Winter Storm Juno


Junior Member
Oct 20, 2014
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Northfield, VT
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I happen to be in the heart of the blizzard where we are supposed to get 20-30". I'd see this from time to time in Vermont but it's not common here in Massachusetts. Looks like I am going snowshoeing!

The photos are about 9 hours apart.
I guess you won't be riding till April! :(

I'm an hour SouthWest of Washington DC. We got 1/4" dusting.
Seems like a great time to replace your fork oil and seals if you have never done so! I'm doing mine now. Check the DIY section. :thumbup:
Man, that sounds over my head hah. So far, I have changed the oil to synthetic and plan on doing a coolant flush in the spring. It's garaged in a spot where I can't work on it until then. I am good with my hands but have little mechanical experience. Baby steps!
We were supposed to get over a foot too.. got maybe 4" :cheer:

I hope VT does get the foot that was promised, so I can have extra good time snowboarding this weekend :D
Call me crazy... I don't see the big deal, especially that far north? It might not be common there (or much of any major population center) but it's not Armageddon.

We got 3' down in MD last year for Valentine's Day. I was out plowing for 32 hours, we had about 4" on the ground at midnight when I started, tapered off mid-morning with about 18" on the ground, then picked back up in the late afternoon and dumped easily another 18" (I measured 36" total, and the 2nd snow compacted the earlier stuff too) by about midnight the next night. By the time I aroused from my 2-days-awake coma that afternoon, pretty much all the roads had been salted to wet pavement, it was pretty much business as usual but with big snowbanks everywhere. I was bouncing around commercial properties, and there was never a point that a decent driver with good tires and some care couldn't have gotten around the roads... not that we have many of those around here.
Call me crazy... I don't see the big deal, especially that far north? It might not be common there (or much of any major population center) but it's not Armageddon.

We got 3' down in MD last year for Valentine's Day. I was out plowing for 32 hours, we had about 4" on the ground at midnight when I started, tapered off mid-morning with about 18" on the ground, then picked back up in the late afternoon and dumped easily another 18" (I measured 36" total, and the 2nd snow compacted the earlier stuff too) by about midnight the next night. By the time I aroused from my 2-days-awake coma that afternoon, pretty much all the roads had been salted to wet pavement, it was pretty much business as usual but with big snowbanks everywhere. I was bouncing around commercial properties, and there was never a point that a decent driver with good tires and some care couldn't have gotten around the roads... not that we have many of those around here.

The whole point is for people not to get stranded on the roadways, abandoning their vehicles in the middle of the roadway. Better safe than sorry.
Call me crazy... I don't see the big deal, especially that far north? It might not be common there (or much of any major population center) but it's not Armageddon.

We got 3' down in MD last year for Valentine's Day. I was out plowing for 32 hours, we had about 4" on the ground at midnight when I started, tapered off mid-morning with about 18" on the ground, then picked back up in the late afternoon and dumped easily another 18" (I measured 36" total, and the 2nd snow compacted the earlier stuff too) by about midnight the next night. By the time I aroused from my 2-days-awake coma that afternoon, pretty much all the roads had been salted to wet pavement, it was pretty much business as usual but with big snowbanks everywhere. I was bouncing around commercial properties, and there was never a point that a decent driver with good tires and some care couldn't have gotten around the roads... not that we have many of those around here.

I agree that there is a lot of sensationalism and making it into a huge news story. We ended up with around 30" and I can already see the wet pavement. Like VegasRider said, they just want people off the roads so you can do your job and that is one way of doing so. I've seen plenty of blizzards but it has been fun to be forced to 'work from home' for 2 days due to the travel ban (the ban is lifted today but they want people off the roads still).
The whole point is for people not to get stranded on the roadways, abandoning their vehicles in the middle of the roadway. Better safe than sorry.

THIS! If the snow plows can't plow because of abandoned vehicles things really get ugly! That said, they actually have lots of snow plows in NY and New England! Last year when we got 20" in Virginia the plows could not keep up with the main roads and backroads didn't get TOUCHED for 2-3 days! The State DOT hired farmers and anyone with a tractor or snow plow on a diesel to help them plow the backroads.
Now that was Snowmageddon! :Flip:
I feel for you all! Sounds sooo cold

It was 42'C at my house yesterday - air-conditioning - can't live without it Blah

Australia - you should all move here ....