What do you find more entertaining?


Oct 26, 2008
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What gets your guys thrills off more? Twisties? Riding at the track? Driving through traffic patterns? (not going to ask about trails, this is an FZ6 forum)

I love windy roads, being able to lean far over and take turns faster than most drivers on the road. At the same time i like driving through traffic - passing people on the right when they're turning left, driving where cars can't fit, etc.

I love every aspect i guess, what do you guys think.
Twisty bits of road are always fun but I have the most fun on the track.
Just being in an environment that allows me to push myself & the bike to the limit. I love it :thumbup:
I like the twistys. There are a lot of great country roads around here that don't have much traffic on week days and you can ride as fast as you dare.
Im rite at home in the twisties :thumbup: , i love the feeling i get when im into a corner and dont even have time to stand the bike up before your dropping it into the next turn :D :D :D...... All roads should be a lean-a-thon :thumbup:
twisties are what it's about for me. Unfortunately I live about one hour and a half away from any, so I don't get to ride 'em as much as I'd like.

Haven't been at the track though.
The Twisties everytime, am fotunate to live in some hills, and am surrounded by glorious twisty roads, up hill, down hill, sweepers, tight corners, switch backs, it is a great test of rider & bike.

Hate riding on freeways, and in traffic...although riding in traffic is a LOT quicker than taking the car, and sometimes i do relish in the challenges traffic presents.

I love windy roads, being able to lean far over and take turns faster than most drivers on the road. At the same time i like driving through traffic - passing people on the right when they're turning left, driving where cars can't fit, etc.

I love every aspect i guess, what do you guys think.
You're an accident waiting to happen... I have the skill to do those things but thank God the brains not to.... I'm all for having fun, but passing on the right, taking turns faster than other drivers... what are you thinking?... You are a new rider, which is even worse... I don't think you have aquired these skills yet. Take it easy so you don't become a statistic.:spank:
You're an accident waiting to happen... I have the skill to do those things but thank God the brains not to.... I'm all for having fun, but passing on the right, taking turns faster than other drivers... what are you thinking?... You are a new rider, which is even worse... I don't think you have aquired these skills yet. Take it easy so you don't become a statistic.:spank:


Have to agree, it's great to do a bit of Sport Riding, but overtaking in stupid places, with little, or no margin for error is not smart.

You're an accident waiting to happen... I have the skill to do those things but thank God the brains not to.... I'm all for having fun, but passing on the right, taking turns faster than other drivers... what are you thinking?... You are a new rider, which is even worse... I don't think you have aquired these skills yet. Take it easy so you don't become a statistic.:spank:

well thanks for your concern but I'm an adrenaline junky and if I wasn't on my bike doing something ballsy, i'd be jumping off bridges or snowboarding as fast as possible. think what you want but in my five years of driving (car and bike) i have no accidents or tickets.:Flip:
a twisty track :thumbup:

too bad you have to pay which is probably what holds most canyon riders back from truly gaining knowledge...

I've slowed down immensely in the canyons since my track day because I can't see around corners...not legit...but it doesn't mean I don't have a "brisk" pace ;)
well thanks for your concern but I'm an adrenaline junky and if I wasn't on my bike doing something ballsy, i'd be jumping off bridges or snowboarding as fast as possible. think what you want but in my five years of driving (car and bike) i have no accidents or tickets.:Flip:

adrenaline junkie or not, everyone on this board is concerned for every member's safety. Don't get all bent out of shape, he's just trying to look out for your best interests, which it doesn't sound like you're doing (maybe you are, but that certainly isn't the image you are portraying).

And I prefer the track - not having to deal with oncoming traffic, road hazards, police, etc is totally where it's at.
As I am neither Michael Schumacher or Valentino Rossi I have more off days than on days. Sometimes on the on days I enter 'the zone'. It can be twisties, traffic, wet riding or anything. If I'm in the zone I think of nothing but my riding, the potential hazards around me, the apex of the next corner. Instinct and observation take over and everything flows naturally. Gearchanges happen almost without thought and braking is smooth and natural.

That's what is the most entertaining. Afterwards when I think, 'Jees, I rode to perfection today', and I didn't even have to think about it. It doesn't matter where you are, that is the best.

And the next day I'll hit a false neutral, think the throttles so jerky I must have a loose chain and aren't those gearchanges clunky
Twisties for now. Haven't done a track day yet, but I do believe that will surpass the twisties. The idea of KNOWING there's not oncoming traffic on my side of the road would be very comforting in trying to go fast. (Not to mention running off to hay bails instead of off a cliff!)