What is the best Windscreen for the FZ6?

I have the Puig double bubble smoke, it is not much higher than stock but it eliminated the wind that seemed to hit me right on the visor.


it's a tough question, depends on your size and what you want from the
screen...I tried the puig DB and found it worse than the stock for noise
and turbulence, then tried the OEM touring screen, a little more protection
and much less buffeting, but it is extremely noisy, ear plugs a necessity
noisy..I've got the biggest Cee Bailey screen to try now when the bike
comes out of storage in 2 weeks, it and the Cal Sci are the largest-most
protective screens if that's what your looking for...I'll let you know about the
noise level after I get it on if you're interested
I have the Puig db. I'm not sure if I'd call it the best touring screen, but I think it's a lot better than stock.
I have the Puig racing. It's not much taller than the stock but it does make highway riding significantly nicer. Done 600+ miles/day once on the highway and had no complaints.
I think it depends on if you have a 2004-2006 or a 2007+ model, as the windscreens are totally different.

On my 2004, I have had the stock windscreen, the tall Yamaha windscreen and now a Puig Double-Bubble. Honestly, all three of them suck, but the Puig sucks less. I'm 6'3" and I get horrible wind noise on the bike, and have to wear ear plugs all of the time.

The tall Yamaha windscreen provided more wind protection, which was nice in cold weather, but it gave the bike some odd turbulence patterns, which would actually felt like it was shaking the bike over 90mph.

The Puig looks cool and provides somewhat better protection than the stock windscreen, but the wind noise / turbulence is still there.

On the 2004-2006 models, I think that the solution is to cut some sort of wind relief slot in the base of the windscreen, similar to what the factory did on the 2007+ models. Some have had success with this, and I'd like to try it someday.
I have the stock and a cut down stock that I bought from someone. I prefer the regular stock. But, someone said it earlier...it really seems to depend on your height and riding position. If I duck down a few inches the buffering is awful. Stock works great for me.
I also really like the look of the 04 fronts, more so than my 08.
ok, finally got around to trying my cee bailey screen....
finally, this problem is solved, the roar is gone and
I can actually hear the engine now, I'm 5'8" and look
just over the top of the screen, the curvature of the
screen directs the wind and I'm pretty sure rain, right
over my helmet....the ear plugs are away, my 4th attempt
and it's a keeper