Well Hell!

i would go see your doctor asap. If you heard a pop from your knee, it could be a number of things including the dreaded torn ACL. I had the unfortunate experience of tearing my ACL just a little over a month ago and I'm still barely able to walk on my own. won't hurt you to see a dr. lets hope for the best.
Thats the thing. I am like obsessive about making sure its down, in gear, letting out the clutch, pushing against the gears to make sure that the only way it can roll is to make the kick stand stay down. I have a cold, so I guess that is what my brain was doing instead of what it was supposed to be doing.

Oh well. It is down to a dull ache now. two aleve and a theraflu later. LOL

Just goes to show that you have to have your head in the game 100% on the motorcycle. Even a minor thing like a cold, which wouldn't ordinarily cause me to change anything about how I procede through a day, can apparently be enough to lose the edge. That is a worthwhile lesson to keep in mind. No wonder they say never drink and ride, when even something as minor as a cold can put you down.
Man that sux dude:(. I nearly came a cropper myself recently on the driveway so don't feel too bad about that part. Just hope you heal quick and get your bike sorted out:thumbup:.
+1 on casual_lee's suggestion of a doctors visit.....you never know.
That just plain sucks man! We humans do the dumbest things sometimes.

( This thread would be a good read for the " How do you pump your gas poll? " )

I hope you heal up quick and that nothing is damaged permanently. Hopefully all that will remain damaged is your pride- the embarrassment usually hurts the most.

I did the same thing the second week I owned my bike except I fell into some bushes and was stuck!!!!! I sat there for about five minutes but I could not move an inch! Some man happened to be driving by and he said he had been admiring my bike since I bought it and when he looked for it that day all he saw was some tires and a leg flailing about. He had to flag down another man in order to pull it off of me.

It gives me a good laugh now but at the time I had been a motorcycle rider for only about 10 days and trip into the bushes cost me my pride and an estimated $500 + in damages. ( I later had a serious wreck and had the repairs done then).

Heal quick my friend!
Bike falls on my left leg trapping it and making it go POP!:

Was that your knee, or possibly your hamstring?

Ages ago, in the wee hours of the night, a buddy and I rode our bikes into the parking lot at a local watering hole, admittedly operating our machines while possibly maintaining an extralegal blood alcohol percentage...

He pulled to a halt and I rolled in to his left. He got off his bike without putting the kick stand down. It promptly bowled him over, and he and his bike hit me while I was shutting my bike off.

I think we just laid there in a tangle with the bikes and laughed for about five minutes. By the way, I heard a POP in my right leg as it was caught between us while that foot was planted. Turned out to be my hamstring.
They seem to be ok today, just sore. I dont have any medical insurance so unless I am really bad hurt I cant go to the doctor. Just the way it is.

Thanks Nate!! Did you all have fun????
I am very happy for you and Angela. You guys are awesome.

Glad I wasnt stuck like Jfz6. that would of really sucked.

I can walk on both them with only a little limp so I hope they are ok.
Steve, I hope you heal fast. I have come very close to not
Putting my kickstand down on several occasions.
sorry to hear that one Steve....hope you heal soon

The only time I have laid a bike down was my Electraglide in the garage---forgot the kickstand --- big crash bars and I was able to let it down slowly--there was no way to save it

take care bro

That sucks man! Hope you do get better and that the damage can be fixed easily enough.

And like it has been said before, you gotta keep your whole head in the game while riding. I went down the other day in my schools parking lot because this attractive female waved at me and I waved back...then suddenly I was flailing at her as I was going down. Thankfully just a scratch on the mirror and foot peg. But my pride wasn't with me for the rest of the day.
LOL no. She was nice enough to come over and check that I was OK, but I am in a happy steady relationship so I wasn't trying to get a date haha. Maybe that is why I went down, for waving at another woman...
Steve, I still couldn't believe it when you texted me last night about the drop. I am really sorry man, this sucks that just when I pulled off your driveway all this happened. It was a whole fun day man with our rollercoaster yard sale, sitting on the bikes waiting for the people to see where they wanted to spend their money on around all that used stuff, deep fried burgers, working on my pot lights.... anyways man... I really appreciate all your help and as always, you are the man!

I really hope you feel better soon! We need to go to that ride next weekend!

-- Lucas
Yes that will be fun. They are having a campfire after the ride is over and food. If you want to go be sure to bring some warm stuff for the ride back. LOL
Ouch man ya i remember when i first got my bike thinking if it ever started tipping over i would be able to catch it, but the day i forgot to put my stand down the bike is sooo heavy theres just no way, good luck on the heal!