almost rear ended my friend. caught on tape.


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Mar 28, 2009
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Toronto, Canada
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so we were going about 120kph on the hwy. suddenly all the cars in front slammed on the brakes. so this is what happened. taken by gopro wide. video looks crap cuz it's really dark so i had to enhance brightness in imovie. can't wait to get gopro hd when it releases.

[ame=]YouTube - Close one!!![/ame]
did that guy slam on his brakes? i hate it when people do that. people see something 10 miles down the road and start slamming on their brakes or just pressing them down even tho they have tons of open real estate in front of them.

good reflexes from all tho.
Holy WOW, the guy on the left that split the lane made my hair stand up!
Glad you all made it out, thanks for sharing.
did that guy slam on his brakes? i hate it when people do that. people see something 10 miles down the road and start slamming on their brakes or just pressing them down even tho they have tons of open real estate in front of them.

+ on that! State of California even has a campaign to try to get motorists to STOP excessive brake use. Many times, all one needs to do is slightly decelerate. Instead---we've all seen it---some accelerate, then apply the brakes, over and forever, while all is needed is throttle/accelerator management. CA is trying to change this, probably partly due also to the environmental impact of excessive brake/shoe pad dust particles.
Wow, glad it played out ok. Thank god that other rider on the left didn't slam into someone too.

Just one of those times where you think the a$$hole deserves it from riding like an idiot. Dont know what the circumstances were totally but it looked to me like he lane split while driving too fast and there was an suv driving way too slow in the right lane. Bad combination for sure.
WOW...that looks scary dude. It was for sure a close one. Were you guys getting off the exit soon or what? In the right lane like at night is very dangerous. Am glad you reacted quickly enough and everything turned out ok.
Safe riding.
this is one of my nightmares - a car slamming the brakes in front of me at highway speeds!
Because of this, I always try to leave extra space in front of me, but this seems to upset the driver behind me who will start tailgating to show his disagreement regarding my cushion space.
Then I will leave even more space in front of me, and eventually the tailgater will pass or go f**k himself.