
Ghost Weim

Time to ride!!
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Oct 11, 2008
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Southwest WI
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Ok - so here is a funny and very true story - I thought it was funny any way...

Our coffee supply was running low yesterday and when it came time to make the coffee for this morning (last night) my husband says - "I think we are out." Nope I say as I reach into the pantry and pull out this awesome little can of Cafe du Monde Coffee and Chickory. "This will be just fine," I say. He gives me the hairly eyeball but goes along with it - only asking, "How old is that stuff?" He knows full well that it is fresh since I am the internet shopping queen. :D I said we should probably be frugal and use it since we had it. So...

This morning rolls around and I enjoy my cup of coffee. He takes his outside to drink with his morning cig and comes back in announcing, "We don't need to be frugal." (Guess he didn't like it.) So, like the good wife I am, I stop at the local grocery and pick up a supply of coffee on the way home from work. When he comes home he immediately asks if I picked up coffee - said this am's cup just didn't cut it. So I say, you know where chickory in coffee came from, don't you? (Being a smarty-pants and thinking I could prove my intelligence.) He says yup. Came about because of the Civil War. Coffee was in short supply, so they roasted chickory root and used it as a subsitute for coffee. And then says - in all his wisdom - which I thought was pretty cute - "That is why they lost the war. They didn't have coffee to brew a decent cup and because of that couldn't take a decent $hit in the morning. Nothing got moving for them."

I laughed so hard... I am sure some of you could agree...

Disclaimer - not meant to offend - merely entertain. ;)

And, by the way - if you are ever in New Orleans, I highly recommend stopping by Cafe du Monde for a cup of cafe au lait and some biegnets - you won't be sorry.
I love starting a day with a good cup of coffee. It's often my favorite part of the day. I've now got the recipe dialed in to perfection, and if it deviates a little bit (wrong amount of cream, too weak/strong, too much/little sugar, wrong cup that doesn't keep it warm long enough) it really bugs me. A wasted opportunity to enjoy the perfect cup!
i miss coffee....

ever since i got pregnant, i just can't drink it the way i used to. occasionally i'll have a half cup after dinner now, but no more one or two in the morning with my cereal and news like before. i miss the routine.
i love coffee but am not addicted to it like some, if i happen to skip it for a day i am fine, but i am much happier with it.

funny story too.
Ok - so here is a funny and very true story - I thought it was funny any way...

Our coffee supply was running low yesterday and when it came time to make the coffee for this morning (last night) my husband says - \\"I think we are out.\\" Nope I say as I reach into the pantry and pull out this awesome little can of Cafe du Monde Coffee and Chickory. \\"This will be just fine,\\" I say. He gives me the hairly eyeball but goes along with it - only asking, \\"How old is that stuff?\\" He knows full well that it is fresh since I am the internet shopping queen. :D I said we should probably be frugal and use it since we had it. So...

This morning rolls around and I enjoy my cup of coffee. He takes his outside to drink with his morning cig and comes back in announcing, \\"We don't need to be frugal.\\" (Guess he didn't like it.) So, like the good wife I am, I stop at the local grocery and pick up a supply of coffee on the way home from work. When he comes home he immediately asks if I picked up coffee - said this am's cup just didn't cut it. So I say, you know where chickory in coffee came from, don't you? (Being a smarty-pants and thinking I could prove my intelligence.) He says yup. Came about because of the Civil War. Coffee was in short supply, so they roasted chickory root and used it as a subsitute for coffee. And then says - in all his wisdom - which I thought was pretty cute - \\"That is why they lost the war. They didn't have coffee to brew a decent cup and because of that couldn't take a decent $hit in the morning. Nothing got moving for them.\\"

I laughed so hard... I am sure some of you could agree...

Disclaimer - not meant to offend - merely entertain. ;)

And, by the way - if you are ever in New Orleans, I highly recommend stopping by Cafe du Monde for a cup of cafe au lait and some biegnets - you won't be sorry.

Chickory is so nasty. My wife's family is from N.O. and her mother thinks that Chickory actually makes coffee better. Being the good son-in-law I simply drank my cup. When she visited last I made a very strong pot of Ruta Maya, local Austin roaster, and she went on and on about how good it was. Ruta Maya Austin - Live Music & Fresh Roasted Organic Coffee By the Cup, Buy the Pound or AVAILABLE ONLINE!

Now Cafe du Monde, I will drink that coffee/chickory and enjoy it! :D Ahhh, the biegnets, yum!
Ok - so here is a funny and very true story - I thought it was funny any way...

Our coffee supply was running low yesterday and when it came time to make the coffee for this morning (last night) my husband says - \"I think we are out.\" Nope I say as I reach into the pantry and pull out this awesome little can of Cafe du Monde Coffee and Chickory. \"This will be just fine,\" I say. He gives me the hairly eyeball but goes along with it - only asking, \"How old is that stuff?\" He knows full well that it is fresh since I am the internet shopping queen. :D I said we should probably be frugal and use it since we had it. So...

This morning rolls around and I enjoy my cup of coffee. He takes his outside to drink with his morning cig and comes back in announcing, \"We don't need to be frugal.\" (Guess he didn't like it.) So, like the good wife I am, I stop at the local grocery and pick up a supply of coffee on the way home from work. When he comes home he immediately asks if I picked up coffee - said this am's cup just didn't cut it. So I say, you know where chickory in coffee came from, don't you? (Being a smarty-pants and thinking I could prove my intelligence.) He says yup. Came about because of the Civil War. Coffee was in short supply, so they roasted chickory root and used it as a subsitute for coffee. And then says - in all his wisdom - which I thought was pretty cute - \"That is why they lost the war. They didn't have coffee to brew a decent cup and because of that couldn't take a decent $hit in the morning. Nothing got moving for them.\"

I laughed so hard... I am sure some of you could agree...

Disclaimer - not meant to offend - merely entertain. ;)

And, by the way - if you are ever in New Orleans, I highly recommend stopping by Cafe du Monde for a cup of cafe au lait and some biegnets - you won't be sorry.

This could easily be a $300 Reader's Digest winner! Excellent!!!!!
I loves me some coffee!!!

On that note I like my coffee like I like my women
Black and bitter.
I like my coffee, but I don't generally find the time to stop for one so I use Farmers Union Iced Coffee. This stuff used to be more valuable than gold when traveling interstate to where they don't have

I tried to filter my coffee beans through a cat (just a tabby, Didn't have a civet cat) but I thought it was crap.:spank::spank::spank::D PMSL...sorry....couldn't help it:ban:.

Great story, might be true????
Thanks for sending it. Love coffee in the morning, its magic you know.
Warms you up, wakes you up, and makes you go poo.
I love starting a day with a good cup of coffee. It's often my favorite part of the day. I've now got the recipe dialed in to perfection, and if it deviates a little bit (wrong amount of cream, too weak/strong, too much/little sugar, wrong cup that doesn't keep it warm long enough) it really bugs me. A wasted opportunity to enjoy the perfect cup!

Couldn't agree more. This morning I didn't have quite enough beans for my wife and I, so I had to stretch it. Turned out like coffee tea, yuck!
That's a good story. Made me laugh pretty hard. I'm one of the biggest coffee snobs you'll ever encounter so I can certainly relate with your husband!

I roast my own coffee if it's any indication of my snobbery
That was a great story! Whenever I think of coffee stories I am reminded of Pulp Fiction.... "I know my coffe is good" .... the quote goes on!

lol, there is great cafe "Miss Irma's Cafe" right on campus where I attend college, and where I'm working right now, and they make great coffee. They also donate a bit of money for starving children from every cup of coffee you buy there. Pretty sweet little set up.
That's a good story. I've had chicory, too. Not a fan. Love the biegnets.

Scientific American has a some interesting info on coffee, among them is one bit about how just smelling coffee fires up the brain. And this one about coffee containing fiber.
I love coffee!! This is my indulgance - Outstanding Kona Coffee at Mountain Thunder - Get Some.

I got hooked on Kona when my cousin lived there and sent me a pound. Granted it is expensive, so I try and not drink it every day.

Funny story by the way!!:D

Yikes that's expensive. Well, hopefully you enjoy it! Another reason I roast my own, it's cheaper (but the main reason it's fresh and i can roast it the way I want it). I paid something in the neighborhood of $17/lb for 100% estate grown Kona. Sweet Maria's is out of stock of any Kona right now but this is something that should be pretty good for a similar price

Hawaii Ka'u - Will & Grace Farm

Roasters vary in price depending on what you want it to do, but there's a lot of info on that site. You haven't lived until you've had freshly roasted coffee! :rockon: