First Annual FZ6RC The Ridge @ Deals Gap

Oh and where can/should we buy beer on the way in? Graham is a dry country, right?

I want to go to a bar and meet some of these people...since we'll be in the right place for it



Video didn't work for me, but I'm sure I can pick a 6 pack of Coors Light up somewhere!:) If you're looking for more than that my Givi will hold about 2 cases of beer, and allow me to ride the rear wheel at will!:)
Ok so it looks like we need to contact Jim Karam? and update our meet times.

10 and 12 and 2 wont work so good.

I was thinking 12 and 4 pm?
Nate, Angela, Anthony, and I can ride till lunch. Meet Mike, Jim and anyone else able at the CROT at noon, and work out a plan to end up there at 4 pm as well if people need us to, or end up somewhere else if thats better.

Its seems the 10 meeting time is to early.
Steve... noon works well....but if not it is no biggie.... I just routed this loop and it is about 160 miles of very pretty roads .... I can do solo if need be ...

""the dragon ....catch the Foothills Parkway to Townsend TN ....then up HWY 73 and up and over the Smokies to Cherokee ... then to Bryson City and up 28 to the Robinsville cut off and then find the cabin by dinner""

keep me posted on what works for everyone....without cutting into your riding/routing for Friday

I will keep reading this thread till Wed Night
OK, I too will be in Thursday night, so noon is fine for the CROT, but where and when are you folks starting out Friday morning? Do you want to meet me (and TourGuide and whomever) somewhere in Robbinsville, like at McDonalds, or do you want all of us to try to find your cabin? If the latter, what time do you anticipate KSU (kick-stands-up)?
Jim I sure dont know. You pick a time and a place, I would like to ride the dragon several times friday, I dont know if anyone else would think that is fun. Alot of people like loops and I do to, but this time I am really looking foward to some back to back dragon runs to learn the road better.
OK, since no one wants to make a decision, let me try. We'll all get to the Ridge by 9:00AM. (That leaves the rest of us time to meet TourGuide and whomever else at his suggested McDonalds in Robbinsville at 8:30AM and still get to the Ridge by 9:00. However, this will mean that for once in our lives that we all show up on time... instead of just me. [Old men can get cantankerous if you haven't noticed.]) You'll need to talk to your cabin mates regarding their preferences, but I personally prefer the Skyway over the Dragon. However, if you want to run the Dragon back-to-back, then early morning Friday will likely be best, since the Dragon gets very busy later in the day. On the other hand, Killboy is known to be a late sleeper, so you won't get as many photos in the early AM. Weekend crowds are much larger, both riders and cops.
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Hey Jim Check your PMs. Sounds good but I want your number and to give mine. I am all for a Skyway loop on Friday, I can ride the dragon in peace on monday all day. I might not load the bike untill late monday.
Everyone is more than welcome Thursday night. I will save some dinner for you.

What I've done so far to get ready:

route planning
new Pilot Road 2s (lol, we keep michelin in biz)
fresh oil and filter
new plugs
cleaned and lubed chain
checked all bolts, fasteners, fluids, etc.
put about 400 miles on this weekend. Really like the PR2's :D

things I still need to do:

Packing - meh
Wash bike - don't want my bike spoiling the pictures! ;)

It's looking like I may get on the road early enough Thursday to do the entire trip. If all goes well, I should arrive at the Ridge between 6-7 pm. I hope this is alright since I didn't originally comit to being there Thursday night. I will, of course, be willing to cover additional $ for the extra night.

My preference is going to be scenic loops. Of course I'll ride the Dragon a couple times, but I don't see myself doing back-to-back runs. I guess it really depends on traffic and cops. I don't need any 'performance awards!'
As of now it looks like
Thursday night
we have


Then Friday
Gosling both meeting at 12 noon eastern at CROT. Will this allow you guys time to drop off your stuff at the house, or do you want to run the route back out towards the skyway and drop off? How will that work? Any ideas?
9AM at the Ridge on Friday, nice! CROT at the Noon...

do you want to run the route back out towards the skyway and drop off? How will that work? Any ideas?

Works for me. That will give all you squids time to hit the dragon multiple times Friday morning. :D
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I'm going to try to be at the CROT well before noon. Dropping my stuff would be better for me. I'm traveling light. Tank bag, camel back and maybe a small back pack.

I'll post up just before I roll out.
it's so close. I can almost taste it. Any tips for packing and extras to bring?

Random packing tip: Use the 2.5 gallon ziplock bags. Pack them neatly and then sit on them to get the air out. Seal it up and now you've got (almost) vacuum packaging and water/smell free clothing! :)
cws6fan will be rolling in Saturday and is looking for a meet time. Am I slow today or have we not yet established a Saturday CROT time for the stragglers???