Your experience before your Motorcycle safety class: Please help :)


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Mar 29, 2009
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Hello, I know this is the ladies area but I have to ask, what was your experience before you took the motorcycle safety class, did you feel the class was worth it or did you learn more on your own with someone teaching such as a boyfriend/husband or other? My wife is taking the class in a month and has no experience other then being a passenger, would you recommend anything? I want to hear from people that had no clue about a motorcycle till they took the class, others can chime in as well. I need this knot in my stomach to go away when I think of my Wife riding you know what I mean? Thanks in advance.
I had been riding for at least 25 years before I took the class, there were a number of people taking it who had never ridden a bike before and they did extremely well from actaually starting a bike to riding it, the class was very well structured and very informative in the classroom and out in the parking lot, I learned a fair bit myself and all the students passed the skills test. You should give your wife more credit and stop worrying so much as your nerves will be transmitted to her, just be upbeat and give her tons of encouragement, let the instructor deal with the actual riding part, good luck with the tuition, she will pass and become an excellent motorcycle rider dont worry!
I don't let on that I am nervous and I do back her 100% on riding :rockon: and I know shes going to due great. But tell that to my stomach :(
Sounds to me your doing all the right stuff, maybe your just really excited that she is going to do it, bit like a first date feeling, good grief that was a long time ago....take some Antacid LOL
I used to ride as a teenager.....and not very safe I might add....stopped when a friend & I were hit by a car.
So, in 2005, my husband bought a BMW 1150RT....I started going for short rides with him and in 2007 decided to take the MSF course. I would definetly recommend the course! Instructors can teach her things you might not....but 'parking lot' practice with you is also very valuable! Oh, and ATGATT :cheer:

And that knot in your'll never go away! I think my husband still looks in his mirrors way too much when we're out riding!
I just bought her gear yesterday to cover her head to toe while riding. I am even thinking about bubblewrap :D
I just bought her gear yesterday to cover her head to toe while riding. I am even thinking about bubblewrap :D

LMAO :rof:

She'll do great! There were 6 in my class, I was the only woman. I scored higher than the guys when it came to the 'riding' test!
I just bought her gear yesterday to cover her head to toe while riding. I am even thinking about bubblewrap :D

If my wife were riding, the bubblewrap would be a great idea :thumbup:. Seriously, I would be real nervous all of the time.

When she got her atv, I think I aged a few years. She has never had an accident, but I am always so scared, because she does not have that much experience riding anything. She hangs in there, and she makes me very proud. Now that I think about it, it probably goes both ways. She has not wrecked on her atv, and the 3rd time out on my new one, I rolled it. I know you are referring to bikes, but I think we all worry regardless.
I know it goes both ways when it comes to riding. But its not easy now that I am going to be on the other side.
I would say she will (if she is anything like a few women I know) learn more from a stranger then a friend/husband/family member. People tend to sit down and listen more to others if they don't know them. MSF course is the way to go. Hey if it will help it never hurts to take the MSF again (if you have already taken it) to be there for moral support. :D You may even be reminded of a bad habit you have picked up :thumbup:
I rode my Fizz for a full year before I took the course. The difference in my skill/confidence was incredible. The first year (with no experience) every time I took the bike out I had butterflies in my stomach and my hands and jaw were SORE from clenching them lol
The course is something I would recommend to anyone, male or female, newbie or old timer. It teaches you the habits you need to learn or, if you are an old timer, the habits you need to break.
I had a b/f teach me how to ride - the MSF course wasn't offered around here at the time. Since then I always encourage my friends to take the MSF course. I've known many women who have taken it and were glad they did. It's nice that you worry though :thumbup:
My wife and I took the class together and neither of us had ever ridden before, literally the first time sitting on a motorcycle. 9 months later... even though I ride almost everyday and she doesn't she is still a better rider than I am.

The class is good but if I had access to a bike beforehand I would have practiced the figure 8, braking, and holding my lien through the turns. IMO you will get more out of the class if you are already comfortable on the bike.

She will be fine.
I took the class with no motorcycle experience and had a license at the end of the 3rd (final) day. From my experience, I can say that the instructors were very helpful. They are able to show you how to fix your mistakes without dampening your spirits. They also pay close attention to the folks who can't seem to figure it out and will separate them for the safety of the group.

Undo the knot dude. It's cool your lady wants to ride!
When I took my class I had been a passenger about a dozen times, and actually sat on a bike by myself only once! My husband (boyfriend at the time) was quite adamant that I get the proper gear before I took the class, and he helped me pick it out.

The instructors knew exactly how to approach the learning experience for someone like me who had no experience at all! I was learning in a parking lot on bikes that were very small and easy to handle. I felt very comfortable in that situation. At the end of the course they took us out on a road ride on larger bikes.

Once I had my licence and had learned the basics, I very much appreciated my husband's advice when we encounted a driving situation that was new to me (ie: grooved pavement or a gravel road). He'd tell me what it would feel like on the bike and what I should or shouldn't do. I still remember the look on his face the first time I did a 'stall & fall'. I'm sure he wished he could wrap me in bubble wrap too! Although he confessed he was more concerned that I would scare myself and not want to ride anymore.
Hello, I know this is the ladies area but I have to ask, what was your experience before you took the motorcycle safety class, did you feel the class was worth it or did you learn more on your own with someone teaching such as a boyfriend/husband or other? My wife is taking the class in a month and has no experience other then being a passenger, would you recommend anything? I want to hear from people that had no clue about a motorcycle till they took the class, others can chime in as well. I need this knot in my stomach to go away when I think of my Wife riding you know what I mean? Thanks in advance.

Feel free to PM me with any questions.

But in short, this is exacty what the Basic Rider Course is for. Riders with no or very little experience. There often will be times you will find some students who have had riding experience, but the course will not deviate from it's objective, which is safety and learning how to ride. Starts from the very basic of motorcycling and no shortcuts are taken regardless how much experience anyone has. Class size is limited to 12 or less.
My husband bought me a CRF150 to ride at the motocross track first, he was worried sick about me getting on the street. He really wanted me to learn to ride in the dirt first. He still says I didn't get enough riding on the dirt before i hit the road.

I race sport quads (450cc) and he was worried sick when I started that too. He still feels nervous. I think its normal. I've wrecked my quad my fair share of times too, which he has had the pleasure of witnessing :D

In any case, I took the class and found it to be awesome, I learned so much. Then we took my bike to parking lots, then around our neighbourhood where there was little traffic and low speeds, and now I'm getting onto some bigger roads, but no major highways for a while. He teaches me stuff everytime we go out. I think the course and his teaching are the best combo. He worries constantly about me on the bike, but says he will feel better when I have more hours on it. I'm still not allowed to ride by myself to work ;) Not until I have 500 miles on the bike.

I don't know if you'll get over worrying about her, but I'm sure she's going to be fine:cheer: