What's high mileage?


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Sep 21, 2010
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D/FW Texas
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Hi I'm looking to get an 2005-2007 FZ6. What would you consider high mileage on these bikes, and with proper care what kind of miles can I hope to put on the engine?
If I recall right someone had over 90000 miles on his fizzer and still ran smoothly.
Personally, I don't care much about milage as such; I'm more concerned about how the bike was taken care of. Regular oil and filter changes are a must. And if possible, I'd rather a bike that was used regularly rather than one that sat neglected (given a choice)... Was the bike crashed and does it have a clear title? If the bike was crashed or dropped, ensure you are happy with the repairs done and the condition. If the bike seems like too good a deal, do your homework to ensure there isn't a hidden reason behind a lower than normal market value.

People get into and out of the hobby for various reasons without riding a given bike that much or upgrade models fairly often so if low milage is important to you, it shouldn't be hard to find one you like. Be patient and you should be able to find a bike that meets all your personal criteria.

I have 47, 0000 km on my FZ and it runs great.

Good luck!
If you treat your bike as an ornamental garage piece, then some would say 10K is alot. I bought my bike at 17K and plan to ride the hell out of !! :Flash: This technology should last for plenty of years. I also figure that if anything major in terms of recalls created a problem, it has already been taken care of by the PO.
I have an 08 with over 21,000 miles on it and it still runs great with no problems yet. Just keep fresh oil and filters in it with a little bit of preventive maintenance from time to time and it should last a long time.
Thanks for your help. Just got a white Shoei RF 1000 for $200 out the door. It goes with the black Speed and Strength textile jacket I got for $50. It will be great if I find I great deal on an FZ6 like that at the end of the year.(hope and pray, hope and pray) I hope to find one from someone who loved it very much.
I am looking at two 2nd hand FZ6S in Sydney & was wondering if the mileage was high or not. One is a 2005 with 29,600 km (18,400 miles) the other is a 2006 with 42,500 km (26,400 miles). After reading the mileage you guys are happy with it gives me plenty of confidence that, as long as the service history is OK, that mileage range is fine.
Have about 75000 km on mine and it's still good(2005 FZ6S).
Between the two I would be more worried about the service history. Maybe you can even press the price down a bit more because of the mileage.
Mine had 19.000km when I bought it 10 months ago.
Now I have 32.000km (all sportive km's)

So I think I have some fun km's ahead of me...

But the more I mod my bike, the less I want to ride it. I'm afraid of wearing it down and having to sell it :spank:
if you get the one with the 42,500km make sure the valves have been checked because they are due at 40,000km

:thumbup: yes, I totally agree with this as the manual says you need to check/replace the valves clearance at 40k km. I bought one at exactly at 40k km but I don't plan to do it right away. I might sell it before I do that... :BLAA: The most important thing is to ensure the body frame struucture has not been crashed/injured and you can check that out from the insurance company in some countries in a particular way.

good luck.
I'm not a wrencher, so doing a valve check myself is out of the question. And I just can't spend $400 to get it done considering the bike is probably not even worth $3000 blue book value, being it's an 2006.

Over 56,000 miles, and still no valve check and running fine with original set of plugs swapped at 20k for no particular reason, so I have 36k on my 2nd set.
I have an 08 and it's approaching 30K. I haven't checked valve clearances yet. I change the oil every 4K miles and perform all of the other maintenance that I can myself. I would say look for how the bike is maintained rather than just raw mileage values. These bikes live for a long time, the engines are practically bullet proof.
Agreed...maintenance is key. I've got 25k on my 07 (bought it from a co-worker with only 3k on the clock). I just had the valves checked and only 2 needed adjustment. Surprisingly, the shop was honest enough to let me know that although the manufacturer recommended changing out my chain and sprockets, they said that the chain looks fine and the sprockets were only showing minor wear. Needless to say I held off on replacing the chain and sprockets (although I will be keeping a closer eye on them from now until I do replace them).

Granted most of my 22k miles has been freeway commuting so perhaps in addition to maintenance you may also want to look at the conditions the used bike was ridden in. Freeway riding is different from city riding which is different from weekend canyon carving.
How it was maintained is more important than mileage. you could find one ridden 8,000km a year in worse shape internally than one ridden 20,000km a year.

But that can be tough to spot, since EVERYONE says they did "nothing but synthetic and an oil change every time i got home, i swear!'

To pick a number though, if an '06 had more than 60,000km I personally would look elsewhere. Better to find a well maintained bike with very few km than a very well maintained bike with a lot of km on it. I'd be trying to find something ridden less than 30,000km if it was an '06.
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