First Annual FZ6RC The Ridge @ Deals Gap



We are confirmed, paid, and reserved at the Ridge Treetops and The Ridge Vacation Rental, Graham County NC 828-479-8400

From Friday May 30th 4pm eastern time thru Monday June 2cnd 10am eastern time.

Linking the other thread to this one.

We have recieved payment from

We are all assured a nice comfy bed to sleep in. LOL
There are also 4-5 recliners in the huge garage to sleep in as well.

I talked to Ron and Nancy today, they also put us down on the list that if the people that have the Treetops reserved backout we are first inline to rent it that weekend. The odds are very slim but it could happen.

Anyway, its a done deal, if you need to put in for vacation now is the time.



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I was hoping you would go Nate. That would be cool, if you could make it.
Man I love the Miata. Zoom Zoom.
I am also a insanely huge fan of the RX-7 and RX-8
Please that would be great. It will be very cool to meet everybody. I am looking forward to it already.
Ok with Opds9091 paid up that leaves us with one bed left, one couch left, and three or four recliners and a pool table. Obviously the next person to pay early gets the last bed. After that your choice of couch or recliner.
i might ride down for a day or two, but ill be camping somewhere cause im cheap like that.
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$100 for a warm bed, and hot food, DSL internet, free long distance, hot showers, clean towels and sheets, a hot tub, and a garage for the bike. Pool table, game room, and a crazy guy that will ride up on a four wheeler with a dog riding to check and make sure you happy. He also has his FZ1 set up with video cameras front and rear on posts to get the best view. Plus a discount on tail of the dragon gear.

See now it seems like the bargin of the year. You could be the last person to prepay and get a bed. LOL
great! can i donante my credits to you now or what?

...ohhh you mean real money , yeah i cant even buy decent tires every 6 months...:banghead:
Deals Gap

I will be there with the 2-stroke crowd May 20 - 24. Too bad we won't all be there at the same time. You really should stay at the Crossroads of Time right on the Dragon. It attracts the most rabid of enthusiasts. Hope the cops have laid back, they were awful last year.
I will be there with the 2-stroke crowd May 20 - 24. Too bad we won't all be there at the same time. You really should stay at the Crossroads of Time right on the Dragon. It attracts the most rabid of enthusiasts. Hope the cops have laid back, they were awful last year.

LOL those guys are nuts. It is so noisy there I couldnt think. Imagine 100 open pipe harley guys, and 100 nutters on superbikes up wheelie hell on one wheel. They do have a good bbq sandwich though.

The tailofthedragon group has a whole lot better T-shirts than crossroads in my opinon. Also you get a hot tub, food, computer, long distance, privacy, quiet, and a huge garage with a game room inside. $100 or less for the whole weekend is cheaper as well.