What thought it was faster then you today


Jul 27, 2019
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So was curious to see if any one had some douch that thought you were racing them and ended up getting smoked by your fz6.

At 2 am on my way to work had some Asian kid who thought his 2019 Ford Mustang 5L GT was going to beat me even tho all I was doing was speeding up to get over for my turn. He found out quickly that his fancy mustang did not even stand a chance. Dusted him and made my turn lol.
Without getting at all scientific, I think the average passenger car would need roughly 600hp to match acceleration with our bikes. That is rare company.
Without getting at all scientific, I think the average passenger car would need roughly 600hp to match acceleration with our bikes. That is rare company.

^^, that's about right.

A guy had a "Linginfelter", supercharged Corvette ($150K car) and my FZ were about dead even in a drag (maybe 2 years ago) going over a long bridge (about 2 miles) with no traffic.. He couldn't pull away from me and vs versa.. :)
^^, that's about right.

A guy had a "Linginfelter", supercharged Corvette ($150K car) and my FZ were about dead even in a drag (maybe 2 years ago) going over a long bridge (about 2 miles) with no traffic.. He couldn't pull away from me and vs versa.. :)

Good thing you didn't race by Officer Scott! I hear he was really tough on street racing :)
A few weeks ago a supercharged Ford f150 svt lightning decided he wanted some smoke from a dead stop. I enjoy the whine of a nice supercharger as much as the next gear head but he just couldn't keep up. To this day the fz6 surprises me when you rip the throttle in 1st & 2nd and I havent done much work other than- K&N filter, Airbox mod, delkevic exhaust.
Ya it takes some really expensive hardware to match our $3,500 bikes @11 seconds...

Ran up against a Lingienfelter Caddy CTS-V that was pushing mid 650hp, I wasn't sure he was going to play so I held back at launch, then he pinned it. It was tie to low triple digits where I bailed.

It made an interesting soundtrack...
lol sounds like some interesting drags :p I never really expected the fz6 to be as fast as it is myself it being a touring bike and all. Mine is stock with 37,000km on it with barely any proper maintenance and it still rips really well. The only thing i had that would have stood a chance was a m5 bmw some asian kid sunk something like 30,000 worth of tuning and moding into. tho it was not a terribly fair drag he was behind me and was reving his engine obnoxiously. so i punched it soon as the light changed green. before he realized what happened i was already half a kilometer down the road lmao. he flew by me later after i turned down a side street haha
I've never had a car that would have been close try to burn some rubber. I did have a Harley rev his engine and try to launch at the stop light. I let him start the launch and I just watched a bit. Then instinct came in and I did the best launch I have ever done on my 09 fz6. Jeez, the fz6 has some power. That Harley was so slooooow!
I've never had a car that would have been close try to burn some rubber. I did have a Harley rev his engine and try to launch at the stop light. I let him start the launch and I just watched a bit. Then instinct came in and I did the best launch I have ever done on my 09 fz6. Jeez, the fz6 has some power. That Harley was so slooooow!

Heck, when I still had my 2005, Kawasaki KLR 250, I raced a Harley from a stop and he JUST pulled away from me, slightly...
It all has to do with thier gear boxes being ment for crusing speeds. Sportsters are a bit different but for the most part harleys arr not built for fast times lol.

On the flip side i had a 2018 civic blast by me the other night so i blasted past him at 210kmhr or so my speedo said. Still not 100% sure its always giving me the right speed reading. But thats what i saw when i blasted past him. That really deflated his sails cause when i slowed down a few seconds after he slowed right the heck down to average speed lol