Where did Surge Knight go wrong?


Junior Member
Apr 17, 2014
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San Luis Obispo
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So Surge Knight got arrest for murder. He was fleeing from a fight that broke out of after a video shoot in Compton. He got in his vehicle and ran over a dude while escaping.

Now if there was no fight at all and just guys standing around looking at him after he rear ended a vehicle he could have ran over the guy as long as the guy was on a motorcycle and his uncle was the chief of police. #Alex Lien

Or maybe, if someone had come bye and broke his window and dragged him out of his vehicle after he ran over a guy everyone could backwards rationalize his actions to validate him running someone over.

Or maybe he needs to hire a woman or child to sit in his car because male lives don't matter and then he can just go berserk on the wheel with impunity.
What the hell?? Not into rap so I had no idea who Suge (there is no r) is so I googled up.
Suge Knight pleads not guilty in fatal hit-and-run, has chest pains in court - CNN.com

Oh this guy is a peach.

What are you saying? Do you think this guy should get burned at the stake because you don't like rap music?

Mind you, this guy was shot six times less than 6 months ago when a fight broke out near bye. Suge Knight Doesn

I think it is safe to assume anyone who was shot six times so recently would react in a similar way when faced with another fight breaking out so soon- to flee in a panic.