WTH is wrong with people?


Dec 19, 2010
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I don't get it. You treat people nice, try and do the right thing and some how while you are gone on your bike somebody breaks into a car that says veteran on the plate and steals 2500 usd worth of army gear packed in the back of it while it was sitting in front of my apartment. That is the cake my friends, the icing is that while that was happening I had parked my bike at my buddies apartment down the road. Ride downtown in his car. While we were gone somebody breaks my FE while stealing my plate. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FN KIDDING ME. end rant

P.S. The good parts of town still have bad people
What a complete load of crap. I am at the point where I'm struggling to understand what goes on in the heads of the scum of the earth ATM as well.
Damn it... so sorry man :(

Hopefully insurance will take care of it.
Sorry to hear that mate :( For the life of me I can never understand why people just cant leave other peoples stuff alone :shakehead: If its not yours leaving it the hell alone :thumbup:
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Scumbags! My house was robbed years ago, really sucked.

We should cut off a finger everytime they get caught stealing, they get caught enough times and they won't be able to grab anything.
Most of them just weren't raised right. Some have unadressed medical issues. Such as Bipolar.

Seriously, if your kid is angry or violent and discipline doesn't help, go talk to a doctor. Bipolar disorder can manifest as early as birth. Babies don't have colic every day for a year. Just saying...
This kind of stuff really strikes a nerve with me.....

Stealing is one of the....Actually, THE thing that pisses me off the most!

What goes thru some little bastards skull that makes him or her feel its OK to take something thats not theirs? Is it the thrill of it? Or that they cant afford it so its easier to take it? Maybe the economy? Or they maybe they grew up with "the wrong crowd"........Oh wait, I forgot one more ....DRUGS!

Whatever the reason, it is just not a cool thing to do. I live in a not-so-great part of town, but for some reason people dont steal around here. They respect each others property and dont mess with what is not theirs.

:BLAA:Thank you for your time and world peace for everyone!:BLAA:
Damn dude, that sucks. There are still good people out there, but the bad ones get all the focus.

Our house was burglarized a couple of weeks ago, it sucks that the stuff you work so hard for and get the right way is just taken in a minute by some scumbag.

Do you have renters insurance? If so, they will probably cover the stuff in your car parked out front. It's usually easier and a much better deal to use that than your auto insurance.
Damn thieves! These stories always make my blood boil. Can't we just start executing them all already? They get caught, go to jail, get out, rinse and repeat. Time to make it known that we won't tolerate this kind of crap in our society anymore! At the very least, give the buggers a severe, crippling beating. :D

I hope the a-holes get caught. Keep an eye out, they probably scouted you loading the gear a few times, and then struck. They're most likely local, as in they live very near by. Most thieves of this type won't stray far from home. They'll also hit the same area multiple times. They'll likely show again, to hit someone else, and thus they can be caught with enough patience.
Most of them just weren't raised right. Some have unadressed medical issues. Such as Bipolar.

Seriously, if your kid is angry or violent and discipline doesn't help, go talk to a doctor. Bipolar disorder can manifest as early as birth. Babies don't have colic every day for a year. Just saying...

Bipolar is a disorder of extreme mood swings from ecstatic to depressed and has no correlation to criminal activity. I believe you meant to refer to schizophrenia where there can be a dissociation with reality. next time try not to sound ignorant, and also not to blame crime on those with mental illness.
NREMT-P, MICT, CMHP. :spank:
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Damn dude, that sucks. There are still good people out there, but the bad ones get all the focus.

Our house was burglarized a couple of weeks ago, it sucks that the stuff you work so hard for and get the right way is just taken in a minute by some scumbag.

Do you have renters insurance? If so, they will probably cover the stuff in your car parked out front. It's usually easier and a much better deal to use that than your auto insurance.

Sorry to hear that you house was burglarized. As much as it sucks that your hard earned possessions have been absconded with, the true crime is the security that you felt in your own home has been destroyed. This is even more so when you have children. I had a friend come home with his wife and little girl from a movie and they found that while they were gone somebody had burglarized their house. It was weeks till there little girl stopped having nightmares that some buddy was in their house while she was sleeping.

Yes I have property insurance. Should cover most of the stuff.
When I lived in Nevada, I caught some wanker trying to break into my pickup when I was riding my dirt bike and didn't make a clean get-away fast enough and I got to exact some sweet justice.:spank::spank::spank: I thought I might get into some trouble but nothing ever came up! He would have got my rent money and more importantly Wrestlemania tickets!!

Sorry about your trouble, hope it works out.
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When I lived in Nevada, I caught some wanker trying to break into my pickup when I was riding my dirt bike and didn't make a clean get-away fast enough and I got to exact some sweet justice.:spank::spank::spank: I thought I might get into some trouble but nothing ever came up! He would have got my rent money and more importantly Wrestlemania tickets!!

Sorry about your trouble, hope it works out.

Wrestlemania Tickets?? I believe stealing those is a capitol offence :rockon:
Sorry to hear about your losses. Hopefully the thief will get caught trying to unload this stuff at your local pawn shop. How is your military with dealing with this sort of incident? Ie. will they investigate and cover it without having to go through insurance? Or is it your own personally purchased gear? Also, aren't you getting ready to deploy...?
As far as the army issue stuff, provide police report then they provide a statement of charges which insurance should pay. About 1000 usd of the gear was personal gear. Yes I deploy soon. I need to have all of the gear back or purchased by the end of the month in order to have it by time I really need, need it.
I don't get it. You treat people nice, try and do the right thing and some how while you are gone on your bike somebody breaks into a car that says veteran on the plate and steals 2500 usd worth of army gear packed in the back of it while it was sitting in front of my apartment. That is the cake my friends, the icing is that while that was happening I had parked my bike at my buddies apartment down the road. Ride downtown in his car. While we were gone somebody breaks my FE while stealing my plate. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FN KIDDING ME. end rant

P.S. The good parts of town still have bad people
Your week can only get better?

Mate I am so sorry to hear that. getting your stuff stolen sucks, it sucks even more when its something that you need.

While I was studying I was working at a newsagency and while at work had some a-hole walk into the back room and take my bag which contained most of my wordly posessions. As a student it was almost everything to me, including my only house key. Had to stay at a mates house for the night.

The thing that gets me the most is they had to walk straight past me with it as that was the only exit.

I've looked but never found them. Probably best. Not sure what I could have ended up doing to them.

Good luck with your stuff. I hope it ends up being easy to replace.
Sorry to hear that you house was burglarized. As much as it sucks that your hard earned possessions have been absconded with, the true crime is the security that you felt in your own home has been destroyed. This is even more so when you have children. I had a friend come home with his wife and little girl from a movie and they found that while they were gone somebody had burglarized their house. It was weeks till there little girl stopped having nightmares that some buddy was in their house while she was sleeping.

Yes I have property insurance. Should cover most of the stuff.

Thanks man. Yeah, I had just come home from picking up my two girls from daycare, so I had them with me when I noticed we had been broken in to. My 5 year old picked up on it quick! As I was looking around noticing stuff gone, she said "maybe a stranger got into our house". It was freaky, but luckily she took it well. A couple of "there's someone outside" nightmares, but not too bad. The 20 month old was unphased LOL.

Glad that you have insurance, it takes the bite off of a bad situation. But it still sucks ass that scumbags do this, especially to someone in the US military who defends our freedom. Hope all turns out well man.