Word of caution - check your insurance


Junior Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Last year my riding buddy got hit in Chicago city by a illegal, unlicensed and uninsured driver who took a left turn into him. He lost his leg !! He is now putting his life back together the best he can. Hopefully he will get back on a bike sometime in the future.

Please make sure that your insurance is large enough. He had only minimum coverage for bodily damage and ended up getting just 25K from his insurance. Since then I have updated mine to 100k. Lesson learnt the hard way. Everyone has to consider the fact that you could do everything right and still get hurt. While money won't replace body parts, it does help a bit.

Oh and the illegal guy is still mostly alright.

Edit: I should probably one more thing. He lost his leg because the SUV hit his leg directly. Literally that was the only thing that got hit. He had a couple of fractures, but they happened after the hit and healed rapidly. When talking about the accident, we were theorizing - sometimes you are better off leaping off the bike or high siding to avoid a direct hit with a car. Not that we would get the time to think.
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Thanks for the thoughts and sorry to hear about your friend!

I was just redoing my insurance yesterday and thinking if I was getting enough coverage. This certainly gives more perspective. I would guess and say most people only have 25k on their bikes.

Also some policies dont even cover **** for medical if you hurt your self IE a deer runs out in front of you and you crash and stay in the hospital....well mine would only give me 1k and then i would have to rely on some other sort of health insurance. 1k would barely pay a minor ER trip.
Last year my riding buddy got hit in Chicago city by a illegal, unlicensed and uninsured driver who took a left turn into him. He lost his leg !! He is now putting his life back together the best he can. Hopefully he will get back on a bike sometime in the future.

Please make sure that your insurance is large enough. He had only minimum coverage for bodily damage and ended up getting just 25K from his insurance. Since then I have updated mine to 100k. Lesson learnt the hard way. Everyone has to consider the fact that you could do everything right and still get hurt. While money won't replace body parts, it does help a bit.

Oh and the illegal guy is still mostly alright.

Edit: I should probably one more thing. He lost his leg because the SUV hit his leg directly. Literally that was the only thing that got hit. He had a couple of fractures, but they happened after the hit and healed rapidly. When talking about the accident, we were theorizing - sometimes you are better off leaping off the bike or high siding to avoid a direct hit with a car. Not that we would get the time to think.
That is shocking, poor guy, give him our best regards.

This is a great post (sorry to hear about your friend). I thought it was going to be about checking to see if it is valid for the season. That is certainly another good thing to do. Regarding the coverage when I got my insurance I upped all the coverages and was surprised at how much coverage could be had for really not that much more. I mean I am probably paying an extra 50-60 per year but feel much better in the event something happens and that piece of mind is worth it.