Well, I did it.......and appeared to pass the first test!


Missing The Fiz-Sometimes
Jul 14, 2008
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Plymouth, MI
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I went to a yellow (actually more like Mountain Dew) colored jacket for this season. It looks terrible, and my wife laughed when she saw it, but evidently it significantly increases my survival odds when I'm out in traffic. Went with a silver helmet as well - I'm kind of like a middle aged Power Ranger now.

Anyway, the first biker I passed this year (on Beck Road here in Plymouth for all you Michigan folks), waved before I did. My guess is....he saw me coming!

Any other yellow out there?
I want a brighter color jacket -- maybe not quite yellow.

The one I have I got because it was cold when I bought the bike and I needed something to ride it home.
I was thinking of one, but went with a light gray. I've seen a few guys around in bright yellow ones, you can see them from afar. Seems like they start riding first in the season.
I wear the Joe Rocket Phoenix 5 Yellow and Black mesh jacket and a silver helmet. Bees and wasps seem to see it well.
I didn't have the courage to go hi-vis when I bought my last jacket. I'm still in my twenties (barely!). My visibility strategy has been to complement my raven fz6 and dark gear with a plain white helmet. I hope to add a headlight modulator in the next few months. If I'm still riding when I'm 40, I'll go hi-vis. Maybe sooner if I have kids.
I didn't have the courage to go hi-vis when I bought my last jacket. I'm still in my twenties (barely!). My visibility strategy has been to complement my raven fz6 and dark gear with a plain white helmet. I hope to add a headlight modulator in the next few months. If I'm still riding when I'm 40, I'll go hi-vis. Maybe sooner if I have kids.

Ditto on the Modulator! Goal is to do a high low on the rightside and modulate the RS or both sides if I buy one vs making one. . .
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Funny. When I was young all I though about was getting everything off the bike to not stand out to the CHP (Police). I would remove every reflector and dim the lights. Now that I'm older I thought about getting something like this.

I have one of those Icon milspec.dayglo green vests that I'll use when I'm doing a lot of freeway travel. That thing pops!!!

I scored this one a few weeks ago. I'll try to get a proper pic of me wearing it soon. My co-workers have sure noticed it.

SERIOUSLY - Let it be a conversation piece. A little extra visibility is worth every stare... literally.

And by the way, I'll wear this 365 days a year - zero F through 105F.
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I've got a bright yellow safety mesh vest that I used to wear over the top of the bike jacket. I really didn't mind wearing it but:

  • I take a backpack every day so its a bit difficult to see anyway
  • The velcro is just about useless now after a couple of years of abuse

I haven't worn it in over a year but you're making me think about dusting it off again or maybe getting something a bit more robust and new.
I'm with ya!!!

Here's my reasoning....I'm too old to try and be "cool" (mid 30's).
Having said that, I figure I might as well try and be visible. It just might save me.

Besides, if I wanted "cool" I would have gotten a chopper (even better a Honda Fury...mass production chopper!) and wore my muscle shirt to show off the Harley tattoos.

I'm just not that guy. I went for the Tourmaster Epic Jacket.
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Well I AM in my twenties (26), and I DO have a hi-vis jacket! Does that make me a dork? I really don't care, I know people see me on the road. Cars give me lots of space, I do get the early wave, compliments from pedestrians ("I think all bikers should wear that color" etc), and one time the car behind me honked at another car that was drifting into my lane without me knowing it! He got a big thumbs up from me :thumbup:

I might get another jacket for group rides where visibility isn't an issue, but being a primarily lone wolf rider, I LOVE the extra visibility.

Plenty of vents, pockets, reflecty bits, and removable liner. Love it. This is it here, the Tourmaster Epic:


EDIT: DUDE, KDN! Nice jacket haha. Good one.
Good choice on the jacket. I have a vest that I use sometimes but I rarely ride in traffic....the deer don't care what color you are.

but evidently it significantly increases my survival odds when I'm out in traffic.

If this will significantly increase your survival odds imagine what learning how to ride wll/defensively will do!
Scorpion Trible play jacket that is yellow and black. I wear a joe rocket mesh ballastic 8.0 red, in the Florida heat.

Yellow is cool and the more visiblity the better!!