What color is your jacket?

I bought this jacket to match my blue bike. I loved it when I saw the photo on the web but when I opened the box I was like wow that thing is garish looking. I used it for maybe 3 months, then bought an xelement black leather one. I like the look of all black much better. I have since bought a mesh black jacket as well. Black seems to go with every color. Besides the blue one was way too power ranger like.
Haha yes, I was also trying to avoid the power ranger phenomenon. My wife is kinda pushing for the nuclear hi-viz color, but I'm not sure the hi-viz is going to make the big jump in safety she thinks it is. I mean, "I didn't see him" is a much better excuse for hitting someone than "I was in a hurry". When it comes down to it, it probably matters more that I'm aware of what's going on and riding defensively so I can avoid anyone stupid than what color I have on. Anyone go to hi-viz and notice a big difference in how other drivers react?
I just bought a complete new set of gear for my Euro trip, and I went with the Joe Rocket Ballistic 8.0 Jacket in Red:


I am well past the age of caring about color coordination, I just want to be seen in traffic. This jacket is very well constructed, water-proof and will work great in cold or hot conditions.
Link: Joe Rocket Ballistic 8.0 Jacket :: MotorcycleGear.com

I bought the Joe Rocket Ballistic in PINK and took it out today. It was only 11 degrees out today (Celsius) and I wasnt cold at all. Super comfortable and great for me cause im pretty tall (5'8")
Haha yes, I was also trying to avoid the power ranger phenomenon. My wife is kinda pushing for the nuclear hi-viz color, but I'm not sure the hi-viz is going to make the big jump in safety she thinks it is. I mean, "I didn't see him" is a much better excuse for hitting someone than "I was in a hurry". When it comes down to it, it probably matters more that I'm aware of what's going on and riding defensively so I can avoid anyone stupid than what color I have on. Anyone go to hi-viz and notice a big difference in how other drivers react?

Yeah. We're required to wear high vis vests in the military. The lady that blew by me and then super speed changed lanes into mine definitely "saw" me. Well, saw me after I slammed on the brakes, just missed her back end, honked on the horn and gave her the "I am disappointed in your driving skills" gesture anyway.

There is no statistical evidence to suggest that high-vis colors (or the lack thereof) makes any difference in avoiding accidents. So says the MAIDS report anyway. This is particularly true at night as most drivers look for lights, which a bike should have enough to at least look like a car with a headlight/taillight out.

During the day, flashing is about the only thing that will catch your attention. Think about it, you've been taught since you first stepped into a car that flashing lights are bad (cop), signify danger (streetlight out, construction), or mean someone should probably be watched (like that retard that's about to dart out in front of you). You've also been told to "watch that car." How often were you told to look for motorcycles while learning to drive? Or look out for that high-viz vest, it might be a motorcyclist? Probably zero, or in passing.
While driving in traffic two days ago I spotted a dude with a hi vis green bucket on his head. No big deal right?
He was like 6 cars up!
You can bet if it was flat black I'd never have seen him.

In short you're odds are better in hi/vis retro-reflective gear. Granted, just like auto accidents some people are too pre-occupied and just don't see us regardless of your fashion statement.

I guess thats why we have brains. . .