Well.....it finally happened....


SuperFlanker Moderator
Premium Member
Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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No, I didn't finally crash...

...I finally got pictures of the crash happening! Haha

Only Jtarkany from on here has had the privilege of witnessing this spectacle firsthand.


A bit of rustiness, sloppiness, and a dash of over-confidence all led to my not being able to settle the front end down as I tried to turn in. Slowed it down quite a bit before finally losing it so the bike was unscathed except for some scuffs and a bent shifter.

Oh and I'm fine too haha.













geez check out that front tire on the first pic its fighting so hard to hold on.
glad you and the bike are ok. :cheer::cheer::cheer:

........she's sleeping.



Definitely got under my skin especially after one of my last times out being the high-speed faceplant last July. But made up my mind to just shut everything out and grind it out.

Starting hitting really consistent lines and my inputs smoothed out. Started to feel back in control by the end of the day.





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Great pics, shame it was your off. Pleased you're OK Lone :thumbup:, still soldiering on I assume ;)
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Glad you're ok, and I'm sure the scuffs will buff out....;)
and thanks for sharing :cool:

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2
Good thing is minor damage and you got to walk away from it!
You should do a contest to guess how many rocks you had in your boots:BLAA:
It's weird how we (as a group not lone and I exclusively) can come to care about people we have never and likely will never meet as if they are family. When I read the thread title my eyes widened my breath became shallow as I assumed the worst. Then the relief that came as I scrolled down to see you escaped (mostly) unharmed. I couldn't have been more concerned/relieved reading a post from a family member with the same title.

Glad your ok!
It's weird how we (as a group not lone and I exclusively) can come to care about people we have never and likely will never meet as if they are family. When I read the thread title my eyes widened my breath became shallow as I assumed the worst. Then the relief that came as I scrolled down to see you escaped (mostly) unharmed. I couldn't have been more concerned/relieved reading a post from a family member with the same title.

Glad your ok!

I've had the privilege of meeting him and riding with him a couple of times. Great guy
Your tumbling form was perfect! Glad your good to go! Next, we want to see elbow dragging!

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
It's weird how we (as a group not lone and I exclusively) can come to care about people we have never and likely will never meet as if they are family. When I read the thread title my eyes widened my breath became shallow as I assumed the worst. Then the relief that came as I scrolled down to see you escaped (mostly) unharmed. I couldn't have been more concerned/relieved reading a post from a family member with the same title.

Glad your ok!

I "talk" with folks on the forum way more than I do with my sister( we have little apart from blood in common)!
Humpy and I do "Words with Friends" and take a week or so for a game and have little asides as we play via the chat button, I met Wolfman one night after the Phillip Island Grand Prix last year, Its kinda funny how you "get to know" people via our common interest.

I too felt a pang when I saw the pics and I am really worried when I start to read threads about members that have a drop or near miss or have a friend/relative in the same boat.

good to hear your Ok Lone sorry about the thread hi-jack (but not about the sentimentality)
Put my mouse over on the right side and scrolled down really fast.....
it's like you're going down in real time Lone!
Rep point on the way cause I got a giggle outta what I did and then had a pang of guilt! XOXO
the part that amazes me is that from the initial pics, there's no concept of how fast you might have been going - then in the "down" pictures, you see just how far you slid and rolled. Wild.
Lol, you guys are the best. Seriously. This is such a great community here.

First off Kenny the pleasure was all mine, haha you are something spectacular I'll tell you that much. Brilliant stuff. We will undoubtedly ride again one day. I'm not done with North America yet.

And Garrett, with that attitude you most certainly won't! Haha make a big giant epic thread about how you're going to haul ass across the continent and MAKE people come out. Even if you don't end up going too far you will stir up all kinds of trouble. And you will definitely find the experience immensely rewarding. 100% money-back guarantee there.

And this is a brilliant hi-jack. I'm going to be taking some time off the track riding for a bit due to budgetary constraints (lol) but I think I need to reconnect with my touring side for a while. This has given me a good boost in that direction. So thanks guys, all of youse.

I'm really looking forward to the next couple years and can't wait to meet as many more members of this board as I can.

Because, quite honestly, I have yet to find anything more enriching and enjoyable than this business of ours. I am blessed, truly blessed, to have the ongoing ability and privilege to take part in all this. I had to learn a lot of lessons in humility, but I think I've got her figured out now. Lol

Right now Europe is next on the chopping block it seems. And Australia you're not far behind either! Haha coming to getcha!

P.S. @ Shiny-Side, I did manage to scrub off a lot of speed before going down there. I was heavy on the brakes but the front just kept bouncing and I couldn't get it to smooth out so I could tip in. I tried to make the corner until right near the end when I gave up and tried to scrub off as much speed as I could before the gravel. So while I entered the corner super quick, by the time I hit the ground I wasn't going too quick.

Last year I faceplanted at like 170-180kph or so though. Haha now THAT was interesting. I slid through to the gravel trap, bounced through the entire width of the gravel, then bounced over a small ridge and rolled about another 30 yards into some hay bails......which I almost lit on fire with the heat from my engine. Lol I was not a happy camper but came away unscathed. *knocks on wood*

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