
How does it work? Scientists do not fully understand the exact catalytic mechanism that takes place (this is not as surprising as it may seem as there are many catalytic processes that are not fully understood). Accepting however that such a mechanism does take place and quoting from a scientific source the most likely effect of Broquet is as follows:- "Basically, the product of the reaction (as a catalyst for chemical reactions) is a molecular species which has more favourable combustion characteristics than its precursors. The molecular structure has probably been altered in such a way as to permit the sequential oxidative reaction steps, which comprise combustion reactions, to proceed in a more smooth and rapid manner. This, in turn leads to more complete oxidation of the fuel. Hence, better mpg values, and lower emissions in exhaust gases. The fact that the chemical oxidation process has been made more smooth and complete means the chemical potential energy available in the fuel is better utilised. If the combustion (or "explosion"; as the process is a very rapid one) occurs more smoothly/evenly, the efficiency of the energy transfer to the piston will be increased. This will lead to smoother engine running. Another result will be cooler running of the engine, because less energy is wasted as heat due to inefficient energy transfer within the system."

If you send me 100$ I will send you a magic troll that will make your tires last longer and be stickier. PM me for paypal address. Limited time offer. Act now and I will include helmet lube that lets your helmet slide thru the air like a knife thru butter. Its and extra 20$ for shipping though.
the chemical oxidation process has been made 'more smooth'
that has got to be worth something...

There are so many false claims and buckets of cow manuer it that paragraph that those guys should be arested for mail fraud. (or what ever they use as mail fraud on the 'net these days.)
Act now and I will include helmet lube that lets your helmet slide thru the air like a knife thru butter. Its and extra 20$ for shipping though.

:) Love it...I'm gonna have to ask the next girl who takes a ride w/me if she'd like some lube for her helmet :) Hehe

Oh, dear.
hm, if its fuel consumption you worry about, you should have not ride a 600cc bike. a 200cc scooter gets better way better fuel consmption.

Anyway such stuffs are unnecessary for bikes. Its tested and proven that stock fazer gets 18-25km/h. It all boils down to the right hand wrist management. If you manage to control it, you will achieve better miles.

I've used similar item (cause i was younger and noob) on my previous bikes and frankly it does not work. If this item really works, yamaha would have bought this item and make it mandatory to be factory fitted in our bikes. And as a consumer, you may also wanna consider any adverse effect on fitting this item into the tank.

This item is made of tin. And everybody knows that tin may rust given over a period of time. And are you 95% confidence of the probabilty that this item won't have any effect on your tank.
Act now and I will include helmet lube that lets your helmet slide thru the air like a knife thru butter.

Glad you cleared that up, I thought the helmet lube was for the inside of the helmet. I shaved my head recently, and it's a little harder to slide the helmet on, I was hoping the lube would help :(
Actually, if you read about that Fuel Cat, they talk about Broquet:
Will it help motorbikes?
We have many written testimonials from motorbike owners who have been using Fuel Cat since 1991. The Royal Signals White Helmets display team use a Fuel Cat on all their specially built motorbikes.
Another weasel answer. They can't say "Yes" because it is provably untrue and they can't say "No" so they fudge it. I'd like to see Jeremy Paxman get this lot on his show. Testimonials are no substitute for double-blind trials, whether they come from the Royal Signals or from Joe Bloggs - and indeed there is precedent for the British military being ripped off with a similar scam, in the middle of ****ing WW2 of all times, in the shape of the Broquet fuel catalyst (essentially the same thing by a different name, tested by Practical Classics in their January 1990 issue (IIRC) and found to be a load of ****e; unfortunately the article seems to be too old to appear on their website). It's also worth noting that aluminium heads with hardened valve seats have been standard practice on motorbikes for a lot longer than they have on cars; and many motorbikes are two-strokes, and don't have valves.
If you send me 100$ I will send you a magic troll that will make your tires last longer and be stickier.

I hope it's not this one:


it turned out to be a tyre eater, not a tyre saver and certainly not worth $100. However he's also a politician which could explain it.
I hope it's not this one:


it turned out to be a tyre eater, not a tyre saver and certainly not worth $100. However he's also a politician which could explain it.

No Refunds!!!!!
