What Magazines get you through the winter?

C-bus Biker

Aug 24, 2009
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Columbus, Ohio
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As subscription renewal time approaches for the majority of my magazines, I'm finding that it's time to thin out the herd. Right now, I have subscriptions to Rider, MotorCyclist, Cycle World, Road Bike, American Motorcyclist, and American Iron :scared:. American Motorcyclist comes with my membership to the AMA, so that one stays. Road Bike is leaning towards cruisers now, so that one will likely go. American Iron is definately a goner (my interest was sold with the Harley in July). I get some enjoyment out of Rider, but I find Cycle World and MotorCyclist to be a little too similar to keep both. Thoughts? Opinions? Am I missing any good reads?
Rider and Sport Rider magazines for me. Used to have "Motorcyclist" magazine as well, but I think it got canceled. Rider is by far my favorite. I really enjoy the ride reports in it from people taking month long trips around half the country. Maybe one of these days it'll be me taking month long trips via motorcycle. :thumbup:
I am a fan of Motorcyclist and Friction Zone (which is also an excuse to go into local shops during the winter!)
I have found that I like the England based magazines. FastBikes, Super Bikes and Performance Bikes. More focused on sport bikes and I have little interest in cruisers so these tend to hit the things I'm looking for.
Rider and Sport Rider magazines for me. Used to have "Motorcyclist" magazine as well, but I think it got canceled. Rider is by far my favorite. I really enjoy the ride reports in it from people taking month long trips around half the country. Maybe one of these days it'll be me taking month long trips via motorcycle. :thumbup:

I do like Rider. I found a great article in there written by a guy who lives up the street from me. They seem to be very open to free-lance bits about real rides on real bikes. Thanks for weighing in.
How much is the MCN a year. I have tried to click on the online version for a subscription to know avail. How do you get it. It is the most informative publication out there.
How much is the MCN a year. I have tried to click on the online version for a subscription to know avail. How do you get it. It is the most informative publication out there.

MCN - Motorcycle News

And then that link eventually takes you to:-
MCN | Motorcycle Magazines | Great Magazines UK

Or in summary £211 to rest of the world, various offers on that page for the uk depending on how long you subscribe for. All of which are considerably less than they asked for my renewal due shortly so I think a new subscription is in order when this one runs out.
I have found that I like the England based magazines. FastBikes, Super Bikes and Performance Bikes. More focused on sport bikes and I have little interest in cruisers so these tend to hit the things I'm looking for.

Agreed on the UK mags! Was going through Heathrow a month ago and picked up BIKE and RIDE - great stuff. PB is good too.
My general rule of thumb is to wear layers and always dress for 20 degrees warmer than it actually is. Remember that your body will heat up fast so you don't need to go overboard on the gear. Make sure you've got a warm hat and gloves to keep yourself protected.

If it's icy or snowy outside you may want to invest in something called YakTracks. They're essentially a rubber mold you fit on your shoe with spikes that grip into the ice so you avoid slipping.

Even though it's not hot and you won't feel like you're working TOO hard, be sure you stay on top of hydration. Force yourself to keep drinking during your long runs and practice fueling on cue.

I think the most challenging part of winter running is getting the motivation to get out there and train in chilly temps. Once you get into a habit though, it'll become second nature.
Sprint Car and Midget magazine (monthly) and National Speed Sport News (weekly) for me.
