Worst Thanksgiving ever.


Hopped up on Mountain Dew
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May 27, 2008
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Worst thanksgiving - Now rebuilding

While I was riding to work in the rain on the 25th, my front tire found a nice big oily patch right at the moment I needed to stop for a traffic light that has a notoriously short yellow and a camera. The bike lowsided and slid about 50' and came to a sudden stop against a guardrail support post shattering my front wheel and bent the fork so far that the wheel bent the exhaust manifold. I came out fine because I just slid to a stop and was wearing full leathers and a rain suit on top of that. (first time wearing the rain suit, dammit) I walked back to the spot where it started, and I think some car had a major gasket failure there because there was a decent size puddle of fresh honey colored oil and a trail of drops going down the road from there.

Anyways, I'm parting the bike out, so if anybody wants anything, let me know.






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oh god damn it man. that first picture was a shocker.

thats so nasty.

but look at it as an opportunity.....new bike time!!!
Maybe in a year or so. I like not having payments too much right now.
Our FZ's seem to be dropping like flies, glad you are ok, lets be careful out there.
Damn! Glad you are OK! True, it seems quite a few bikes are going down. :(

Hmm...am I seeing things in your first pic, or does your yellow oil filter have a happy face drawn on it?
Good that you're okay man! That's the only important thing and it looks like your already taking care of business with what direction to go in parting it out. :rockon:

I hit oil with four wheels and it was hard to recover. Can't imagine oil and water! :eek:
Holy Crap! I'm glad you're okay, bikes can always be replaced.

I know you said next year but what are you thinking bike wise?
Probably a used Buell or Triumph. I still like the streetfighter look.
Your up on two- very good!

Now I have to ask, did you take the bike apart in the parking lot?

Good luck with the parts sale!
Glad you're ok. I wonder if you would have gone down even if the light was green given the large amount of oil.

Is the radiator damaged? If not, I'm interested.
I blame this on the red light camera. If you only have the option of going safely through the red light knowing slick road, etc.
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Damn.. first pic is truly painful to look at. Sorry about your bad luck, but glad you came away uninjured.
Bloody oil !
Glad you came out ok mate,
I said the same thing about another bike.......lasted 1 month ,lol

How many of us have gone down in the last 3 months ?