What did my girlfriend do.....


B l a c k L e a d e r
Mar 19, 2009
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Los Angeles CA
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So my girlfriend has been wanting a dog for awhile, and then last Friday I got an email from the girlfriend and the subject was a smiley face and the body had one link. It was a link to a dog. Once I clicked on it I knew we where getting one.

I want to say this was not the best time to get a dog. Not only do we have the stress of the holidays seeing both families and shopping and other nonsense but I currently in the process of moving in with her and also interviewing and hopefully changing jobs (fingers crossed for good news also if anyone knows of any business analyst positions in the Los Angeles area please let me know). So life is hectic as is. Now we have an animal that needs to be walked, fed, cleaned up after, and cared for and guess who gets to do all that.

However, even though it may not have been an ideal time and it is disrupting my routine significantly she is the sweetest little thing. So let me introduce everyone to the new member of my little family. Bella a 1 1/2 year old mini australian shepard blue merle about 25 lbs she should be about 20-22 lbs so she has some chub on her. The rescue place said she is obedience trained (not even close), crate trained (nope), scared of men (definitely), and house broken (this is true thankfully). She is already warming up to me since I take her for lots of walks feed her and play with her whenever possible but she is definetly a momma's girl.
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Those eyes can see straight to your soul!!!lol I sure things might get a little crazy at times but eventually Bella will be your new best friend
I have had many dogs and they need a lot of attention at first which is very stressfull. But once they are at least potty trained it should be all cuddles and happiness!!!! Well until they eat one of your favorite shoes or pee on the wall right in front of you to challenge your dominance hahahaha
Oh and you said girlfriend. Been there done that with a dog lol. Be prepared to lose her or have split custody in the divorce :spank:
I have no doubt about that she has already made leaps and bounds with me.

the first day we got herI had to sit on the floor for a couple of hours and wait for her to come up to me sniff me and walk away then repeat many times before I could even pet her. Now she is bringing me her ball so I can play with her and runs up to me when I walk in the house. We where told by the rescue that her previous owners the wife would spoil her all day since she didn't work then complain to the husband that the dog is spoiled and have him discipline the dog. So she assosciated men with being disciplined. Little does she know I am a total softy and my girlfriend is more of a disciplinarian.
I have an Australian Sheppard, this is the best dog I have ever owned and I have not been without a dog for more then a few months in my 42 years here on Earth. Your dog looks like a total sweetheart, I'm sure you'll have many happy memories with your new family addition!
My girl has been pushing hard lately to get a dog as well, my simple answer is always a resounding NO!

Now I am wondering if I will come home from work one day to a nice surprise...
I have an Australian Sheppard, this is the best dog I have ever owned and I have not been without a dog for more then a few months in my 42 years here on Earth. Your dog looks like a total sweetheart, I'm sure you'll have many happy memories with your new family addition!

I am only 27 but my family has always had dogs (Lab/irish setter mix, boxer, shepard/husky mix, toy poodle(inheritance from grandma) and now this pretty little thing) even if I wasn't living with a dog I would go over to my parents and kidnap their dogs randomly. I love having those little beasties running around:D:D.
Sounds like your girlfriend may have done you a favor then :thumbup:

The coolest thing about a dog is that: You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, 'Wow, you're right! I never would've thought of that!'

You can't get that from a cat...
Bella is beautiful!!! What a sweet face!!
Thank you so much for rescuing her! (And she will be your best buddy in no time!) :D
Sounds like your girlfriend may have done you a favor then :thumbup:

The coolest thing about a dog is that: You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, 'Wow, you're right! I never would've thought of that!'

You can't get that from a cat...

Oh so very true
Another little known fact about the Australian Shepard is that...If you say the word' "Tinny" that mutt will fetch a beer for you! :BLAA::iconbeer:
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