UK Meet 04 Oct Ride Report


Senior Member
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
West London
UK Meet Ride Report - 04 Oct

I'll start it off, but I fully expect everyone else to add their perspectives and pics!

The final group was: -
  • me
  • nelly +1
  • cloggy +1
  • 682sport
  • numpty
  • toolkit
  • pedwards89
  • fastblueone

So the plan was that we were all supposed to meet at the Ace Cafe in London at 11am, have a quick bacon sarnie and a cup of coffee and then take some back roads down South to Brighton and have a fish and chips on the boardwalk watching the ocean. Simple.

I won't mention any names to protect the innocent but some people didn't ruck up until after 12 :eek: and the only person in the group (who shall remain nameless for the moment) who had the route we were supposed to ride, decided not to show because it was raining when they went to leave the house. :mad: So we had to try and work out an alternate route on our own. Now, I'm not sure if anyone else has ever tried to coordinate a route from point A to point B with a group of 10 men (where no one is in control or has seniority) but let's just say I wouldn't recommend it. It's like trying to herd cats. :)

Anyway, I think we finally managed to agree to leave the cafe around 12:30. The loose plan was to cut through London and then take the A23 down to Brighton.

When we go to Ace Cafe in the morning the sun was out and it looked like it was going to be a good day out. No, really. It was. The sun was out. Look at the pics below and you'll see.


By the time we left it was cloudy, windy and beginning to rain. :(
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I arrived in Swindon about 1215 last night, clear skies (on the UK side) but a bit of of a nip in the air. I had just got used to riding on the left side and had to negotiate the magic roundabout, to be honest I rode across it as it was really quiet at that time of night :thumbup:

This morning I left Swindon together with my mate Michael (Mike) around 0900 and we took the A4 towards Reading, really nice road with some beautiful scenary, The weather was great too.

Met up with Nelly and his mate at Reading MOTO services, had a nice cuppa coffee and a chat. Afterwards we headed out towards the Ace cafe.

We arrived at the ace cafe and were refused entrance to their car park :confused: so we parked on a side road just outside.

On arrival David (Doorag) came to meet us, carrying his signature cup of coffee "to go" :D . At the entrance we met Ciaron (fast blue one), Jordan (sport 682) & Phil (Pedwards69). Gary (Numpty), Jim (toolkit) and Nigel turned up a bit later.
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After a coffee and a chat we headed off together towards Brighton.
We took a route through London passing all the tourist spots, Buckingham Palace, the mall, admiralty arch, Trafalger square, Palace of Westminster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, the cenotaph, the London eye, downing street. It was a bit of of a nightmare keeping a group of nine bikes together through London but Ciaron did a great job of leading us, and everyone waited for each other. :rockon:
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After getting through London and onto the A23 we waved Ciaron off and decided to ride, every man for himself down to Brighton (it was the only real way to get through the traffic).
later it started raining. so it was time for the waterproofs.
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I arrived in Brighton together with Phil and Mike, and we decided to go "cruisin" along the seafront ;)
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Anyway when we finally found our rendezvous, most of the guys had already finished their fish & Chips
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Gary, Jim and Nigel left us at this point as they were heading for a wedding,

Finished a really loverly plate of fish & chips and then we decided to all head back home,
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Here are a few shots of Brighton
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We all headed back up to the M25 but all got seperated quite quickly, it was the rain made it difficult to keep tabs on everyone.
Sorry that we left you on the Motorway Phil, Nelly was running low, so we tried to catch up to let you know, but by the following services he really had to refuel (as there were no more services on the M23).

Thanks a lot everyone, I had a cracking day out, I hope everyone had a safe trip home. :thumbup:
Sorry that we left you on the Motorway Phil, Nelly was running low, so we tried to catch up to let you know, but by the following services he really had to refuel (as there were no more services on the M23).


Good to know you guys are OK, I was nearly on the M23 when I realised you were gone. I couldn't see a bloody thing in my mirrors. I sat in the inside lane doing 70, expecting you to catch me. By the time I got to the M25 I decided it was every man for himself & cracked on a bit.

The M25 was a bundle of laughs: Pitch black, chucking it down with rain, strong cross winds & 4 lanes of tossers in cars that don't know how to use a motorway :)banghead:).

As I left the M25 I had 2 bars of fuel left. Passed a sign saying services 35 miles. That'll do nicely. By now my legs were stiff, my bum was completely num & I desperately needed a coffee. Rather than go into the actual services area I decided just fuel up & grab a coffee. What a bummer! the coffee nation station was out of order. Anyway, a walk around eased some of the aches & the last 50 or so miles to home flew by.

It was good to put some faces to the names. Must do it again, but on some decent riding roads.
682sport and I took off leaving Brighton and filtered through the traffic quite quickly. Once we got on the M23 heading back, it got pretty dark and miserable. In fact, I couldn't see anything in my mirrors so I just hid behind my screen and go on with it. Just before Gatwick my reserve came on so I hopped off to fill up. Jordan was still behind me and waved on his way past.

It was a good day in the end, regardless of how long it took. It's always good to meet people in person and to put faces with names.

My next forum meet will be in November in Austin!

The M25 was a bundle of laughs: Pitch black, chucking it down with rain, strong cross winds & 4 lanes of tossers in cars that don't know how to use a motorway :)banghead:).

It was good to put some faces to the names. Must do it again, but on some decent riding roads.

Pleased to hear you got home OK Phil, yeah it was pretty dismal weather on the way back, but I think the no coffee thing really sucked :(

It was great to see everyone, shame Grommit couldn't make it but I'm sure he'll be around on the next meet :thumbup:
Hi Guys,

I love an old trip me, it’s not just the journey it’s all of the bits that make it a trip finding out whose coming, checking my bike, adjusting tyre pressures. Water proofing my leathers, I love it all.

I was really pleased that my buddy (Boyko) from work was able to join us for the ride into London and that Cloggys buddy Michael was also able to come.
As stated by Cloggy we meet up in the services at Reading at 10.00 ish and arrived at ACE at 11.15am. On arrival we were not allowed entry. I think this was because of Boyko's and Michaels Suzuki's lol.
As we sat around and chatted the sun was splitting the stones in London. What better way to enjoy the sunshine than a ride through our nation’s capital.
I tell you now and I'll tell you no more. Sitting in traffic with ten guys was borderline mental.

Despite what Doorag has said, even with a definite ride leader in place. Getting that many bikes through that many sets of lights and junctions was going to require the coordination, planning and luck of Monty lol.
We made really poor progress in the traffic. As we reached Brixton, I had a quick opportunity (due to a car wreck) to jump off of my bike and shout in to each of the guys ears " stay on the A23, its every man for himself. Meet in Brighton!) or words to that effect lol.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing and we should have made the decision earlier to split up and ride down as the gaps opened for each rider. Still we know better for the next run.

I got totally split up from Cloggy, Michael and Phil (sorry weak bladder and to much coffee). I also had to stop to put my wets on under an over pass.
Whilst doing this I noticed that one of my saddle bags had burst open. Don't worry I still had my wets.
I arrived in Brighton a little after 18.00. The Sky's were grey and the rain had turned in to that special kind of rain that hits the floor and bounces up underneath your lid YUK!
I found Doorag, Jordan, Numpty, Jim and Nigel with out any bother at all :liar::rof: I rode up and down the sea front for about 10 minutes trying to find them. I eventually called Numpty on the phone and he stood out side the chip shop and kindly waved me in.

I was starving and was slightly disappointed with the small portion of cod and chips. None the less it was very tasty indeed.
We had just finished when Cloggy, Michael and Ped arrived.
After a hearty meal and a chat we had a brief photo session and headed out.

The journey home was pretty good despite the weather. I was debating getting fuel in Brighton as I had two bars left and thought that that would easily see me the 90 miles home....wrong.

I had to pull off on the A23 and was unable to get up to Ped to signal my intentions. I had put 18 litres in on leaving home and I replaced 15 litres on my stop. I only had a shocking 130 miles on my trip, that city stint really made my bike thirsty. When I pulled out of the petrol station unbeknown to me my rear light had stopped working. By this time it was pitch dark and the rain was coming down with a vengeance. Water had run down the inside of my visor and glasses and was now starting to condense. I ended up with an awful tunnel vision like feeling; it was very hard to make out the divisions between the lanes. Soon I realised my indicators were not working and I had to do my lane changes the old fashioned way. A big thanks to Cloggy and Michael who were quite brilliant and a little mad for sticking close to me acting as my rear light.
We had already agreed to have a coffee stop in Reading and we pulled up to rest. We fixed my bike in about thirty seconds by unplugging my sat nav.
So with that completed we had another excellent coffee and said good bye.

I love an old trip me, its not just the journey its all of the bits that make it a trip.

Thanks Guys, I am looking forward to the next one already.

my thanks to everyone for their company. We are all clearly hardened bikers as no one complained about the rain and it did not spoil it (too much), least not as much as the slog through London.

Had a great ride with Doorag as we tag teamed down the A/M23 and pushed our limits in wing mirror alley.

Count me in for the next one and will look to arrange clay shooting next summer as promised

tks again to all
I love an old trip me, its not just the journey its all of the bits that make it a trip.

That's an excellent ethos Nelly. If it all went too smooth, what would there be to talk about? Despite it p****d down all the way home, I was dead chuffed that I was dry as a bone when I got in. Must start another thread with some tips / products to do with weatherproofing.

I'm guessing you haven't found your camera? Just a thought, it might be worth contacting your home contents insurance company. There's a slim chance they might cover the loss.
That's an excellent ethos Nelly. If it all went too smooth, what would there be to talk about? Despite it p****d down all the way home, I was dead chuffed that I was dry as a bone when I got in. Must start another thread with some tips / products to do with weatherproofing.

I'm guessing you haven't found your camera? Just a thought, it might be worth contacting your home contents insurance company. There's a slim chance they might cover the loss.
Cheers Phil,

My camera is covered on my contents insurance, trouble is after just being burgled and making a claim; it's getting a bit habitual.
I am glad you were toasty and dry. Nice to meet you at long last mate.


PS for the record, to keep me warm I was wearing:

1 vest
1 thermal top
1 t-shirt
1 rugby shirt
1 Woolen jumper
1 motorcycle jacket (leather)
1 long johns
1 leather trousers

Lots of thin layers is my advice, the down side is you look fat lol.

my thanks to everyone for their company. We are all clearly hardened bikers as no one complained about the rain and it did not spoil it (too much), least not as much as the slog through London.

Had a great ride with Doorag as we tag teamed down the A/M23 and pushed our limits in wing mirror alley.

Count me in for the next one and will look to arrange clay shooting next summer as promised

tks again to all
Hi Jordan,

Glad you could make it, it was great to meet you.
There would be a lot of interest in the shooting trip so just post up a date. I like to work about 6 months in advance if possible.


Hi guys had a great time despite the weather. If you have google earth installed unzip the attached file, it will show the exact route we took.

Here’s the stat’s
Ace Cafe to Brighton 69.2 miles 3.31hrs & the worst bit average speed 19.6mph No speed limits being broken that day!
Looking forward to the next time:thumbup:
Hi guys had a great time despite the weather. If you have google earth installed unzip the attached file, it will show the exact route we took.

Here’s the stat’s
Ace Cafe to Brighton 69.2 miles 3.31hrs & the worst bit average speed 19.6mph No speed limits being broken that day!
Looking forward to the next time:thumbup:

Yeah 19.6 mph is shocking - especially considering there were some long motorway sections once we got outside London ;) .
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Hey Toolkit...

The slow pace worked in my favour, was good to spend some time near and behind such a great bike, even though you had a heat haze around you that would not be out of place in the Australian outback as that monster british machine "warmed up" in all that traffic
Hey thanks for the pictures guys.

For safetys sake today is plastic ware? LOL

Glad you all had fun, one day I hope to be able to ride around Great Britian, Ireland, and Europe.
Glad you all got there. I'm sorry I had to peel off early but a 12 hour night shift followed by 200 miles don't make for a very safe combination.

Looking forward to the next one. :thumbup:
Glad you all got there. I'm sorry I had to peel off early but a 12 hour night shift followed by 200 miles don't make for a very safe combination.

Looking forward to the next one. :thumbup:
Thanks for taking the time to direct us through London mate.
