Well, they got me.

I was doing like 87 in a 55 and the cop pulled me over and was like freaking out. Mind you this is when i was 18 right after i totaled my first car.

But i fought it to see what would happen. The guy never showed in court and i won the case. Bottom line is they dont show when you challenge it and go to court. They dont have enough time and it's not import enough. :Flip::Flip:
I was doing like 87 in a 55 and the cop pulled me over and was like freaking out. Mind you this is when i was 18 right after i totaled my first car.

But i fought it to see what would happen. The guy never showed in court and i won the case. Bottom line is they dont show when you challenge it and go to court. They dont have enough time and it's not import enough. :Flip::Flip:

That works sometimes. But I think some cops get time and a half for court, so they actually have quite the incentive to show up. Not sure if this is applies to traffic court though.
Definitely fight it!

I got a lawyer for my 27mph over the limit ticket and he turned the $700-6point ticket to a $200 parking ticket with nothing on my record!

Show up in court, point out your clear driving record, say how sorry you are and how you must have gotten carried away not realizing you were going a tad faster and hope for the best. I'm willing to bet they will cut you some slack!
Went to court yesterday for this. Court SUCKS btw!! There were some bad bad people in there. I do not plan on doing that again. So anyway the cop showed and there was no way I was going to try and plead not guilty when they got me for 17 over. But at the beginning of the trial for all of us scofflaws the judge said that he would offer probation before judgement for anyone who wanted to plead guilty and if we had a clean record for the past two year of moving infractions. Anyhoo it got to be my turn and I plead guilty and I got the probation plus $25 court costs and $25 fine (it was $80). Probably the best I could have hoped for outside of the cop not showing up. He had a good two dozen people in there too so this cop is a speed trap pro. Thing is though I'm not sure how long the probation is for and what exactly the details are. It looks like I have to be a very good boy on the road in my car and on the bike for perhaps a few years. Sounds like even a seatbelt violation would screw me. Kind of annoying, but it's better than a point on my license (I was facing two points). :spank:
Definitely fight it if you can. I got a speeding ticket in NY going about 80 in a 55 and passing the vehicle ahead of me while the oncoming car was a trooper. He quickly turned around and pulled me over. He only gave me 70 in a 55. I pleaded not guilty and a couple months later went to fight the ticket, even though I lived like 3 hours away at the time. The officer talked to me and the ticket got changed to some minor item that cost about $130 or so and no points...definitely worth the time to go back and challenge it.
Definitely fight it if you can. I got a speeding ticket in NY going about 80 in a 55 and passing the vehicle ahead of me while the oncoming car was a trooper. He quickly turned around and pulled me over. He only gave me 70 in a 55. I pleaded not guilty and a couple months later went to fight the ticket, even though I lived like 3 hours away at the time. The officer talked to me and the ticket got changed to some minor item that cost about $130 or so and no points...definitely worth the time to go back and challenge it.
Well, after riding like that, i'm surprised you can still post!

Stay safe mate....
They will do that. I've gotten tickets for speeding in cars and on bikes but I will say this: In my experience THEY DO WATCH BIKES A LOT CLOSER THAN THEY WATCH CARS! (I'll admit that I have earned every speeding ticket that I ever got but IMO: if they watched cagers or smokers like they watch bikes the highways would be much safer for all involved) My worst tickets were 115 mph in a 55 - bike, TN, and 125 in a 55 - car, GA. My son just got his first (car) ticket a few weeks ago doing 81 in a 55. The irony of it? It was by a bike cop!!! (He really went easy on my son and I am grateful for that!) Safe Riding!