Writing Contest to win prizes.



Avon Tyres - US

Here is mine. I know its lame but its the best I could do. I really do wish I could spell but nope I just am not very good at it.

Cool morning air, brisk against my skin, dances with leaves across my path. I taste the smoke rising from the chimmenies in the valley below. Dropping down, and leaning in, I feel my tires bite the pavement, pulling me along, we ride. Two mennonite boys in a buggy, return my wave, and smile. I laugh out loud, there is no other way to express this feeling. Quiet now, eyes front, brakes on, feeling the front tire's bite, eyes searching, the next set of curves approach. Back to the business at hand.

Storm ST
on my 2007 Yamaha FZ6
I like it "write on":thumbup::thumbup: really captures the feeling!!!
I break them. LOL
The poor little programs just go ARRRGGHHHSSSzzziittt! and die.