Westboro Church might be going to picket Connecticut Vigil


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May 5, 2012
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I have heard that the Westboro Baptist church is going to go and picket in front of the funeral for the recent Connecticut shooting victims.

I know that there are some groups of people going to prevent that by trying to shield the picket with counter signs etc.

Please keep your eyes peeled and if scan the Internet to see if these guys are indeed going to try to picket the funeral of the shooting victims.

I am close by in NYC and I will definitely go to the shielding/counter picket event. I encourage anybody else close by to do the same.

Also spread the word. We can't let these piece of shiet do this.

Daily Kos: WBC: Yes they are going to Sandy Hook

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They are sick attention seekers

I don't think their safety would be guaranteed if they turned up at the funeral for my child....

But they are getting attention again..... It's what they want

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There are petitions surfacing to make them a hate group, making what they do illegal. One can only hope this goes through. They're toeing a very fine line between hate crimes and exercising their first amendment rights.
these issues have no been resolved yet. I can not justify calling them people. As most of you know I have been in the Army fro over ten years. I have lost a few friends over the years and they have showed up to about five of there funerals. It is appalling that they could be so disturbed. Thank god for the Patriot Guard.
these issues have no been resolved yet. I can not justify calling them people. As most of you know I have been in the Army fro over ten years. I have lost a few friends over the years and they have showed up to about five of there funerals. It is appalling that they could be so disturbed. Thank god for the Patriot Guard.


On one hand, whilst I completely detest those sad excuses for human beings, WBC did show one thing about America.

1. Our freedom of speech is sacred. We let even hateful bastards like these to protest.

2. Despite the portrayal of Americans as hot headed society prone to violence, the members of WBC still have not been lynched.


I am sorry to hear that. It's a complete travesty what these people are doing.

I can't say that I would be totally against having them shipped out to the Iraq/Afghanistan and used as live IED detectors.
I can't say that I would be totally against having them shipped out to the Iraq/Afghanistan and used as live IED detectors.
I love this idea if they live maybe they will change their outlook. If one of them died doing it would they protest their funeral?
I am not going to pretend that I have not ever thought about what I would like to do to those that protest the funerals. However, I have defended our freedoms mine, yours, theirs, and everybody who wants to counter protest them.
Im sorry all if i offend but what is this all about, i was nearly crying when i heard of these shootings, and i can not understand anyone protesting, nether alone a church group. Please do not attack me but what is this group and what is their hate. Obviously ive been out of the loop on news lately, please fill me in.
Im sorry all if i offend but what is this all about, i was nearly crying when i heard of these shootings, and i can not understand anyone protesting, nether alone a church group. Please do not attack me but what is this group and what is their hate. Obviously ive been out of the loop on news lately, please fill me in.

yeah same! so why protest,

i know the arms culture is different in the US compared to Aus and I also understand the concern at peoples rights being eroded, the knee jerk reaction to ban weapons will be met with an equally strong argument to retain the right to bear arms.

we had a very saddening massacre in Hobart a few years back that led to a decisive government action to buy back and limit the types of weapons available, so far it would seem to have been fairly successful but our constitution(not that we really have one to this degree) did not specify weaon ownership as a right.

Of course impacting on an individuals rights, for a crime committed by someone else miles away, when the perp has a massive chip on their shoulder or is just not the full two bob, is going to create a heavy response.
Maybe once the dust settles a bit, and an argument based in fact not emotion (on both sides), can reach a point of agreement, not happy agreement necessarily, but some decision that can be acceptable. Of course their will always be people that dont want to budge, thats human nature.
But decisions made in haste are often repented in leisure.

I hope rational minds bring forth rational discussion and debate, but for now I truly hope that all can bare in mind that many gave their lives and the innocent lost their lives and we should pray for them and I am not a religious man by any means , but we need to give time for those that are not here now, think of them and their families
Aussiejules and AGF, the Westboro Baptist Church is a crazy family that has made it their mission to picket soldiers funerals (and now other tragedies) in an attempt to point out that these people are dying because our government allows gays in the military. They show up with signs that say "God hates fags" and other very offensive statements. To put it mildly, they are misguided nut cases.
I am thrilled that the Anonymous Hackers group has decided to target them. Even the KKK has stepped up to counter protest. (You know you are full of hatred if the KKK thinks you have gone too far!)
If you wish to learn more about these idiots, youtube has several videos of their various protests.
Aussiejules and AGF, the Westboro Baptist Church is a crazy family that has made it their mission to picket soldiers funerals (and now other tragedies) in an attempt to point out that these people are dying because our government allows gays in the military. They show up with signs that say "God hates fags" and other very offensive statements. To put it mildly, they are misguided nut cases.
I am thrilled that the Anonymous Hackers group has decided to target them. Even the KKK has stepped up to counter protest. (You know you are full of hatred if the KKK thinks you have gone too far!)
If you wish to learn more about these idiots, youtube has several videos of their various protests.

Yeah, to call them a church is a stretch. They're more of a cult based on hatred and bigotry. They toe the line of being a hate group, like the KKK, and hide behind the first amendment that allows them the freedom of speech.
The Westboro Baptist Church is not a church. It is not recognized as a church by the baptist church, nor any church.

They're a family of lawyers. They don't "hate", they're there to make money.

The creator is a lawyer who knows exactly how far he can legally go as far as protesting goes. When someone else steps over the line, he sues them and makes money. That's it. That's what they do. They don't have a political agenda, or anything of the like. They use hot button social issues to make themselves money. And they are the scum of the earth.

In this instance, they're using the murder of small children to turn a profit...

I am torn on this subject, though. While I dislike this group of people with every fiber of my being, what they're doing isn't illegal. (Though, it might be if they were classified as a hate group) On top of that, my religion teaches me to fight fire with water, not fire. (as fighting fire with fire will just get you burned) So I'm supposed to "love" these people, no matter how much I dislike them.

Their plan of attack is to make you as angry as possible. So you'll lash out in a moment of hot-headedness, then they sue you and take your money. The key there is to go around or above them, not below. Don't stoop to their level. There's a petition in place to get them classified as a hate group. That would be step one.

Is what they're doing terrible? Yes.
Does that warrant terrible actions on your part? No.
Else you're just as bad as them.

The issue will get sorted out in time. In the meantime, I'd suggest turning these emotions toward helping the victims. :)

Beat the hate by loving the victims.
I am torn on this subject, though. While I dislike this group of people with every fiber of my being, what they're doing isn't illegal. (Though, it might be if they were classified as a hate group) On top of that, my religion teaches me to fight fire with water, not fire. (as fighting fire with fire will just get you burned) So I'm supposed to "love" these people, no matter how much I dislike them.

Their plan of attack is to make you as angry as possible. So you'll lash out in a moment of hot-headedness, then they sue you and take your money. The key there is to go around or above them, not below. Don't stoop to their level. There's a petition in place to get them classified as a hate group. That would be step one.

This is why the Patriot Guard, largely, was started. They volunteer their time to shield the families from the viscous verbal attacks from these cretins.
Im sorry all if i offend but what is this all about, i was nearly crying when i heard of these shootings, and i can not understand anyone protesting, nether alone a church group. Please do not attack me but what is this group and what is their hate. Obviously ive been out of the loop on news lately, please fill me in.

For what it's worth, there was a BBC documentary made about them a few years ago. Personally, it's a little difficult to watch at times. They're a pretty disgusting organization all around, in my opinion.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC89FmmmDXU]Louis Theroux, the Most Hated Family In America (1) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AD30H0uOfg]Louis Theroux, the Most Hated Family In America (2) - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks for the info

What they Do may not be illegal but certainly sounds immoral and extremely opportunistic and likewise despicable

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The Westboro Baptist Church is not a church. It is not recognized as a church by the baptist church, nor any church.

They're a family of lawyers. They don't "hate", they're there to make money.

The creator is a lawyer who knows exactly how far he can legally go as far as protesting goes. When someone else steps over the line, he sues them and makes money. That's it. That's what they do. They don't have a political agenda, or anything of the like. They use hot button social issues to make themselves money. And they are the scum of the earth.

In this instance, they're using the murder of small children to turn a profit...

I am torn on this subject, though. While I dislike this group of people with every fiber of my being, what they're doing isn't illegal. (Though, it might be if they were classified as a hate group) On top of that, my religion teaches me to fight fire with water, not fire. (as fighting fire with fire will just get you burned) So I'm supposed to "love" these people, no matter how much I dislike them.

Their plan of attack is to make you as angry as possible. So you'll lash out in a moment of hot-headedness, then they sue you and take your money. The key there is to go around or above them, not below. Don't stoop to their level. There's a petition in place to get them classified as a hate group. That would be step one.

Is what they're doing terrible? Yes.
Does that warrant terrible actions on your part? No.
Else you're just as bad as them.

The issue will get sorted out in time. In the meantime, I'd suggest turning these emotions toward helping the victims. :)

Beat the hate by loving the victims.

This is what I meant by counter protesting them. the whole point is to shield away the family of the victims from these bastards.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFotwPa0-sA]Hundreds protect family from protesters - YouTube[/ame]
I was wrong... after watching that documentary I now know that they are not just in it for the money... they're literally crazy! My word that woman is insane...
I was wrong... after watching that documentary I now know that they are not just in it for the money... they're literally crazy! My word that woman is insane...

I just feel sorry for the children of that family. Little kids being indoctrinated into such a hateful ideology.