Wishing someone got hit by a train...


Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Boise, ID
Today I was on the bike riding into town do do some errands.

In front of me were some jerks in an Apportioned 3/4 ton Rig pickup. (Oil Roughnecks) The road had a speed limit of 45 mph and they were tooling around swerving between the oncoming lane and their own lane going a whole 25 mph.

They saw I was behind them and I guess were trying to provoke me to try and get past them. I wasn't about to do that as I was in a blind spot so I just delt with it.

But of course past the hill is a set of train tracks, with ofcourse a train on its way in the distance. Now if they had been driving normally it would have been fine to go past. But instead they try to time it so that I would have to wait for this long frieght train.

We get to the crossing arms about the time they were completely down.

So of course they wait til the last few moments to swerve around the crossing arms.

I seriously wish their vehicle would have stalled on the tracks. I wouldn't have felt any sympathy for them either.

Sorry, just hate when people go out of their way to make other peoples lives more difficult. Fortunately I was able to keep my cool enough to not try to pursuit them.

Seems perfectly appropriate to me though. Then again I am going to h e double hockey sticks.
I'm so going to he ll as well but considering the entire human race I'd rather them get hit by a train then a child die from starvation. Oh well, next time i guess.:ban:
Question: If you were to have a gopro mounted up, would a phone call to the police plus video be enough to get them a citation?

That would be even better than getting to watch them DIAF of a train wreck, because they'd be alive and well to witness their humiliation.
only problem is that the plates literally say "Apportioned Vehicle".

Picture isn't going to do much good if they can't trace it back to an owner. I would have memorized the plate and called them in. I'm good friends with the cops. (not sarcasm either...police chief is a biker :rockon:)
Sorry I can't agree with you there.

I work for the railways in the UK and over the years I have count of the fatalities that I have either witnessed or been called to attend.

If not the idiots who die, then start having sympathy with the poor guy who is driving that train.
Many of them torture themselves mentally for a long time afterwards trying to figure out if there was some way they could have stopped not their fault and of course they couldn't.

Body recovery can be a very long and drawn out messy and upsetting process with bits sometimes spread so far along the line that we had to use
2 seperate station to recover the parts.

People waiting for their trains get massively inconvenienced and businesses can suffer.

Some poor cop has to go and break the news to a family (ies) which in turn will be devastated.

If this doesnt convince you that it's not such a great idea then PM me and I will write 30,000 words on the subject for you.

Sorry for the rant but I have too much personal experience of dealing with this kind of thing.
of course i don't really wish anyone to be hit by a train.

I'm just pissed at the fact that they had nothing better to do than to try and get someone fired up especially when they try to make a game of it...with life threatening consequences.

If I had lost my cool the whole situation could have turned out differently...with me deciding i was going to try to pursuit them and end up not being able to make this post.

just needed a place to vent thats all. :ban:
of course i don't really wish anyone to be hit by a train.

I'm just pissed at the fact that they had nothing better to do than to try and get someone fired up especially when they try to make a game of it...with life threatening consequences.

If I had lost my cool the whole situation could have turned out differently...with me deciding i was going to try to pursuit them and end up not being able to make this post.

just needed a place to vent thats all. :ban:

I kinda figured you really didn't mean to wish that on those guys. We just had a similar thread regarding cyclists. It's tough when folks don't have any more sense than those guys did. And it can often be tougher still to do what you did -- be the bigger person.

It kinda reminds me of how I learned to deal with the crap I got from two big brothers (twins). When the crap started I just had to let it go, just ignore it. If I gave them any hint that they were getting through, it just got worse. I'm not saying I was always able to pull that off, but it is interesting how if you ignore someone they'll tend to lose interest.

I have this mental image of a guy on a moto, all geared up, sitting at some super desolate train crossing in the middle of nowhere...being able to see for miles across a flat expanse in either direction...the train chugs past and as the caboose passes we see the guys in the truck waiting on the other side. Kinda like the movie Duel. Just dumber.