What is it with people


feeling Triumphant
Nov 1, 2007
Reaction score
Southern Maryland
So, I commute in this morning...great ride.

I walk into my office and within 3 minutes of being at my desk (not even out of my gear yet) 3 people have come up to me to tell me about a story they heard from some guy who knew someone who used to ride that got into a serious accident; or got killed on a motorcycle.

Geesh...like I want to hear that? People just don't get it.
Selective memory. No one wants to know about all the riders who enjoy a lifetime of accident free or mostly free safe and fun riding. If people realized that motorcycling could be done safely, they would all be riding. However when one person gets seriously injured or killed, everyone remembers it. It's true. People don't get it. They think that motorcycle riding=death all the time no matter what. I have had people come up to me in parking lots and just out of the blue say to me "Be careful on that thing! I knew so and so that was killed blah blah blah."

Sometimes I wish I could ride my bike but be excluded from the "biker" label. It comes with such a bad rep in a lot of cases.
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Selective memory. No one wants to know about all the riders who enjoy a lifetime of accident free or mostly free safe and fun riding. If people realized that motorcycling could be done safely, they would all be riding. However when one person gets seriously injured or killed, everyone remembers it. It's true. People don't get it. They think that motorcycle riding=death all the time no matter what. I have had people come up to me in parking lots and just out of the blue say to me "Be careful on that thing! I knew so and so that was killed blah blah blah."

Sometimes I wish I could ride my bike but be excluded from the "biker" label. It comes with such a bad rep in a lot of cases.

These are dead people who want others to be dead with them. They think life is avoiding all risk so in the end you live a long meaningless dull life.....

“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checked by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat” Theodore Roosevelt
the "riding will kill you!" ones are usually the ones that rear end some poor old lady at a stop light because they were facebooking and driving
I would much rather manage the risk of riding with proper safety praxis and let come what may, than have my soul slowly sucked out by a minivan.

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I just say "yup,thanks" and then go ride, they will never get it...
My dad rides and does the same thing! I just say dad, I don't care.

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So, I commute in this morning...great ride.

I walk into my office and within 3 minutes of being at my desk (not even out of my gear yet) 3 people have come up to me to tell me about a story they heard from some guy who knew someone who used to ride that got into a serious accident; or got killed on a motorcycle.

Geesh...like I want to hear that? People just don't get it.

99% Motorcycle crashes are due to rider error. Doesn't matter who's fault it was. A rider must know Where, How and What to look for, and some riders are better at it than others.
:don'tknow: come up with creative replies to keep things interesting.
Something like .. "Really? Wow.. thanks, man!! Can you drive me home after work? No way I'm getting back on that death trap now!" :D

But seriously.. it's nearly impossible to explain our passion to *others*.
We're all going to dance with the reaper sooner or later.

Some live their lives avoiding all things dangerous and feel great about it. More power to them.

My goal is to slide across the finish line having used up everything I had earned and was given. Life without thrills is merely existence.
I refuse to live life in a bubble of "what if". That line of thinking can circle the drain for years and suck the life right out of a person. With that, I brush off those comments, Not because I'm above tragedy or I think it won't happen to me, but because i make the best choice I can for me at that time to avoid being a statistic. That's not say i don't take risks or have fun; I do. But its calculated.

Buck up, the comments will come from many. Its what you do with them that matters.
I refuse to live life in a bubble of "what if". That line of thinking can circle the drain for years and suck the life right out of a person. With that, I brush off those comments, Not because I'm above tragedy or I think it won't happen to me, but because i make the best choice I can for me at that time to avoid being a statistic. That's not say i don't take risks or have fun; I do. But its calculated.

Buck up, the comments will come from many. Its what you do with them that matters.

I've heard the comments before, but for some reason everyone just jumped on the bandwagon at the same time this morning.

I'm not going to worry about it. My plan is to enjoy the ride home :thumbup:
I am taking my MSF course this weekend and I have been talking about it. So far, only my ex-girlfriend has been really supportive, aside from my mom and dad.

At work, one chick said, "I don't want to see you in the newspaper obituaries." I said, "I don't want to see you there either."

If for some reason I die on my motorcycle, then at least I was doing something I loved to do rather than wasting away criticizing others for having their own perspective on fun. I don't walk around and tell them, "You are boring as hell, hopefully you don't die old and wish you would have lived life differently."
I am taking my MSF course this weekend and I have been talking about it. So far, only my ex-girlfriend has been really supportive

Ex-girlfriends are awesome like that! They support your wish to ride a motorcycle, jump out of airplane, become a stuntman, etc. :rof:
People also think that big SUVs are safer than regular cars, even if the statistics/data don't support that conclusion. Most people aren't as logical as they think they are.
most people will waste their energy to talk about negative things and not positive. I don't remember last time I heard a story that didn't start with " did you hear about that biker that went down...." blah blah blah every time I ride into work.
"Oh, really? At least they weren't too afraid to live."

*Co-worker walks away with a bewildered look on their face*
Ex-girlfriends are awesome like that! They support your wish to ride a motorcycle, jump out of airplane, become a stuntman, etc. :rof:

^^Funny!!!! lmao! Ex-wife will support that when Alimony ends! HAHAHA!

I guess i had the wrong one then! :rolleyes:
Asked her to marry me 2+ years ago. She said no and a month later the Yamaha God stepped in and delivered the Fizz which was something I'd been waiting for sense the Dirt Bikes went away. Anyway, she opposed toys with engines (too dangerous) but was good w/downhill skiing, Mt bikes etc.
We are still friends and visit on occasion but she wears the tragedy of squid friend dying on bike therefore all bikes and riders are unsafe in her eyes. Prefers I don't show up at her house wearing gear. blah blah blah.. .. ..

Two Good points today Eric! :thumbup:
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Flying across in a blazing ball of fiery glory, so fast infact, Saint Peter has barely enough time to open the gates and he knew I was coming. ;)