We've lost our other baby today.....

Sorry Kazza,
She was well loved and treated with the kindest dignity when her time came. Sadly we often fail to do this with people.

Thank you everyone for your kind words

Last night was horrible. I keep looking for her on her mat. The house is so quiet.
Right to the end that bloody tail of hers kept wagging - she was such a happy girl
As Donny said, my girls are together again

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So very sorry to read this.

Just two weeks ago we lost a cherished greyhound who would've been 13 today. These amazing companions enter our lives and then are gone far too soon.

It sounds as though she had a wonderful life, and was very, very fortunate to have you caring for her to the end.
My sympathies guys.

I have a timber shepherd bitch (she's actually a nice dog!), a Rhodesian ridgeback male and my Tiddy Puss.

Obviously I love my dogs - and they love me (my ridgeback smiles when he sees me!) and losing either of them will affect me badly, but I bought my Tiddy Puss from the pound for my wife's birthday before we were married.

I have always had animals, so I expect it's no surprise my wife's cat became my Tiddy Puss - and she's 14 this year, but still acts young.

I will be a blubbering fool when she passes, so I can understand your feelings.

I'm still hoping for an anti-aging concoction for cats as she gives me unconditional love. (whereas the dogs love me for food!)

I hope you find a filler for the gaping hole in your affection, and I have no doubt the new addition will be richer for your love.

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Very sad news & much much sympathy Karen & Mike :( may they run together through the paddock of hapiness for eternity......

Terrible time to be apart , how are you both holding up ??
It's not easy but Mike will be home tomorrow night - can't wait to see him again.

I don't think my house has EVER been so clean. I can't stop cleaning it. Vacuumed the cars, washed the floors (to be honest, you could have probably eaten off the before I cleaned them again). Keeping me busy I suppose. Mum and dad are coming over for mothers day tomorrow - I'll be making a lasagna and some lamington cupcakes later. Again, keeping me busy.

In my mind, I don't think I could ever have another dog. I know it's early days but it hurts so much right now :(
In my mind, I don't think I could ever have another dog. I know it's early days but it hurts so much right now :(

Don't deprive yourself and the potential pet of the love you so obviously share.

I understand you are grieving at the moment, but there are many, many dogs at the pound that need love - and better than seeing them destroyed, think of the love and affection you could give to another being, just for the sake of it - and think of the unconditional love returned.

I'm a strong advocate of getting pound animals - I reckon they've seen how bad life can be and appreciate it more when they're a member of a household.

That's my thoughts anyway.

Just never forget the good times you and your animals shared.

It was good to see 14 years as faithful critter. . . Very sorry for your loss Karen and Mike. If only we could be so good as to never judge as they do. . .
Don't deprive yourself and the potential pet of the love you so obviously share.

I understand you are grieving at the moment, but there are many, many dogs at the pound that need love - and better than seeing them destroyed, think of the love and affection you could give to another being, just for the sake of it - and think of the unconditional love returned.

I'm a strong advocate of getting pound animals - I reckon they've seen how bad life can be and appreciate it more when they're a member of a household.

That's my thoughts anyway.

Just never forget the good times you and your animals shared.

+ 1 on the faithful pound pet. All my dogs come from there.
Hi Karen, and Mike,
just caught up with your sad news.
When I lost both my cats a month to the day I was devastated, I still remember them with the greatest of fondness, treasure the memories, they last forever.
I feel ya Kaz:(,had to do the same to our 14yr staffie China last friday.:(

All the best:thumbup: