Worst night ever. Lost my best friend. My dog.

Dirk, I am SOOOO SORRY for your loss. Reading this at work, I had the hardest time to not simply break down and cry with/for you. This brings back memories of old and losing my own pets in the past. I really feel for you.

I hope you can find another special dog to help you through the grief, to fill the void left and ease the pain of your loss.

What is refreshing and something to think about.... Cammi had REALLY fantastic owners who gave her almost 7 absolutely great and loving years. There's MANY dogs out there that are so much less fortunate than Cammi. Be proud that she had your undying love until the last breath.

Thoughts and prayers from NH...
Man, what a bummer. I've read the entire thread. I'm so sorry you lost your pooch, she looked like a sweetie.

As others have said, our pets really do become a part of us.

I'm glad to read that you're taking a look at a new potential friend. Surely there's a deserving, bright-eyed pooch just waiting for you. I agree that it's not so much about replacing and/or forgetting Cammi, but rather honoring her memory and helping you to fill that void and find some closure and happiness.

All the best in your search.
Sorry for your loss - no words of condolence will help but eventually time will. I'm glad that TexCollect posted the Rainbow Bridge and hope it brings you comfort.
In Memory Of Pets

I hope no one thinks me too tacky but for those of you who have suffered such a terrible loss, this site is where I posted my sons prayer to Jenna, whom we lost years ago. I found some very touching stories and comfort knowing we who love our pets so much are not alone.

Post a tribute to Cammi !

Terribly sorry for your loss:(

OK, Dirk, you asked me to read this when I got home. I just finished reading all of these posts, and the tears are still pouring down my face. (Our foster dog, Gabby, is cleaning them off of my cheeks.)
The website you asked me about is Humane Society of Monroe County. When you and Danielle are ready, I will be happy to help you find a new companion.
i,m not very good at these things, so i just join with what the other members have posted. when you lose best friends, the grief and sorrow you go through is unbearable at times. time is the best medicine... when you are ready do get another dog
wow dirk. so sorry to read this. i'm at the end of this thread crying like a little girl. i've had some pretty bad things happen in my life but one of the saddest moments was standing next to Obie at the vet's and rubbing her as she breathed her last breath. she was the cutest, nicest, most loving, wonderful dog i've ever had. never thought i'd say all those things about a pitt. she developed cancer and by the time it was caught it was too late to do anything about it.

i'll be praying for you and your wife over the next few days.
Thanks, dean. It has been almost 9 days now and it still is pretty difficult at times. Just yesterday, I broke down in the car when this song came on:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25URKL26I04]YouTube - John Mayer: Dreaming With a Broken Heart[/ame]
Here are the lyrics... it is pretty obvious why that song tore me up.

When you're dreaming with a broken heart
The waking up is the hardest part

You roll out of bed and down on your knees
and for a moment you can hardly breathe
Wondering was she really here
Is she standing in my room?

No, she's not
cause she's gone, gone, gone, gone, gone.

When you're dreaming with a broken heart
The giving up is the hardest part

She takes you in with her crying eyes
then all at once you have to say goodbye
wondering could you stay my love
will you wake up by my side?

No, she can't
cause she's gone, gone, gone, gone, gone.

Do I have to fall asleep with roses in my hand?
Do I have to fall asleep with roses in my hand?
Do I have to fall asleep with roses in my hand?
Do I have to fall asleep with roses in my, roses in my hands?
Would you get them if I did?

No, you won't
Cause you're gone, gone, gone, gone, gone.

When you're dreaming with a broken heart
the waking up is the hardest part.
Sorry for your loss. I too know just how you feel. I've currently got my boy (pussy cat) as my desk top picture. It's been nearly 2 years since we had him put down (CRF) but I still miss him terribly. It gets easier, but I still miss him.

Once again...I'm very sorry for your loss.
Being a newer dog owner, puking will concern me from now on. Reading about Cammi, I almost wept.

I don't know how this goes but will immediately getting another dog ease some of your pain? A cute cuddly puppy golden, lab, pyrenees or a collie?
Being a newer dog owner, puking will concern me from now on. Reading about Cammi, I almost wept.

I don't know how this goes but will immediately getting another dog ease some of your pain? A cute cuddly puppy golden, lab, pyrenees or a collie?

I'm pretty sure an earlier diagnosis wouldn't have made much difference. The vet said once they take in a toxin (likely antifreeze) it is nearly always fatal especially after they exhibit symptoms.

We talked about it and are not going to get another dog anytime soon. We have two other dogs, Kneesaa and Turbo, as well as Hitch the polydactyl cat, so we will let it stand at those for now. I broke down hardcore when doing laundry and found the jeans I was wearing that night with her drool stain on them from her seizures. It kills me even now to think of how scared she had to be. Also, stripping down the bed and seeing all the white fur deep under the covers. *Sigh* She was AWESOME!



I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. My family and I went through an eerily similar situation 3 months ago. Our dog, Sable, had the exact same symptoms that you described. I'm sure she had contracted something, either from a flea, tick, or maybe eating something bad, not really sure. We were going to take her to the vet the next day (we started noticing that something was off at around 9PM on a Saturday) but she never made it through the night. However, knowing that things looked dire, we all prepared ourselves and hugged her one last time. Even though she was too weak to get off her bed, her tail still wagged when she saw us coming. I miss her dearly, but time heals all wounds.

We are totally taken by the love that this rescue pup has to give. He went from death row in a pound many states away to a big dog bed in a new environment and we couldn't be happier.
I'm just mailing this to say after the pain retreats a bit there is a chance to have a pal in your life once more. You'll never replace the one you lost but starting over with a new face is a wonderful experience. Maybe you'll never be ready again but just maybe you will be.
Hope this helps ease it just a bit.

I'd just like to second what Adirondack Jack said here. Sable was a rescue from the pound as well. We got her when she was about a year and a half old. I know she had a rough life before she came to us. She was deathly afraid of loud noises and cowered away anytime anyone lifted their hand in the air near here (I came to the conclusion that she was beaten and neglected for the early part of her life). However, giving her a loving home was such a rewarding and nice thing, for both her and us. I would do it all again, even knowing how painful the end was.

No dog will replace the one you just lost, but each brings something special to the table. You have an opportunity now to make a big difference in another dog's life if you so choose. I encourage everyone that wants a pet to visit the pound/rescue shelter/etc. If you can walk out of those places without wanting to take one of the loving animals with you......

I hope things have gotten easier in the last few weeks. Remember the good times, and don't dwell on the end. And from the sounds of it, you touched her just as profoundly as she touched touched you...