What NOT to do when your team loses...


Go hard or go home!
Elite Member
Jul 29, 2009
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Barrie, Ontario
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I'm not a Vancouver Canucks fan, but I did jump on the bandwagon when they became the last Canadian team in the playoffs, hoping to see the cup come North. Obviously, after Boston's 4-0 thrashing of the heavily favoured hometown team, that didn't happen.

Here are some pics of how the few can ruin something for the many. These folks are idiots. Police were called in from neighbouring townships/municipalities to assist in dispersing the riot/limiting the damage...

CANOE -- SLAM! Sports - Hockey - NHL Play Offs Fans riot in Vancouver






:eek: :eek: :eek: A little over reaction :D

This town of mine is so lucky my PACKERS won the Superbowl :cheer: :cheer: I might have cut sick & broken a coffee cup or something :BLAA: :rockon:
Even when the Saints lost to Collingwood in last years Grand Final (was probably our own silly fault really, we had two chances at it), we didn't get up to that sort of mischief
reminds me off that riot at Bob Janes T-Mart last year
Revheads riot, trash Bob Jane store
Smile for the camera: you're going to jail. These type of happenings have less to do with the town or team and more to do with thousands of drunk people that have been released into the street after screaming for two hours. Mobs will do what mobs do.

-typo'd by my thumbs on tiny touch screen buttons.
This has nothing to do with sports, it has everything to do with people who are just crims looking for an excuse to wreak mayhem. Round 'em up and make 'em pay.
I'm not so proud to be Canadian this morning! Hope everyone in the world who are watching those pictures and video understand this is not what Canadian are all about!!! We have great sportsmanship! We might hate to loose, but can deal with it and love the game.

Been there before in Montreal... Those wankers have nothing to do with hockey! Just looking around for a good excuse to pass there frustration of being nobody's.

Sorry... from a Canadian!
I watched the riots last night too. What a disgrace. This rioting is becoming more of an issue with professional sports. It is usually a smaller group and not true sports fans that are rioting but it ruins it for everyone. It probably could have been contained easier if the on-lookers would have just got out of the area.
I live in Vancouver and am at odds as to why people say these idiots are "sports fans"? True fans of any sport wouldn't do this kind of thing. The people that started this riot planned to do just that. They went down town intending to cause havoc and they did, it was going to happen whether the Canuck's won or lost.

This type of negative energy has likely been building up in the select few since the Olympics, where the action was so policed you couldn't even frown without being asked to sort yourself out by the police.

The playoffs were so much less policed it was a cake walk for the instigators to incite riots...

Too bad. It's city taxes that will go towards paying for the clean-up/claims, and the majority of the trouble-makers probably don't even live in the city! :spank:
In a city of millions? Sure...

Well from what I have read about the pussyfoot policing in Vancouver you may be right. In countries where policing is taken seriously they would be rubbing their hands in glee at these pictures, places where people shown in grainy half-lit photos are picked up within hours.

Enjoy living in your bubble, you are more under surveillance than you think.
Well from what I have read about the pussyfoot policing in Vancouver you may be right. In countries where policing is taken seriously they would be rubbing their hands in glee at these pictures, places where people shown in grainy half-lit photos are picked up within hours.

Enjoy living in your bubble, you are more under surveillance than you think.

Within hours? An unverifiable fact is presented in an extremely subjective manner. The accuracy of this fact is called into question by looking at world affairs in recent years. Short of violating human rights or having police forces numbering in the hundreds of thousands themselves, what you propose is ludicrous. Arrest everyone and detain them until they give up evidence or their friends? Pursue everyone? What are these people guilty of once you apprehend them? The majority of them are in pictures standing around. The handful that are flipping cars? You would spend a ton of money pursuing them to do what? Give them destroying property charges? Those are minor charges.

So what would you then suggest? Jail terms? In what manner does the public benefit from this? Canadians are mostly laid back people. These people are not criminals. Most of them are your customer service reps, your salesmen, your mechanics. You would spend millions in resources trying to apprehend 10's of thousands of people and clog the legal system for decades....all for the purpose of convicting a small percentage of those actually charged with minor offences?

Or were you just providing a generic and poorly defended opinion the intent of which was to channel your emotions into an irrational statement presented as fact?

We have a system in Canada. It may not be perfect, but it's far and away better than any system you would seem to advocate. The public good is looked after and as a nation we get along quite well. In fact, Vancouver has routinely ranked near the top of "best places to live" in the world. We are all very happy with ourselves. You may not be able to understand it, but everything about Canada is juuuuuust right. We have as near a perfect country as exists in the world. Why don't we have police forces numbering in the hundreds of thousands and summary executions? Because, quite frankly, we don't give a ****. We are great people who live in great cities. Occasionally we burn them down when our hockey team loses, but that's par for the course.

Anyway, you make a blanket statement with "what I have read" being the supporting evidence. Congratulations. You have read a handful of opinion pieces on the internet. Perhaps we should indeed defer to you on this subject. You clearly know enough to slander the police force of an entire nation justifiably.

But it's alright. I'm not upset. There's plenty of opinion-first thought-later people on the interwebs.

As for living in a bubble...huh? Generic conspiracy theory? Or were you referring to the giant hotbed of activity in Vancouver last night in downtown? Are you suggesting those people didn't know they were on camera? Breaking into banks? My money is on "generic conspiracy theory".
list of things i dont care about:

1) ice hockey
2) canada



here comes the lock!!!
time to kill the thread!!!