Xbox 360 woes


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May 4, 2008
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Just wondering, Of all the people here how many have had Xbox 360 problems.

I just got the new and improved 360 hardware malfunction, the "E74 error message" which just so happens is not covered by there extended 3 year warranty:spank:.

Just wanting to know if anyone else has gotten this new malfunction.

I swear the PS3 is looking sweeter day by day.
Just wondering, Of all the people here how many have had Xbox 360 problems.

I just got the new and improved 360 hardware malfunction, the "E74 error message" which just so happens is not covered by there extended 3 year warranty:spank:.

Just wanting to know if anyone else has gotten this new malfunction.

I swear the PS3 is looking sweeter day by day.

My brother just got the E74 error, and Microsoft repaired his under warranty. Although I think it was setup as a "3 red lights" error instead. They should fix the Xbox because it is a hardware malfunction. I have had the 3 red lights before and was able to fix it myself with the x-clamp fix. If you are so inclined, the fix actually works quite well.

I've had two xbox360's. My first one lasted 2 1/2 years, before the RED RING OF DEATH emerged.

I called up Microsoft and had a chat about the problem (friendly chat) and before long, I was given an internet ticket to have my machine fixed.

They gave me a brand new machine, complete with a free XBOX Live-Gold card!~

It was easy, really. All I did was talk really nice and stuff.

Call them up and tell them your story, being all nice and remember some names; you'll get results. If not, come back to me.
I gave up on the xbox, it won't even run for 10 minutes without leaving the covers off and the dvd drive pulled out. Games look way better on the PC anyway.
I called them a couple days ago to see what they could do and was told that my 1 year warranty was up and it would cost $120 to send it in to have fixed, BUT it would only cost me $99 if I went to there web site and filled out the info there:rolleyes: GREAT IDEA except there repair page(were you go to fill out your info) has been down for almost a week now:Flip:

I told them about there website and got the "well if we do it, it will cost $120 but if you go online it will only be $99", inwhich I reply "Thats a great idea, BUT your website is down how can I do that" there reply " just keep trying":Flip:

I can tell you one thing, it sure is funny how there web site just so happens to go down when from what I have seen there are alot of these E74 errors starting right about now.

Lets see here, THEY ARE Microsoft and they can't get one certain page on there website to work, just so happens its the page you need to fill out to save the extra $20 HUH this is starting to smell really fishy to me.
I have owned a ps3 for a couple of years now and still have not had a problem. I just got a new jasper 360 so i could get all of the 20 dollar and under used games. So far I have found that even the new 360 will still scratch disks. The disc tray or dvd reader is garbage. It still baffles me how this is supposed to be "next gen" technology, but this system can not simply read a DVD without scratching a disk or melting down the whole system and causing the RROD.:disapprove:
I have owned a 360 since about a month after it came out. I have had the three red lights once and it would have been under warranty, but I had changed the case to a different color. That being said, as stated earlier, I bought an x-clamp fix that replaces the clamps with bolts, and that xbox has been running solid ever since. If I hadn't changed the case, Microsoft would have replaced it.

I have a buddy that actually paid to get it fixed, but after the extended warranty, they cut him a check for what he paid.

I did end up buying a Halo edition 360 and selling my other one, but I have had nothing but good experiences from Xbox and Microsoft. Plus, the one I fixed is still going extremely strong. In fact, I was supposed to overheat it as per the instructions of the clamp fix to remelt the solder points and it wouldn't overheat, even with the fan not pointing towards the processors. I have heard of a few bad stories here and there, but from what I can tell, those are few and far between, and I think people blow this "RROD" thing way out of proportion.
I've had my Xbox 360 Elite system since the launch of Halo 3 in the Fall of 2007. In December of 2008, I had the RRoD failure shortly after downloading the NXE dashboard.

Xbox sent me a repair box and the whole process took approximately one month including shipping time. The fixed my existing console and gave me a full year warranty in addition to the extended 3 year RRoD warranty.

Turns out my GPU overheated and melted some of the solder that connects it to the rest of the hardware. The process went pretty smooth, but it still amazes me how my 360 could overheat in my basement which stays 58-60 degrees (F) year-round.
You tried it the good way and they didn't help you? Time for a little red...

Actually, them up again and tell them you see a flashing red-ring and the system doesn't work. That's right, I want you to lie. Call them up and tell them the system isn't working, because you see a red ring of death and you want a repair.

You don't have to get nasty, but be very linear.

Call up Microsoft and tell them this: "My system doesn't work, it has some red flashing lights on the front and it needs to be repaired."

Say it like you were a doctor who's working on a diseased patient. Some people may try to change the subject, but simply remind them what's required.

If you run into further problems, come back here.

*When they get repair orders, they don't test the system. They simply swap the motherboard for a new OPUS and switch the diskdrive with a LITE-ON, the kind that's "impervious" to modding.
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