You may be a motorcyclist if...


Junior Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Laredo, Texas
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C'mon guys, have some fun with this. Ready, Set, GO!!

You may be a motorcyclist if:

1. You still consider it a good day to ride even if it's cloudy as f$%* outside.
2. You would rather ride your bike in 100+ degree weather than drive your car with perfectly good a/c.
3. You sometimes pull the left blinker lever in your car mistakingly thinking it's the clutch.
4. If someone notices that you lean into a turn while driving your car.
5. If having dinner or putting gas in your bike with your last 10 bucks is debatable.
6. Your bike is in better cosmetic and mechanical condition that your car.
7. If you wheelie the shopping carts at the grocery store.
8. If you take your motorcycle and backpack to the store to buy groceries.
9. If you ever think to yourself "I should've rode today" when you see a motorcyclist or two on the road.
10. If you spend Sunday riding with the group instead of going to church =/
11. Your odometer has more miles on the bike than your cager.
12. When you become ecstatic over a new helmet.
13. When you can't sleep the night before a trackday.
14. If you sometimes take looong rides in the middle of the night.
Cool. Sometimes when I drive my wife's SUV (automatic transmission), I want to downshift so I pretend I'm downshifting and make engine rev'ving sounds as if throttle blipping.

When you visit your Mother in-law with your wife you meet her there on your bike just so you can get a ride in.

You spend more time on the FZ6 forum than watching TV.

You totally ignore your wife, mother and most of the neighbor's pleas not to buy a bike.

You setup a vacation with the family in Tennessee just so you can ride the Dragon.

Your family vacations revolve around track days.

You ride alone and totally have no issues with that
You're a motorcyclist when your car door is dented from the inside and your hand is sore for trying to wave...
1) check
2) check
4) check
6) check
8) check
9) check check check
15) you wave out of the window of your cage (surprisingly they dont wave back)
16) when riding a rollercoaster and coming into a curve, you keep your eyes level, looking into the direction of the turn
17) prices of items are compared to the cost of the next mod (eg. "I could get exhaust upgrade for the price of that TV")
You find yourself covering your "horn" while driving your car, only to discover that you have your thumb on the volume/channel button on your steering wheel controls. (Yes, I have done this!) :D
You ARE a motorcyclist because only you can understand why a dog sticks its head out of the window at 80km/h.

You see a single headlight coming down the road and then get disappointed when you realize its a cage with a headlight out...

You get excited that there are no 'chicken strips' on your cage... are caught in a downpour and convince your friends to keep going cause you know "it's going to pass" (happened this past weekend :D )

Oh yeah and if you want to go dancing after your ride so you bring a little black dress and heels in your tailbag.
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I can relate to #11 of the original post. Put 5,000 miles on my truck in the past year, but 16,000 between two bikes.
You know your a Motorcyclist, when you consider taking your 2 year old son back to his Mum's house on your bike, cause it's a nice day for a "ride"!!!!

I had these thoughts today, i even played out the "consequences" in my head!

you watch the long way round/down movies and tear up a little when theme song comes on before the show starts just because it makes you want to ride.(I'm posting this while I sit here in my long way round Tshirt)