What defines a motorcyclist?

My intent is not to judge...and I wasn't just talking about the one's that only ride on the weekends. What made me bring this up is that this one place I go has "bike night" the same day of the week all 52 weeks of the year. When the weather is nice, they come out in droves...but then last night it was pretty hot with a possibility of rain; guess what...numbers were low. And this is the pattern that I see....and God knows you don't see them when it is 40F out. Could count the bikes on one hand on those nights. Thanks for the replies and thanks for the "2p" Sparkybean...old mucka!

Sorry my intent was not to bring gloom to this thread like the British weather. I am listening to the rain as I type this!!!
I totally agree with your question after a re-read. I think I jumped the guns a bit quick there.
But I can understand people enjoy biking more in fair weather. But to miss out on the social aspect of a bike night just because the weather is not so good is different.

As for the old mucka - don't know where that came from or why people ever said that. But I can educate any overseas types on why you might of heard us say "me old china". China is short for 'china plate' which rhymes with 'mate'. So "me old mate".
So peace and love to all my fellow fz6 forum chinas!!!!!
Sorry my intent was not to bring gloom to this thread like the British weather. I am listening to the rain as I type this!!!
I totally agree with your question after a re-read. I think I jumped the guns a bit quick there.
But I can understand people enjoy biking more in fair weather. But to miss out on the social aspect of a bike night just because the weather is not so good is different.

As for the old mucka - don't know where that came from or why people ever said that. But I can educate any overseas types on why you might of heard us say "me old china". China is short for 'china plate' which rhymes with 'mate'. So "me old mate".
So peace and love to all my fellow fz6 forum chinas!!!!!

Now that one I have not heard. Haha. Thanks for the enlightenment. As for the 'Old Mucka", not sure where either, just know my friend in Rugby uses it often....when he is not calling me a plunker or something else more insulting. Haha. There is one thing of which I am certain, I LOVE Shepherd Neame ales!!!! Toured the brewery there when I was working over there for the BBC. Awesome!
I think you hit it!

The definition of a "Motorcyclist": One who does 9 things he hates about motorcycle ownership just so he can enjoy that one thing he loves....RIDING! :rockon:

There's only one thing I hate about motorcycle ownership, and that is, I put the miles on it so damn fast that I feel guilty about getting a different one about every two years....3,371 miles since last week of March. Sad thing is, that is the norm for me. Not saying that makes me a 'motorcyclist', but I don't let the possibility of bad weather or God forbid, temps of over 90F keep me from doing what I should think any motorcyclist should love to do....RIDE! I certainly see your point and appreciate the chat with all my fellow FZ6er's...and in this case, a fellow Virginian! Cheers.
There's only one thing I hate about motorcycle ownership, and that is, I put the miles on it so damn fast that I feel guilty about getting a different one about every two years....3,371 miles since last week of March. Sad thing is, that is the norm for me. Not saying that makes me a 'motorcyclist', but I don't let the possibility of bad weather or God forbid, temps of over 90F keep me from doing what I should think any motorcyclist should love to do....RIDE! I certainly see your point and appreciate the chat with all my fellow FZ6er's...and in this case, a fellow Virginian! Cheers.

I've logged about 2,000 miles since March. I hope to do another 3,000 before November! :rockon: Heat doesn't stop me...cold does. I rode the day in early June we hit 110 heat index here in VA...Mesh jacket, leave the visor half open, it's not so bad if you are moving.

Trading your bike every 2 years will cost a LOT more in the long run over keeping one for 100,000 miles and then throwing in a new engine and using it as a dedicated track bike!