stuff, one or 2 double apexes... sooooo much fun!

After going down the hill the first time we took a break at the bottom until we saw 3 guys go by us... there was an R1 leading, followed by another supersport (not sure what it was anymore) and finally a dude on a homemade naked Honda... so we jump on the bikes and go... I am not sure where Cliff was at this time (focused on what was in front of me lol), but John (in front of me) and I passed the Honda in no time... then came the 2nd dude... he saw us on his ass so he let us by, and finally the R1... the guy was actually riding pretty well, but we managed to pass him near the top on the outside of a double lane open sweeper... the guy was surprised to see ppl pass him on the outside there :BLAA:

I got stuck in a blind turn and had to wait to pass. You guys were so fast by the time I caught up I was seeing the R1 get passed and was climbing on those bikes until I saw you guys stopped. That road is absolutely one of the best! Parts of the riding I would here these Hammers of Thor in my helmet and it was David pulling up on me. That thing is a torque monster! Rode that ZX6R. Wow!! David and John are effin fast! Haha :rockon:
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What a great ride guys, thanks for sharing the photos and the video. Cliff you looked great! John how about a ride report on the new bike now that you've got some miles on it?

We are still freezing here in Texas. February is hit and miss, this year it's cold. We were in Houston yesterday and at about 1:00 it was a beautiful 72 degrees, sunny and no wind. By the time we got back to Austin, about 5:00, it was 41 degrees, wind blasting from the north. The low last night was 32! Ugh. What a winter...and I can't imagine what the folks back East are going through.

Great posts for us snowbound folks. :)

I was going to post something snarky about the blue and black bikes, but somebody beat me to it.

Then I was going to go snarky about how many times did Wavex wipe out, but he didn't and I'm quite happy about that. :)

Thanks for the writeup and pictures guys!