WTB 08 tail bracket support, big U shape see pic

Just to add to the above, even with the stock bracket installed (that fits without mods with the oval Scorps), I also had crap getting up in the seat release mechanism.

To fix that, I just folded up some aluminum foil, used the thin, true DUCT TAPE (for A/C units). I folded several layers together, then taped that flat piece together, then taped that underneath the seat mechainism. NO MORE CRAP getting up there... Keeps it nice clean and dry.

I'm going to have to try this because when I'm washing the underside with a hose, I think water is still getting in there.

BTW, my Scorps use similar SS straps with a rubber strap to prevent scratching but, I guess, being oval, clears the stock bracket in question without mods...

The Two Bros are oval shaped too and when I was tinkering with them when I first got them, I tried a couple of things before I resorted to eliminating them all together.


I tried raising the straps where they attach to the frame. It wasn't enough to clear the brace, but would have resulted in less material taken off the brace. I didn't like this because the TB's were no longer centered in the thong trim... (I think Boneman used this term ;)) which looked like crap.

I though about lowering the end contact point where the brace would meet the tail tidy but then the whole assembly would be sitting lower..., and that looked like crap.

My only thought why the Scorps fit better is their oval shape is not as large as the TB's, and they look pretty sharp too. ;)
Quick recap of the plan.

First off, the plan has changed, but I'm going to chop off 85% of bracket purchased and use the mount section to secure the plastic under the grab handles. This will keep the tail section from flopping in the breeze and secure the pods once again.

FAB up a new Tail Tidy from 0.125" aluminum plate and powder coat it. I had this Evotech unit on the stock muffler, its simple and it works great for that, so, something like this I suspect but for the 2B's.

Like BD did, a simple heavy gauge wire rod will support the TT and keep it from flopping. That's the plan so it will mount under the seat to the flat pan (pic) and form a triangle to keep the TT from bouncing.

Now to sketch up something and chop it out. Moving useful data to new thread.... And get rid of this!

/End - Thanks all!