Interesting and scary


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Nov 23, 2007
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Rhodes, Greece
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A friend of mine emailed this link to me today. I saw the video and it scared the sh.. out of me. Thought you might find it interesting...

[ame=""]YouTube - Ghosts, Spirits, and Demons!![/ame]
I didn't watch the whole thing cause that's f-kin scary. (if it's real)
That was very interesting, I love stuff like that. Just remember its only the living that hurt you.
That was well filmed and they did a good job of setting a scary mood. But of course, it's not real. Viewing it as special effects, they're pretty good, if low budget. They have one CGI effect, the spooky smoke. They add in shaky, out of focus camerawork to make it seem authentic (unviewable).

I saw a couple of special effects slipups, both related to the camera that is disturbed by the 'demon'. The first night, the camera is knocked to the floor, but as it hits the floor, it stops cold. It doesn't bounce at all. Which makes sense when you realize that the cameraman was still holding on to the camera. He didn't want to break it!

The second night the camera is filming itself in a mirror (supposedly). When the camera pans left and then back to the right, the mirror image camera doesn't move. Because, of course, it's not a mirror but an opening with a second camera behind it.

I bet their film school professor gave them an A-

The second night the camera is filming itself in a mirror (supposedly). When the camera pans left and then back to the right, the mirror image camera doesn't move. Because, of course, it's not a mirror but an opening with a second camera behind it.
Nice catch, Mr. Fred! :thumbup:
who you gonna call?

Thank goodness I have my buddies to call on in case of this problem.
I especially liked the flying underwear at around 8 minutes or so into the clip... are all unnatural beings perverts?