Yay Dennis! We hit 8000 Members!

Yeah, and 7,998 of us are going, "OW! Why'd you hit us?!?!"

:rolleyes: j/k, congrats on a most enjoyable forum!! :rockon:
We need to make a date and try to get all 8,000 members logged in or even in chat at the same time. I know we can do it.
im a member of a lot of forums. at one point I was on another motorcycling forum with WAYYY more members than this one. The close-knit feel and focus on quality in every aspect of the site made this forum the easy choice to make between the two.

for what this forum offers (aside from the members input and such), it is VERY well put together. photo features, functional chat, easy to use and EFFECTIVE interface which lets you do way more than most forums even pretend to offer....it is an extremely well put together piece.

And it does take work and knowledge to have set this up and keep it up. Admin if you're the only one who really works on this.....kudos mate. You deserve the accolades you get in this thread.

I GOT THE PERFECT DATE FOR ALL MEMBERS TO GO ON AT ONE TIME AND CHAT...and post and have fun... what do you guys think?

Sep. 9 of 2009 = 09/09/09

THAT's so Psychedelic Wo-Men...!!
:cheer::cheer:Thank You Dennis and others that make this possible!:cheer::cheer:

I GOT THE PERFECT DATE FOR ALL MEMBERS TO GO ON AT ONE TIME AND CHAT...and post and have fun... what do you guys think?

Sep. 9 of 2009 = 09/09/09

THAT's so Psychedelic Wo-Men...!!

Sounds good let's do it MODS.
wow, that is a lot of FZ's, no offense to the forum, but it would be way cooler if we got all the members together in real like for an 8000 FZ(6)(1)(6r) photo shoot
I joined this board once I picked up my FZ6R. I bet alot of new members did the same thing.
wow, that is a lot of FZ's, no offense to the forum, but it would be way cooler if we got all the members together in real like for an 8000 FZ(6)(1)(6r) photo shoot

It would look like a large sparkling mass of dots! Maybe get together and line up all that show up to spell the web addy and take a pic from up high! :D

8,000.... This place grew up fast! In retrospect, the other place that USED to be popular? A visit today showed me new posts on the first page that ranged from 6/23 back to 6/19. When is the last time you've logged in here and didn't see "TODAY" next to all the new posts on your first page?

Well done and congrats to all, Dennis, the mods, Supers, other Admins and especially the members. All of you make this place a success by keeping it humble and civil and continually adding valuable content to keep it interesting. Kudos to the whole lot of you! :rockon: