UK Meet 04 Oct Ride Report

Hi fellas good to actually put faces to names :thumbup:

What fun we had riding through London,thanks to our tour guide(Ciaron) we all made it safely without any mishaps or losses. :thumbup: The weather could have been better but in true British style we never let it get us down or stop us reaching the destination.

Defo up for another meet but can we give London a wide birth next time think I have done enough site seeing for a while :rolleyes:

Till the next time :D

Hi Gaz....maybe you did. i was explaining to the guys that my screen name "682sport" comes from a shotgun and my other indulgence, clay pigeon shooting.

Said i'd happily arrange a shoot for when we can rely on some good weather. I have two easy grounds near me (right by the Dartford Crossing on the M25) a few guns and 1,000's of cartridges. its a great day out and if good weather a pub lunch/bbq
Sounds like a good plan fella.I have always fancied a bit of pigeon pie :rof:

Just let me know when mate :thumbup:

spot on. Could not believe i was the only Naked at the weekend so thought i shout it loud and proud.

I'm happy to do a winter shoot so i'll do some long range weather checking and put up some dates
spot on. Could not believe i was the only Naked at the weekend so thought i shout it loud and proud.

I'm happy to do a winter shoot so i'll do some long range weather checking and put up some dates
Grommit is also naked, so you won't be alone next time.
Naked J got a nice ring to it (if you get my meaning lol)
Looks like a great ride guys, I'm glad you all had fun.

See TEXAS riders, all you need is rain gear, no sniveling!

Note to self: Buy rain gear tonight!
Looks like a great ride guys, I'm glad you all had fun.

See TEXAS riders, all you need is rain gear, no sniveling!

Note to self: Buy rain gear tonight!
On a serious note,
There is no point having the gear and never using it. I think only Martin had a slight problem with soggy feet in his old boots. Riding in the rain can be very rewarding, you learn loads about relaxing your grip on the bars, doing all of your braking before the turn and then rolling on the throttle smoothly.
I was bone dry, the worst part was the condensation on my glasses.
So saddle up Cowboys and put your gear to the test.

Hi Guys,

I love an old trip me, its not just the journey its all of the bits that make it a trip.........

classic :thumbup:
.....Lots of thin layers is my advice, the down side is you look fat lol.Nelly
so my build is due to lots of thin layers ;)

Hi guys had a great time despite the weather. If you have google earth installed unzip the attached file, it will show the exact route we took.

Here’s the stat’s
Ace Cafe to Brighton 69.2 miles 3.31hrs & the worst bit average speed 19.6mph No speed limits being broken that day!
Looking forward to the next time:thumbup

Now I can see where we went wrong, we stayed on the A23 nearly all the way down to Brighton :eek: that's why you guys had already polished off your fish & chips.

Glad you all got there. I'm sorry I had to peel off early but a 12 hour night shift followed by 200 miles don't make for a very safe combination.

Looking forward to the next one. :thumbup:

I was really pleased that you made it Ciaron, thanks for the help through London :thumbup:
Looks like you had fun.


I'll have some new wets soon.:squid::D
We definately had fun dispite the weather. As long as you have your wets for the next meet, as this seems to be the fate of the meets up to now :rolleyes:

...... I think only Martin had a slight problem with soggy feet in his old boots. Riding in the rain can be very rewarding, you learn loads about relaxing your grip on the bars, doing all of your braking before the turn and then rolling on the throttle smoothly.
I was bone dry, the worst part was the condensation on my glasses.
So saddle up Cowboys and put your gear to the test.


yeah the trouble is that my boots are nicely worn in and now they're not waterproof any more :( I too think you learn lots about your bike when riding in the rain.
I was :justkidding: mate.

Some of the hardened riders dont wear wet weather gear :rolleyes:

No they just wear speedo's :D