When Bears ATTACK!


only you can stop winter
Elite Member
Aug 17, 2008
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Prince George, BC, Canada
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so I'm riding to work tonight and I'm coming to the one part that's a nice windy hill. Lots of accidents happen here. last year 2 logging trucks wiped eachother out when they were racing up the hill.

anyways I'm going down the hill and I finish the first curve and am almost thru the second when I see a really big black garbage bag by the highway shoulder (100 ft away)...the bag proceeds to grow legs and walk out onto the highway.

so the car beside me hits the binders and the bear walks out through the right lane and into my lane. by this time I've slowed down enough but I'm almost putting the tire and fender up this bear's rectum for a free colonoscopy and polyp removal, because it's now running in front of me.

it runs towards the concrete dividers, sees the oncoming traffic on the other side and runs back the way it came. In front of me and the car (again). I honked at it just as it was jumping into the ditch...

I think I'm gonna have to go "Mad Max" for my last 4 weeks of riding (before the frost and ice hit) and mount some shotguns on the bike - anybody done this mod yet? I'd like to see some pics.
Thank god you didn't hit the damn thing.

You have to show us pics when you mount those shotguns!:rof:

The Mad Max line craked me up!
I posted this once before in another thread.... I saw this a at a local BMW dealer's Octoberfest last year


A friend of a friend insists that he has hit two different bears (the friendly black ones) in his extensive riding career. He seems trustworthy...
WOW... a bear... this is a first time I read this. Well the bear must have been drunk or something... but glad u OK tho. :cheer:
The issue with animals this time of year is they are DRUNK!

All the fruits and berries that fall to the ground ferment in the sun and turn into alcohol. These animals, especially skunks, raccoons and bear, all eat until they cannot possibly stuff in more. Skunks are the worst ones and have the smallest liver of all their relatives, thus process the alcohol the slowest. So, now you know where the term "Drunk as a skunk" comes from. They get drunk and wander where they normally would not. We have hundreds more roadkill this time of year than any other.

In the spring, it is because they've been hibernating and are rather groggy when they awake then wander into the road. But, it still isn't the same numbers as this time of year.

Beware the drunks! They're not ONLY in cages!!!
Even if you had hit him and were ok, he probably would've finished you off :eek:

Good lookin out!

Da bears! :D
so I'm riding to work tonight and I'm coming to the one part that's a nice windy hill. Lots of accidents happen here. last year 2 logging trucks wiped eachother out when they were racing up the hill.

anyways I'm going down the hill and I finish the first curve and am almost thru the second when I see a really big black garbage bag by the highway shoulder (100 ft away)...the bag proceeds to grow legs and walk out onto the highway.

so the car beside me hits the binders and the bear walks out through the right lane and into my lane. by this time I've slowed down enough but I'm almost putting the tire and fender up this bear's rectum for a free colonoscopy and polyp removal, because it's now running in front of me.

it runs towards the concrete dividers, sees the oncoming traffic on the other side and runs back the way it came. In front of me and the car (again). I honked at it just as it was jumping into the ditch...

I think I'm gonna have to go \\"Mad Max\\" for my last 4 weeks of riding (before the frost and ice hit) and mount some shotguns on the bike - anybody done this mod yet? I'd like to see some pics.
Dude that is :rof: I had the same exact thing kinda happen to me one time. I was going to my friends college were he lived. I had never been up in this area. I made it there fine and back but on the way back I was in my old 1985 F-150 doing about 60mph. It was dark as hell and tall tall grass on side of roads. The wind was blowing hard also. Then all of a sudden like a flash I seen a big arse black plastic bag go across the road right in front of me. I didn't even have time to react. Then I realized I just had seen my first black bear. :D