WTF people! 39 F this morning.


Jul 23, 2008
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Steamboat Springs, CO
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Yep, 39 degrees F when I left for work this morning. Plus fog. It was supposed to snow above 10,000' here yesterday. This is BS! I even had to break out the touring jacket this morning. :disapprove:
I need to move somewhere warm year round, sick of this snow nonsense.

Haha! Two days ago, I went out, opened the garage got the FZ out in the sunshine (it was a beautiful day) and thought, "Mmmm, seems a bit chilly this morning". Got all my gear on, I've been wearing my heavy riding gear all summer, and rode to work. Faceshield was continually fogged up and the air was crisp!

I checked the temp when I got to work and it was 35F, a mere +2C!

I feel your pain.
well it was not 39 here this am here in FL... and if you lived here you might be whining too....

it is not like the weather you are having or the snow you get there is a surprise

enjoy your day and stop whining:D
Yep, 39 degrees F when I left for work this morning. Plus fog. It was supposed to snow above 10,000' here yesterday. This is BS! I even had to break out the touring jacket this morning. :disapprove:
I need to move somewhere warm year round, sick of this snow nonsense.


I plan on it.
I hear ya bro! Not quite as cool in Denver but non-stop rain past few days. Can't complain though, as there haven't been many weekends this summer that have been snuffed by rain.
489" is how much we got at mid mountain this winter whilst we were open, new record. Did you still live here that 220" January? Must have been miserable, but great skiing!

No I moved here in December. I heard about the snow though, I probably would have enjoyed it.
Yep, 39 degrees F when I left for work this morning. Plus fog. It was supposed to snow above 10,000' here yesterday. This is BS! I even had to break out the touring jacket this morning. :disapprove:
I need to move somewhere warm year round, sick of this snow nonsense.

this thread is one reason you'll never see "sportrider" in Colderado ;)
I hear ya bro! Not quite as cool in Denver but non-stop rain past few days. Can't complain though, as there haven't been many weekends this summer that have been snuffed by rain.

We opened late due to a lack of snow, then we closed earlier than normal with a record amount, then we head into what seems like a very dry summer.
Yep, 39 degrees F when I left for work this morning. Plus fog. It was supposed to snow above 10,000' here yesterday. This is BS! I even had to break out the touring jacket this morning. :disapprove:
I need to move somewhere warm year round, sick of this snow nonsense.


Not that bad in the Springs....and we have had rain & drizzle the past 2 days! It's in the mid 50's.
I just got back from Phoenix & the outside temps down there is like sticking your head in an oven !!!!!
I'll take a few days of this anytime.
I just got back from a 50 mile ride today here in Richmond,VA. The weather is absolutely beautiful!:rockon: Sorry to hear about your weather.:(
I just got back from a 50 mile ride today here in Richmond,VA. The weather is absolutely beautiful!:rockon: Sorry to hear about your weather.:(

No worries, I'm just bitching. With all of the pine beetle kill we have here, we need some cool temps and rain, although I'd hate to see what would happen if one were to get hit by lightning...:scared:
Come to New York. I suggest you stop at a hospital first though, and have your lungs replaced with gills. I can't remember a wetter, more miserable Summer. Tomorrow looks to be very nice though.
I am considering getting some paddles for my bike right now...have ridden in near freezing temperatures and rain every day (night) for about 3 weeks fact i am still thawing & drying out as i write this from this morning's ride.

Cold & rain does not bother me too much (we dont get snow), as i have good riding gear, but trying to keep my bike pristine, now that's a struggle during winter.

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