Westboro Church might be going to picket Connecticut Vigil

I just feel sorry for the children of that family. Little kids being indoctrinated into such a hateful ideology.

In the part 2, he interviews a 7 year old....

"Do you know what this sign means?"
"Ummmmmmmm No..."

so what do they do when one/multiple of their own die, hold a special sermon as to how their brethren was/were a sinner(s) and that they'll just have to rot on the lawn of the church? or do they just casually dig a hole and toss them in and cover it up, no words, no emotion, no sheet given:confused:

i cant grasp the lack of concept, concerned with protesting a funeral, much less that of the innocent. Its obvious there are no bible teachings going on with this cult (i refuse to acknowledge them as a church). Not pushing religion in any way here, but if anyone here is a member of said cult, i still intend to offend:Flip:
Oh gosh, this is so scarey that there are people like this in the world. Within 2 minutes of watching these videos i felt sorry for all americans having to put up with this crapp. Fanatics is the word for them, opinionated is mild, psycho is spot on. Hate is a harsh word, but i hate these people with every fibre of my being.