You know you've been gone a while when....


It's My Bike!
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Albany, NY
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you log on and it says that there have been 8,460 posts since you last visited the forum. :( I feel so out of the loop!

Thanks to those who have missed me and I will try to "catch up".

So, I haven't been doing much riding this summer but I was blessed with a new grandson! Everyone meet Tyler James! He was born on July 20th at 3:27am and is perfect (prayers answered) and beautiful.

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Nick (my oldest grandson) holding his cousin :D
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This year I also re-discovered my love of camping. I took the bike to NH and ME for a 4 day weekend in July:

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How else was I supposed to get the wood back to my campsite?

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Hampton Beach, NH

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I only spent one night in NH and then rode up to Old Orchard Beach, ME which was not a long ride but I avoided the highways and stuck to the coast:

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View from the pier:

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I have taken a couple of weekend rides and won't bore you with the pics but this one was good from Route 100 in Vermont (great motorcycle road):

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I also spent a couple of days with a friend from FL showing him the beauty of the Adirondacks (no bike this time sadly)

Fish Creek Campground, Saranac, NY

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I discovered that I love kayaking:

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So I will try to keep up with the forum a little better......I have missed everyone and hope you all have had a great summer so far!
I couldn't help but share this pic with the forum. My daughter and grandsons stayed with me for a few days while they were between apartments and Tristan who is 3 absolutely loves the motorcycle. He was using a box as a bike and pretending to ride around my living room LOL

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And if you don't mind, I'd like to request prayers for this little guy - My grandson Aidan is 6 and has a severe uncontrolled seizure disorder as well as autism. Aidan spent the last couple of days in the hospital due to a seizure related problem and they are now considering brain surgery as an option. His appt with the neurosurgeon is the 26th so please pray for healing for Aidan and for his drs. to be have the skills, knowledge and compassion to help him.

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Lol! I just logged in for the first time in forever. I got that number beat: 103,933. Kind of crazy of me to not keep up with this community, even after I traded in my FZ6. It's probably one of the better ones that I've been a member of.

Nice looking grandson you've got there. Congrats!
What's up Girl! Good to here from you and I was just thinking of you yesterday and wondering where you got off to.
You look great!
Aiden will be in our thoughts and prayers.

I want to do a bike camping trip. I keep thinking of Joshua Tree Nat'l park.
My parents used to take us to Lake Bomoseen,VT. area to camp.

Good to hear from you!
Great to see you back Cheryl , we have all be wondering about you :thumbup:

:cheer: Congrats :cheer: on your new Grandson :D

My thoughts & prayers go out to Aiden & the family , fingers crossed for a great result with whatever they decide to do. Amazing what the Docs can do these days & im sure they'll get him sorted :thumbup:
Grandson? I'm sorry Cheryl but you don't look like a grandma, a mom yes, but grand no.

Thanks for posting, and glad your trip went well.
And if you don't mind, I'd like to request prayers for this little guy - My grandson Aidan is 6 and has a severe uncontrolled seizure disorder as well as autism. Aidan spent the last couple of days in the hospital due to a seizure related problem and they are now considering brain surgery as an option. His appt with the neurosurgeon is the 26th so please pray for healing for Aidan and for his drs. to be have the skills, knowledge and compassion to help him.

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have you guys tried the ketogenic diet with him?

my neighbours kid suffers from something similar, but after changing his diet he no longer has fits, and his growth rate has shot up. it's something well worth trying and speaking to your doctor about.

Ketogenic Diet | Epilepsy Action
Great looking boys you got there Cheryl! Baby Tyler looks like he'll need a haircut in a week! cute
and my thoughts are with Aidan :hug:
Thanks for the love everyone! :)

My daughter did try the diet for a while but it didn't seem to help and his doctor doesn't seem to think it will either. Thanks for the suggestion though - we are always up for new ideas.