what's the longest (unplanned) time you spent without your bike?


Junior Member
May 24, 2011
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Ghent, Belgium
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I was wondering what the longest time was you guys spent without your bike. Either your bike was in the shop/broken or an accident or something
(not your bike beeing sold, a planned break from motorcycling or winterbreak).

I'm just wondering that because currently i'm walking around with crutches because i cracked my hip (by falling with my bicycle of all things !!!). But ok, that beeing that, it's really bugging me that i'm not allowed to get on my fazer for the weeks to come so i was wondering if you guys had to suffer from this form of "withdrawl" ;)
I hear you. Broke my wrist and was in a cast for 2 months. Wrist was useless for a total of 6 months. I dont know if its the fact that I knew I was unable to ride that made me want to ride more but I was dying to ride. I checked if the cast fit thru my jackets arm! Thankfully it didn't. Watched videos of people riding on youtube a lot. It felt weird not riding.
about 1 month. Had the tank painted, then the bike wouldnt start, fiddled around with it or about week and waited for parts. then had it taken to the dealership to find out i needed a new fuel pump.
About a month, when my old bike got crunched, and I was waiting on the insurance company to do their thing.

It sucked, but I had a pretty nice shoulder separation, so I probably wouldn't have been riding for most of it anyway. But of course it was sunny almost every day, until I bought the FZ6.
about 3 months...i took a tight corner, and i got afraid to bank the bike further so i just went straight into the wall, bent the forks, destroyed fairing, and a sidepod and stator cover, i ordered the plastics and fitted them myself, only the forks were done by mechanic and had him check the steering alignment. stupid mistake i know, the bike would have tackled the corner easily
Currently, my bike is in the shop. Last Thursday, the spark plug pipe from cylinder 2 pop-ed out for some reason, and refused to stay in, despite my desperate efforts to plug it in again. After a few hours I went to a mechanic, and he said that the spiral from the plug hole got damaged, from the spark plug that was not tightened enough.

He tried to tighten it, but the plug kept spinning. Hopefully today I'll have my bike back.

Estimated cost: 250 euros :(
3 Months....

I had a stupid accident, the bike fell on my leg and twisted my left ankle, all the way down. I had to operate it, 6 months to recover completely and walk like before, 3 months to repair the bike and ride it home.
2 weeks. Freak blizzard in 2009 so our roads didn't dry up for 2 full weeks...the longest I've not ridden my bike since I bought it new.
Last week when it was in the shop for 6 days for a mount and balance that i was then raped for in the wallet.... good to have her back though. 6 days made me almost quit my job 3 times lol. Drove her to work last night knowing it would rain, and you know what, i'm glad i did :thumbup:
72hrs- it was the last weekend of spring break last year and i was at some friends apartment at ksu and well long story short i woke up in panama city beach...it was a very fun weekend :D

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