What is Wrong with people?


Make no excuses!
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Apr 29, 2008
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Central New york
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I spend 6 months out of the year on the road. Most of which is in the south, MO,MS,TX,AL,LA,TN,FL,etc... One thing i have noticed that is getting pretty bad is woman driving 70-85mph in a 70mph zone on the interstate in the left lane texting, they are all over the road etc. No I am not being sexist, I have yet to see a guy texting while driving, although in MS I did see one driving with his feet and talking on his cell... Any way Somewhere between Tuscaloosa and Knoxville today I come up on a white lexus with a middle aged woman driving I am trapped in the left lane as im coming up on here i realize she is going slower look to move over and a tractor trailer moves over so im blocked in and have to slam on my brakes so I don't rear end her she was doing 50mph in a 70mph zone in the left lane! I get next to her and she has a book on her steering wheel and she is reading while driving i lay on my horn and put my hands up like wtf and she looks at me in a retareded dazed look... What is happening here? The American race really is getting dumber....
The word people alone should asnwer your own question. People, there is so many of us. The fact being none of us are perfect makes for a lot of dangerous situations. Some ppl don't care about others or are to stupid to see what they are doing or causing. Others well they care but may be having a bad day. That alone sometimes causes us to do things we normally would not do any other day. These few types of ppl alone I just described and the fact there is so many of us on todays world brings for constant danger to our own lives whether we are on a bike or not. Do you see what I am saying? I am trying to explain the best way I can as far as how I see it. But I understand your frustration. Take care. Later.
I live in MS and work in Memphis. I cannot believe you had a problem with someone going to slow. Around here on the interstate, the speed limit is 55 and you will get run over if you are going less than 70. This is why I try to stay off of the highways as much as possible.
Believe me, it's not the american race :) People all over the world are getting more and more retarded. They can't think a step ahead and they don't care to think a step ahead.

Last week an old man was run oven in Cyprus by a car. The driver fled the scene. At the time of the accident the driver was followed by two other cars. No one called it in, no one stopped to help the poor man. Simply put, I feel that people just don't care about each other anymore.
I see it all the time on Hwy 78 where I commute back and forth to work. People texting, reading books, newspapers. It's unbelievable what people do while they are driving. If I come upon someone that is driving really slow I will pass them, fast..........which sometimes freaks em out and wakes em up.. but if I am blocked and in the right lane, I will pass in the emergency lane. Roll on brother! And I hear it all of the time from coast to coast how the h race is getting more and more retarded........

I found your male who was texting here in Austin. He was about 22, 23, driving a huge Dodge 2500 4X$ PU. He as in the left lane of 183 going about 50, in a 65. I finally got around him and saw that he was hunched over the steering wheel texting away on his Crackberry.
people definitely are getting dumber...I wish that there was a way to call in these people or take a picture, send it to the police and get them a hefty fine...

almost like a tattle tale hot line with an e-mail address.
I would rather deal with a horde of Zombies than deal with idiots texting while driving.
you mean you guys don't ride your fz6 and text at the same time? psshht amateurs :justkidding:

it just goes to show automobiles are too advanced and the ease of operation a monkey could drive one. with all the marketing claims people feel like they are invincible in their new bmw pos that has 230404325 air bags with a gillion speed automatic transmission that you can't even feel shift. between listening to the radio with 15 point surround sound with subwoofers the gps system telling every turn, with a super soft suspension you feel nothing, driving is effortless with the extra sensitive power steering there is no need to drive anymore, its just a open spot in your day to get something else accomplished via the cell phone. all though now it seems like automobile manufactures are promoting texting while driving with Mercury having that crap that reads text messages through the car audio system. I'm sure that they are not the only manufacture that has it.

but that's okay as long as they only kill off the dummies that use it.

The end
To add to the lovely drivers, I am making my way home. I drove from Wytheville, VA to Westminster, MD today. somewhere in the middle on I-81 there was an accident, it involved a tractor trailer, and suv, and a honda civic.... not a scratch on the suv or the tractor trailer, however the civic was on its roof in the ditch on the left side of the road...........in case ur wondering why I only drove 5 hours its cause I have to work here tues and wed. will be home wed night.
people definitely are getting dumber...I wish that there was a way to call in these people or take a picture, send it to the police and get them a hefty fine...

almost like a tattle tale hot line with an e-mail address.
Take this for what it is worth. I have been riding now almost 6 months. It has been a experience and I love it. So far I have had a person pull out in front of me. I barely had time to swerve into on coming traffic and go around him. I have a young girl run me into the median with her expedition. I was in front of her and she just comes up beside me merges into my lane taking it from me then runs the red light almost colliding head on with a truck trying to turn on yellow across the intersection. Then last week I had a guy pass me on my right side while I was turning right. There was no lane there and he almost run over me. Yes I had my turn signal on. A co-worker witnessed it and was more in shock than me. After that incident I decided to call the police. I asked them if I have video of someone breaking traffic laws with positive id of the car and tag can I report it to police and have them use it to press charges? He said yes. I am saving now for a real good video camera system to install on my bike that will record when the bike is on.
lol actually i carry my vid camera with me, never thought of that, only prob is once i can see what they are doing i would have to slow down to get the license plate. plus for me i would have to record where they are etc in order to send it in... i suppose i could just send it to the state police. One thing to remember is that if you do, do that they will be watching every move u make also....
Not only the US be sure. Texting is a huge problem everywhere, it literally creates stupidity in the person ... scientifically no less.

Bad drivers though are also common as flies on sh1t. On a bike you see them more than from in a cage, but stupid stupid stupid!
h aha back in high school I was known to do my math homework in my car while driving to school. But reading on the highway is too far, i would do homework at the red lights but thats about it.
Here's one I thought I'd never see.

The day my wife and I were on the freeway going to pick up my FZ6 when on this bend I saw a woman riding (driving) a Harley-type bike on the going the opposite way... holding a cell phone to her ear with her hand.

I couldn't believe what I saw. I didn't mention it to anyone because I didn't think anyone would believe me anyway. My wife was doing something else at the time and by the time I tried pointing this out to her it was too late.

And here I worry about scratching an itch while on the bike.