Would you wear a yellow jacket?

yellow jacekt is safety, but You can wear reflective vest
anytime You can put it off
I will wear yellow helmet:p

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I don't like wearing one especially. I already have a mostly white lid, and together with a yellow jacket is what the cops here wear.


Every time some joker in a car sees you in his mirror, he slows down. ;)
I used to have all black gear. Last year I bought a high viz yellow jacket, and it has made a huge difference! The retards in cages don't pull out in front of me as often. I almost never wear my black gear anymore.
I don't like wearing one especially. I already have a mostly white lid, and together with a yellow jacket is what the cops here wear.


Every time some joker in a car sees you in his mirror, he slows down. ;)
Dayam, I would think that would cause cagers to drive into the ditch, clutching their eyeballs... :eek:
I don't like wearing one especially. I already have a mostly white lid, and together with a yellow jacket is what the cops here wear.


Every time some joker in a car sees you in his mirror, he slows down. ;)

Haha, Plod's giving the Pan some large!!!!

After my comments about yellow jackets increasing visibility ten fold I must now eat my own words. On the motorway this morning passing a junction, a woman in an estate car came up the slip road doing at least 80mph, RH indicator on and pulled across all 3 lanes in one go. Only problem was, I was in the fast lane where she wanted to be! Let's just say the ABS works at motorway speeds:eek:

Apparently 2 beaming headlights and hi viz are useless if other drivers don't use their bl00dy mirrors! Tw@t, man did I give her some sh1t as I went past!
Take a look at bikes coming head-on towards you. You really don't even see much of the jacket. Most serious bike\car accidents are with each vehicle facing each other. Typically the car turns in front of the bike.

IMO the best way to be noticed is with a headlight modulator and solid white, yellow or orange helmet.

I completely agree with Tim. When I first started riding, I paid a lot of attention to the other bikes and noted which ones I saw from a mile away and which ones I didn't. By far, the most noticeable were the ones with solid white helmets.
I don't need anymore jackets, but I bought the high vis vest and I think it has made a big difference in being seen, both during the day and at night. My next jacket may just end up being high vis yellow as I too don't worry about looking like a dork anymore....