Drilling out the baffles ... Guide

thanks jack ass, i just didn't want to stick a drill bit into the end of the muffler aiming for nothing
That's exactly what it is / what you do. You can't miss the baffels.

Ok, I did 2 minutes of SEARCHING using "Drilling" as the search for Thread Titles and found these.





Taken from post: http://www.600riders.com/forum/australia/606-ha-chillin-my-mates-5.html

Oh and you're welcome. Just an FYI, I suggest as the new kid on the block around here that you hold your tongue before you call a longstanding member who also happens to be a Moderator a jackass. Next time spend a few minutes actaully searching around this forum instead of complaining that no one elese is helping you.
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Oh and you're welcome. Just an FYI, I suggest as the new kid on the block around here that you hold your tongue before you call a longstanding member who also happens to be a Moderator a jackass. Next time spend a few minutes actaully searching around this forum instead of complaining that no one elese is helping you.

I would say cut him some slack, newbies don't usually know all about searching...but the jacka$$ comment definitely required response. :spank:
I too would like to do this. however I must say it make me nervous not knowning what I'm doing or looking for. Pictures help:thumbup:

Does this mod void your warranty?
I would say cut him some slack, newbies don't usually know all about searching...but the jacka$$ comment definitely required response. :spank:

Normally I do and that's why I helped him out even AFTER he acted like a tool. Even new members are not exempt from putting in a little effort to help themselves.

...don't make me post up the 'spoon fed' picture again... :eek:
Figured I'd add this. Its really a nice CHEAP improvement.

Its your choice removing them before drilling.
As I understand physics the exhaust blows out, unless someone blows compressed air into it it'll be fine.

Never drink and drill!
