What is the average age of FZ6 rider?

What is the average age of FZ6 rider?

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I had to chuckle to myself yesterday when I pulled into one of the bike dealers on my "trap line" saturday ride. In the parking lot were about half a dozen old farts on cruisers, who initially regarded me with a great deal of disdain when I rode in on my (quickest) red FZ6. When I pulled off my helmet and they realized I was probably a decade older than they were, they wandered over to "look at my bike" and ask "how it was on the highway".
Nice to see a bit of respect from them young fellers. :rockon:
(oh, btw...my response to "how it was on the highway" was "A lot more fun than those slugs".....old guys can get away with saying stuff like that.:Flip: ) :D
WOOT!! I see that there's now 7 of us more mature, smarter, cheaper insurance FZ6 dudes over 50 on the poll. :p
(Although I have no idea why my wife, family, friends and neighbours shake their heads and roll their eyes every time I show up on my bike...:D )
WOOT!! (Although I have no idea why my wife, family, friends and neighbours shake their heads and roll their eyes every time I show up on my bike...:D )

They are just jealous that a man of your age is still having so much fun! People think that us "older" fellows shouldn't have fun!:rant:
Ah...23. Yes, I remember being 23...I think....ummm...no I don't.:eek: It was 1969 :Flash: .:rockon:

"They say that if you can remember the 60's, you weren't really there"
Am I too damn old?

Sixty-going on sixty-one. Just bought a 2004 blue Fz6(I heard the blue ones were faster). Haven't ridden in 25 years. My kids think I'm nuts, my secretaries think I'm nuts. Who knows? Rick

Is it because of the hippy hair? I've been contemplating getting it cut.
Mate the hair is fine and its not grey (unlike mine), You just looked a little tired (work hard party hard):rockon:rockon:.
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