Young GIs, Cash and Fast Motorcycles

It is so easy to go buy a bike and not think about what is next. The Army's Motorcycle Mentorship Program is a good start. It is a lot of work to get it going, but it is good to get the information out. I am the MMP Coordinator for our unit and I get calls and emails asking about bikes, training, and mentorship. I would much rather have Soldiers want to ask than be afraid to tell me the bought a bike and wind up crashing it.

Get group rides together for your unit, pick out your experienced guys that can be mentors and set them up for success. I don't know about the riding areas in Austin, but in the Bay Area of California we have some beautiful areas that are begging to be ridden!

If we didn't have a Change of Command this weekend, I would be having a ride on Sunday afternoon!
I'm glad to see Military Motorcycle Mentorship programs. As mentioned, too many of our servicemen are getting hurt/ killed on motorcycles after coming home from a deployment.

They've seen battle, and have lots of discretionary cash burning a hole in their pockets. Combine that cash with loads of adrenaline and and a slick salesman and you've got a bad combination.

I have a high school buddy that served in Iraq as an Army Ranger. He came home and promptly bought himself a big Harley Davidson. Less than 48 hours of having his motorcycle, he wrapped that thing around a utility pole. He survived, but now spends his days in a wheelchair. He's paralyzed from the waist down and will never walk again.

These mentorship programs are a good thing!
Theres a group of about 20 of us just in my small unit that have bikes, all different styles and different ranges of experiences. Plus with all the guys coming back from tour I'm sure there will be a large increase of guys to ride with this year! Could actually have more bikes in the parking lot than cars.
When I got into motorcycling about a year ago, (I was borrowing an old honda dual sport to learn on) one Staff Sergeant in particular took an interest in showing me the ropes a little. I learned alot about controlling the bike. Shortly after I got my FZ, he purchased a new R1. We rode quite often (we were both working full time in my Guard unit). Even though he had been riding for years, he had never been to a MSF course. We both went at the same time.

One of the big factors in me choosing the bike I did was this: there are literally over a dozen harley riders in our unit. Not a one of them showed any interest in teaching me to ride. Our lone Yamaha rider did. Now there's two Yamaha riders.
Interesting thread, Reminds me of some research done in Wiltshire U.K. last few years. There are a lot of Army Bases in the county, and they noticed a significant increase in injury/fatal accidents involving service personnel. It was shown that on return from Active Service, they boys were getting into their cars/bikes and tearing around the countryside and inevitably coming unstuck!

The Military took the matter so seriously the guys/girls were kept in barracks for a couple of weeks on their return from Iraq etc.

Accident figures fell significantly

Whether it's a need for adrenalin, or a ' I've made it home safely and I'm bullet proof ' attitude was not identified.
wow.. i thought that hellgate got a buell.. am i reading this wrong or is this just an old thread??? either way its nice you took the time to talk to that guy.. hopefully he'll ride a little smarter if he had some coaching.. wish that the armed service would do more about makeing sure our boys and girls dont come home just to die in a bike wreck.. they are training them anyways, how about training them on bike safty so they dont end up hurting themselves or worse.. worth everyone of my tax dollars to help out our buddys in the military :) besides, im not in service, but i have alot of respect for those who are
wow.. i thought that hellgate got a buell.. am i reading this wrong or is this just an old thread??? either way its nice you took the time to talk to that guy.. hopefully he'll ride a little smarter if he had some coaching.. wish that the armed service would do more about makeing sure our boys and girls dont come home just to die in a bike wreck.. they are training them anyways, how about training them on bike safty so they dont end up hurting themselves or worse.. worth everyone of my tax dollars to help out our buddys in the military :) besides, im not in service, but i have alot of respect for those who are

hellgate did just buy a buell and this thread is old....if you look at the first post it has a date.......