Unfriendly Motorcyclists


Junior Member
May 2, 2008
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Hi fellow FZ6ers,

Ever get snubbed by another motorcyclist? With BMW riders in particular?

My rides mostly consist of commuting to work, often in heavy traffic. Anyway, it’s happened more than once. I’m in the left third and another motorcyclist would sneek up behind me while I’m stuck in traffic. That rider would be in the right third and “pretend” to be my riding buddy…position number 2 in group formation. Okay, so, I adjust my riding style and keep to the left third as if we knew each other.

I’m not an impatient rider so I continue to follow traffic. After awhile, that rider decides to pass on the right lane and he disappears…

Later on, his lane gets stuck so he comes back to my lane in position 2 again?!?!?!? Anyway, when I got a chance when we were at a dead stop, I decided to give him the wave, :Sport:but no reaction from him. I tried again a second time, no answer.

Eventually, when he had the chance, he zig zagged and took off, leaving me feeling embarrassed and confused.:( It made me feel that I shouldn’t have pointed to the debris we had in front of us earlier.:rant::sinister:

I’ve waved to and received a wave from other sport riders and even custom riders, I even had a conversation with a Honda Shadow rider while stuck in traffic. I know I shouldn’t bother with Harley riders, should I ignore BMW guys too?

What are your thoughts and opinions?

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Yes this has happened to me today. I just blast by them and show them whats up haha. But some people either dont care or they may not know what it is. To me it is a polite thing to do, in which i always do unless somehow i miss the bike...
Its thier loss.
Generally my experince with bmw riders is that they are asses.
Of course there are the exceptions that make the rule.
I have met a few cool bmw riders and even rode with on the dragon the first time I went.
Most harley riders in groups of more than one are asses, but some of them are cool as hell.
Just never know man.

One thing I have found is that when I go to places in KY and I say hello to people and they pretend I dont exist. Generally they are from out of state. It sorta bothers me but then again how miserable is your life if you cant give another human being a hello? Oh well. One thing I know for sure is I have alot of friends and people constantly tell me they are glad to know me, and that I am very upbeat and happy. I just be happy and let the miserable ones be miserable.
This is an interesting topic :)

Its as if I feel compelled to interact with complete strangers I will never see again (uhh....those guys going the other way on the opposite sides of the street:)) I get guys waiving on the oppositie side of the crash wall on the freeways too, now come on.........that's a little much.

Going in twisties, taking a turn around a bend, some guys still feel the need to put their hand out, I got enough on my mind, and so should they to control the bike during fast manuvers. Many times I can't respond back. I'll most likely never see that person again, I don't even know what their face looks like, but I still feel like a royal A-hole for not communicating the gesture. They are probably thinking, wow, that guy sucks, but i'm thinking, wow - I didn't have time to react friendly.

Personally, I really dig the respect of the head nod - and do it within reason. I don't make it a point to risk danger over it, and don't try to fool myself that all of us riders can get along. But it is nice when you get a response, or the other rider does it to you first :) So I know what you are talking about.

So far I've had 100 % head nods from all sportbikes I've encountered (something I never had when I was on my custom show bike cruiser) - or even the nice head nod after I beat them at the stop light :) - cruiser riders in general (I know, because I used to be one of them) - are too cool, to be cool. That community is something else I tell you.

Human feeling of worth and acceptance is a very powerful thing, and its no exception on the bike - but don't read into it, sometimes I know I might have been guilty of not replying back to a kind gesture because I'm preocupied with my own thoughts under the lid, and the concentration on my operation of the bike. Its not always disrespect, sometimes it just happens..

If I see you, i'll make sure to nod and wave :) (Provided i'm not taking a corner at 80 mph). :rockon:
Hey be careful, you have BMW riders on this forum. :spank:

Lytehouse and I have been snubbed by BMW riders even when we are on mine. I always wave unless I'm setting the autopilot, checking the Navigation system, or I spill coffee on myself. :rockon:
Yea I've had that too. I mostly wave to all riders Harley guys included most wave back or beat me to it. The occasional A$$ decides he's to tuff to wave at another rider and I don't usually care but if they catch me right/wrong like the "Super tuff chopper dude the other day with his girl on the back" my wave becomes the finger. :Flip: I got a good laugh out of it anyway........the look on his bandana covered, helmetless head was priceless. :rof:
Never more did I experience this than on my way to State College in PA. In MD, you don't wave to Harleys and they don't wave to you. I've tried, but they completely ignore me. BUT as soon as I crossed over into PA and started climbing through the mountains, everyone waved. I met groups of 20 Harleys and each member waved. I felt delighted! But coming home from PA, sure enough as soon as I got into MD, freaking jerks again...:confused:
Yea I've had that too. I mostly wave to all riders Harley guys included most wave back or beat me to it. The occasional A$$ decides he's to tuff to wave at another rider and I don't usually care but if they catch me right/wrong like the \"Super tuff chopper dude the other day with his girl on the back\" my wave becomes the finger. :Flip: I got a good laugh out of it anyway........the look on his bandana covered, helmetless head was priceless. :rof:

that's freakin awesome ha ha ha - you are my hero. Dammit, where is a camera when you really need it. Good post :)
a guy a work has a beemer he was trying to say my R1 isn't that fast...
so I shifted into 2nd:thumbup:
a guy a work has a beemer he was trying to say my R1 isn't that fast...
so I shifted into 2nd:thumbup:

That's why they call him the FREEWAY ASSASSIN. But I bet why you were speeding away in 2nd, you at least waved and acknowledged him right ah ha :)?

So what have we learned today, when flipping off cruisers, choppers, and handing BMW's their asses, do it with grace a smile, and a gesture of community :)

this happened a couple of weeks ago on my way home from work. i was at an intersection when a hog dude pulled up beside me in the L turn lane. no matter what, this guy would not make eye contact with me or raise his hand. my work buds, who were in their cars, saw the whole thing and were laughing their asses off.

i figure the stick that was rammed up his *ss managed to reach his brain stem and disable is hand/eye coordination to respond to normal human contact.

really, i don't care if people don't respond but i sure appreciate a nod or a wave from people on 2 wheels...although i do struggle with scooters!
this happened a couple of weeks ago on my way home from work. i was at an intersection when a hog dude pulled up beside me in the L turn lane. no matter what, this guy would not make eye contact with me or raise his hand. my work buds, who were in their cars, saw the whole thing and were laughing their asses off.

i figure the stick that was rammed up his *ss managed to reach his brain stem and disable is hand/eye coordination to respond to normal human contact.

really, i don't care if people don't respond but i sure appreciate a nod or a wave from people on 2 wheels...although i do struggle with scooters!

struggle with scooters??? I am on the fence about that one too ha ha ha. I get hello's from them at lights or on the other side of the road coming towards, me, I do nod but never nod first ha ha ha... My actions are mainly reflex when it comes to scooters.

Such a wimpy little device, with a dorky sitting position, and usually a half full DOT helmet (those are so geeky looking) - dosen't seem to deserve respect sitting atop one of the baddest machines on the street (Yamaha R1, and I do realize I'm in an FZ forum :)) - but I do it anyway (nod back). Is this wrong, am I commiting sin by being friendly to another fellow 2 wheeler. Wow, I"m sounding more and more like a dick cruiser guy again, but come on - I know you guys are thinking the same thing. In my opinion - scooters are like bikes, they don't count ha ha ha.

This is a funny topic ;)
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I wave/nod to other riders because it makes me feel good that I'm being friendly. I try not to allow my satisfaction of the event come from whether or not they wave back. I just keep nodding and waving to everyone because I like it. It's an added bonus if they wave back.
I am a nodder, i nod to all bikers, Harley Riders never nod back, Scooter riders dont seem to know what your on about....so i dont bother with Scooters.
We will be getting alot of this here for a week or so. Street Vibrations is here in Reno, (its kinda like sturgis for the west coast) so there are tons of "im a bad ass look at me" riders everywhere. although i wave to almost every bike i see, most new harley riders in town dont wave back, though ill always get a wave from a sportbike, even the cops here wave!!
Everyone on my commute is very friendly and there are A LOT of people on 2 wheels... all kinds of bikes and the more powerful scooters (the few times I have to go by car I normally get about 50 or 60 bikes filter passed me). Everyone is very friendly to each other, we all filter through the slow traffic, you do not want to be on 2 wheels on the E40 towards Brussels and not filter, as it would be very hazardous to your health sitting in the traffic. If someone is filtering slowly and they see people coming up behind they move into a lane as soon as they get an opportunity to allow the faster riders passed. Everyone gives a wave to each other when they pass. The only time I meet un-friendly riders is normally when I'm out on a Sunday afternoon, then many will not wave.
wow the cops wave back?! I dont know about other people in the UK but in portsmouth NO cops nod back, in fact they would feel inclined to pull you over and check your license and bikes for baffles and anything they can screw you for, just for nodding at them!

I always get nods back from Harleys and cruisers, but i agree with the BMW people always pretending your not there. I always find its BMW and old timers on africa twins and bikes like that who dont do so much as look at you.

When all you guys first got your 125's and rode around all over the place, did you nod at like every single biker you saw on your journey? I sure did, made me feel sexy getting a nod or wave back :D But no Learners ever seem to any more, and they should or they will turn into the queer riders who are arse holes !

I never nod at scooters :p
I always wave, but I rarely am waved back at. Around here there are four mindsets:

1 - I ride a Harley, so I am better than you (no wave)
2 - I ride a Goldwing/other giant touring bike, so I am better than you, you young whipper snapper (no wave)
3 - Ha! Loser, you're wearing gear. Who cares that I have 2" chicken strips, I am still better than you (no wave)
4 - Riders are riders (wave)

I fall into category 4, most everyone else is in the other 3....