Winter Olympics 2010

Cool - looking forward to it. We've subscribed to full games coverage on payTV - it's a novelty for us - not a lot of snow down under.....

Go Australia!


Is there any snow? How's the weather up there Ay.

As far as the World Cup, there will be a thread, but it's still months away.
Is there any snow? How's the weather up there Ay.

As far as the World Cup, there will be a thread, but it's still months away.

Yup there is snow here. We didn't have it as bad as the East coast but we got about seven inches, with about six more to come Wednesday.

I am completely obsessed with the World Cup. I can't wait. I will be watching the Winter Olympics as wife loves it.
Yup there is snow here. We didn't have it as bad as the East coast but we got about seven inches, with about six more to come Wednesday.

I am completely obsessed with the World Cup. I can't wait. I will be watching the Winter Olympics as wife loves it.

Gets crazy here in Vegas during the World Cup. I remembered four years ago when it was held in Korea & Japan, because of the time difference, I recalled seeing the sports book PACKED around 3 am. Very loud and crazy, especially when Mexico played.
As a resident of BC and one who will be paying the Olympic bill for the next 20+ years, all I can say is F*CK THE OLYMPICS! I'm so sick of hearing about it and the games haven't even begun! My god, Montreal only recently JUST finished paying off it's Olympic debt from the 1967 Olympics!!

What pisses me off the most about the Olympics is all the touting our members of parliment go on about "good for local business", yet the Olympics and their over enthusasic security Gestapo force have shut down dozens of roads and local businesses!

VANOC has also been suing (well trying too) local businesses for using "olympic" in their names, including already-existent establishments. Like an existing pizza place that' sbeen in Vancouver for 20+ years as well as another local company that had a "match flame" in it's logo as they felt it represented an "olympic touch"....:rolleyes: Olympic trademark battle snares small businesses - The Globe and Mail

It's this kind of BS that really pisses me off. VANOC waltzes into town like they own the place and everybody in it and then proceeds to bully local businesses and impose their Olympic will on everybody. The only people that do any business or make any money are the already rich and the damn politicians!! The average person/business gets the shaft and pushed asside as usual.

Not to mention the hundreds of aligations about ticket scandals and citys using tax dollars to send their uppty up big wigs (and their friends and faimiles) to the game on our dime!

All thiss fuss, all this money, for what? A whopping 2 weeks of 'amature' sport???!?! I'm sorry, but in this day and age, with this economy in the pooper and people losing their jobs and pensions, we somehow have the billions to host 'games'??? Priorities poeple!

Personally I hope all the snow melts and it's a complete disaster. The Olympics is a dying dinosaur that comes to town, eats up all your cash and puts your city in hock for the next few centuries and moves onto the next.

I refuse to buy into the hype or purchase anything that is related or supports the games; my taxes will be doing that for many years to come. For me, the Olympics can't go away fast enough. :Flip:

Besides, the X-Games IMHO is 10x better, more entertaining and has much more difficult and exciting sports than the Olympics will ever have....oh and dosen't put the cities it vistis into massive debt!!!
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Geez Bonez, tell us how you really feel. ;) Surprised to hear that from a native, local site no less. Yes, I've heard how much it will cost Vancouver. Honestly, I'm not sure if Canada has been doing much to market the games. By that I mean it's been very quiet. Instead, it should be a block buster event. China in 2008 summer games for example, the Chinese makes sure the world know it's their coming out party. They built the excitement in anticipating the spectacular event. Albeit it's not as big as summer games, it's the olympics regardless.
Personally I hope all the snow melts and it's a complete disaster. The Olympics is a dying dinosaur that comes to town, eats up all your cash and puts your city in hock for the next few centuries and moves onto the next.


That's the spirit! LOL....Go Canada ay!
What can I say, I'm a bitter old man!

I just can't buy into the hype and the "glory of the games". A large majority of local residents share my feelings. Most of us didn't even get a chance to vote on having the games nor will even be able to attend it....yet we get to foot the bill for it. Awesome.

Our local politicians go on and on about how it will put places like Whistler and Vancouver "on the map". New flash..places like Whistler and Vancouver are ALREADY on the map and prime vaction/living destinations. Any of you ever spend a night up in Whistler?? I hope you took a second mortgage out before you arrive! Whistler isn't exactly a 'modest' vacationing destination. It's a first class ski resort with the price tag to match! So tell me what average Olympic athelete in training will be able to afford heading up there to take advantage of the now "Olympic Training Facilites"...?

The Olympics have turned into a political and marketing agenda with 'sports' being the 'secondary attraction'. I'm still trying to figure out why games that are supposed to be about amateur sports can include paid pros like NBA, NHL (what amounts to an NHL Allstar team) and soon to be PGA pros in the Summer Olympics....? What's amateur about that? These pro's get the spotlight and the money every week to do waht they do and take away from the "little guys" who get to try and make a name for themselves and maybe a paycheck once every 4 years.

Sorry, the more you dig into what the Olympics is actually all about these days and how they go about doing it (maybe it was different years ago), I can't in good concience support or enjoy it; so I dont. Dosen't mean I'm not patriotic.

Call me a party pooper or whatever you want, but to me the "spirit" of the games has long been lost in a quagmire of corporate and politcal greed.

I feel a good way to help turn the Olympics around (and I've heard talk about this on the radio several times), is to create 2 or 4 permant Olympic facilites (2 summer, 2 winter) and host ALL Olympics there and just roate between these venues. All the contires that particiapte chip in to help build and maintain the facilites and then the atheletes will have a permanent training facilites. This would stop host cities from enduring the massive and pending debt load created from the Olympics and stop what now seems to be a major focus of the games; one upping the pervious host city.
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That would be '76 not '67 but who's counting?

Yeah it's a ton of money, no doubt, and each city/country has to decide if they want to go forward with hosting it. Hard call.

I do love the Olympics, except of figure skating, but that is another thread.

Look at it this way, if you're into winter sports there will be world class venues available for others once the games are done.

Back in the '70's Colorado was considering hosting the games but the State said, "No", for the reasons you stated, cost.
I feel a good way to help turn the Olympics around (and I've heard talk about this on the radio several times), is to create 2 or 4 permant Olympic facilites (2 summer, 2 winter) and host ALL Olympics there and just roate between these venues. All the contires that particiapte chip in to help build and maintain the facilites and then the atheletes will have a permanent training facilites. This would stop host cities from enduring the massive and pending debt load created from the Olympics and stop what now seems to be a major focus of the games; one upping the pervious host city.

Yep, I've been saying that too. Peking claims to have made a profit, but I believe Turin made a loss. Still, I look forward to watching the sports. Hope it makes you feel better knowing many people will enjoy it...
Watch for lots of Yamaha music gear in the opening ceremonies tonight! White piano, drums, keyboards and the trumpet soloist with a nice new gold plated Yamaha trumpet!
Will this Olympics is starting off with a sour note.

Some luger from Georgia (the country) died doing a practice run this morning. RIP.
I also just read the ski races for Saturday and Sunday have been canceled, no word as to the new date. :(

Maybe they could move the games to Dallas?
I use to hate the idea of the Olympics but now with it here and feeling the vibe, I like it. Yeah it's gonna cost money but with those expenses comes a lot of infrastructure. Boneman, I can see how it won't really affect you since you're on the island but for all of the mainland residences it will impact us greatly. The Canada line subway to the airport, the sea to sky improvements to whistler, the new port mann bridge (even though its just started) open roof on BC place etc. I live 6 miles from downtown and I know this is going to be crazy. I can be DT in 20min taking transit and be right in walking distance of all the big party houses, clubs etc. :rockon:

I now welcome the Olympics with open arms. Either we pay for this or we pay for some other crap.

And to top it off I have a pair of Gold Medal Hockey tickets. :BLAA:
Haven't decided if I'm going to sell them yet.